ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / TSG_SA / TSGS_102_Edinburgh_2023-12 / INBOX / DRAFTS / Agreed_SIDs

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icon Draft SP-23xxxx was 1756 was 1684 was 1281_wasS2-2313746_new SI_Ambient_IoT.docx 2023/12/14 16:17 47,8 KB
icon draft_rev_SP-231752_rev_of_1699_User_Identities (1).docx 2023/12/14 16:16 73,2 KB
icon rev_SP-231673_was1280_S2-2313913_Study_on_Edge_Computing_Ph3_hw.docx 2023/12/14 16:03 58,8 KB
icon SP-231676_SP-231295_S2-2311898_11650_was_10333_was_SP-231071_was_S2-2308474_VMR_Ph2_SID-r03.docx 2023/12/14 16:15 39,8 KB
icon SP-23xxxx_was1680_UAS_Ph3_SID_v1.docx 2023/12/14 16:16 41,9 KB

5 items.