ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_154AHE_Electronic_2023-01 / INBOX / DRAFTS / 5G_eLCS_Ph3

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icon 001_S2-230XXX.docx 2022/12/06 15:13 195,9 KB
icon CATT-S2-22xxxxx_CR_eLCS_Ph3_enhance the triggered location.docx 2022/12/06 7:32 290,5 KB
icon LMFcheck-Thales_06122022 - v1.pptx 2022/12/06 10:39 105,1 KB
icon LMFcheck-Thales_06122022.pptx 2022/12/06 10:05 105,1 KB
icon S2-220byyy - CR-User plane positioning procedures.docx 2022/12/06 2:27 91,5 KB
icon S2-220byyy was S2-2211233- CR-General description to support PRUs.docx 2022/12/06 2:25 281,5 KB
icon S2-2211202 was 11008 was 10923-DRAFT LS_eLCS_Ph3_SA3_CT1_CT4 on UE event reporting .docx 2022/12/06 1:20 33,8 KB
icon S2-2211232 was 11218 was 11012-5G_eLCS_Ph3 CR to support PRUs.docx 2022/12/06 1:21 169,4 KB
icon S2-22XXXXXX - LCS UP in PNI-NPN v2.1.docx 2022/12/06 11:52 182,6 KB
icon S2-22XXXXXX - LCS UP in PNI-NPN v2.2.docx 2022/12/06 16:37 193,6 KB
icon S2-22XXXXXX - LCS UP in PNI-NPN v2.docx 2022/12/06 11:38 182,4 KB
icon S2-22XXXXXX - LCS UP in PNI-NPN.docx 2022/12/06 6:13 289,9 KB

12 items.