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icon R17 inter-band CA_3DL1UL 2021/06/04 5:54
icon 2nd draft R4-2110658 Band combination table for DC of 4 bands LTE inter-band CA (4DL1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL1UL).xlsx 2021/06/02 10:32 96,5 KB
icon 2nd draft R4-2110683 CR to introduce new combinations of LTE 4band + NR 1band for TS 38.101-3.docx 2021/06/02 10:32 253,5 KB
icon 3rd draft R4-2110658 Band combination table for DC of 4 bands LTE inter-band CA (4DL1UL) and 1 NR band (1DL1UL).xlsx 2021/06/03 19:11 96,9 KB
icon draft 2 R4-2111070 Rel-17 revised WID DC of 3 bands LTE and 1 NR band.xlsx 2021/06/02 9:51 229,4 KB
icon draft 2 R4-2111071 Rel-17 revised WID 4 bands NR CA.xlsx 2021/06/02 9:57 415,7 KB
icon draft 2 R4-2111078 big CR 38.101-3 for PC2 combinations with more than 2 bands.docx 2021/06/02 22:03 455,5 KB
icon draft 2 R4-2111546 big CR 38.101-3 new combinations LTE 3DL and one NR band.docx 2021/06/02 9:51 386,9 KB
icon Draft R4-2107813_Big CR for 38.101-1, Introduce new band combinations for V2X con-current operation.docx 2021/06/01 1:39 149,2 KB
icon Draft R4-2107813_Big CR for 38.101-1, Introduce new band combinations for V2X con-current operation_v1.docx 2021/06/02 1:42 149,2 KB
icon Draft R4-2107836 TR 2021/05/31 13:20 147,3 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 185,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2109031 TR 37.867 0.3.0 Downlink interruption for band combinations to conduct dynamic Tx 2021/05/31 2:46 130,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2109031 TR 37.867 0.3.0 2021/05/31 8:35 137,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2109043_TR 37.875, Band combinations for V2X con-current operation.docx 2021/06/01 1:39 300,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2109043_TR 37.875, Band combinations for V2X con-current operation_v1.docx 2021/06/01 7:21 309 KB
icon Draft R4-2109611 CR on introduction of completed NR CADC combs with 4DL2UL within FR1.docx 2021/06/01 2:21 115,4 KB
icon draft R4-2109625 for NR CA_DC 4DL_2UL_update_RAN4#99-e.xlsx 2021/06/01 2:21 373,4 KB
icon draft R4-2109625 for NR CA_DC 4DL_2UL_update_RAN4#99-e_rev1.xlsx 2021/06/02 8:13 356,3 KB
icon draft R4-2109627 Combos for DC 5BLTE+1BNR_RAN4#99e.xlsx 2021/06/01 2:15 39,3 KB
icon draft R4-2109766 Revised WID for SUL band 2021/06/01 3:42 66,1 KB
icon Draft R4-2109767 TR 37.717-00-00 v0.5.0 CM.docx 2021/06/01 3:42 267,6 KB
icon draft R4-2109768 CR on Introduction of completed SUL band combinations into TS 38.101-1 V2.docx 2021/06/03 2:41 162,2 KB
icon draft R4-2109768 CR on Introduction of completed SUL band combinations into TS 38.101-1.docx 2021/06/01 3:42 162,9 KB
icon draft R4-2109770 Revised WID on NR inter-band CA for 5 bands .zip 2021/06/01 3:43 156,2 KB
icon draft R4-2109772 CR on Introduction of completed 5 bands inter-band CA into TS 38.101-1.docx 2021/06/01 3:43 63,8 KB
icon draft R4-2110051 Draft TR 38.841 v0.4.0 High power UE (power class 2) for NR inter-band 2021/05/31 8:22 366,6 KB
icon draft R4-2110052 CR to 38.101-1 Introduce RF requirements for HPUE CA with 2 bands downlink and x bands uplink (x =1,2).docx 2021/05/31 8:20 339,6 KB
icon draft R4-2110071 CR to 38.101-1 Introduce DL interruption clarification for CA to conduct Tx Switching.docx 2021/05/31 8:54 113,3 KB
icon Draft R4-2110092 - Big CR to TS 38.104 Adding channel BW support in existing NR bands.docx 2021/05/31 9:25 71,2 KB
icon Draft R4-2110093 - Big CR to TS 38.101-1 Adding channel BW support in existing NR bands.docx 2021/05/31 9:25 170,5 KB
icon draft R4-2110461 Band combinations for NR CA_DC 2 band DL with up to 2 band UL_r1.xlsx 2021/06/03 2:39 813,6 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 609 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 647,5 KB
icon draft R4-2110462_CR NR inter band CA DC 2 bands DL with up to 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-1_r1.docx 2021/06/02 7:20 667,8 KB
icon draft R4-2110462_CR NR inter band CA DC 2 bands DL with up to 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-1_r2.docx 2021/06/03 2:37 675,8 KB
icon draft R4-2110462_CR NR inter band CA DC 2 bands DL with up to 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-1_r3.docx 2021/06/03 12:33 676 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 65,4 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 365,1 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 599,7 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 370,9 KB
icon draft R4-2110466_CR NR inter band CA DC 3 bands DL with 2 bands UL into TS 38.101-1_r1.docx 2021/06/03 2:28 376,6 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 70,2 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 53,9 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 106,3 KB
icon draft R4-2110471 Band combinations for DC_LTE xDL_2UL(x=1,2,3)+NR 3DL_1UL_r1.xlsx 2021/06/03 2:18 602,4 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 142,1 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:23 249,2 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:21 261,2 KB
icon draft R4-2110595 Rel.17 1 band LTE 1 band NR 2021/06/01 8:40 242,9 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 7:45 139,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2110665 TR 37.717-21-11 v0.5.0_DC of 2 LTE band and 1 NR band.docx 2021/06/01 8:04 618,2 KB
icon Draft R4-2110666 WID Revision DC of 2 LTE band and 1 NR 2021/06/01 8:18 989,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2110666 WID Revision DC of 2 LTE band and 1 NR 2021/06/03 2:54 988,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2110667 CR for DC of 2 bands LTE and 1 NR band.docx 2021/06/01 8:04 598,6 KB
icon draft R4-2110683 CR to introduce new combinations of LTE 4band + NR 1band for TS 38.101-3.docx 2021/06/01 7:45 253,6 KB
icon draft R4-2110691 draft TR 38.849 v0.3.0 RM.docx 2021/06/01 7:45 120,9 KB
icon draft R4-2110714 Big CR for 1 band LTE + 1 band NR .docx 2021/06/01 9:03 809,9 KB
icon draft R4-2110715 draft TR 37.717-41-11-050 - RM.docx 2021/06/01 7:45 200,1 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:22 1565,5 KB
icon draft 2021/06/01 9:22 907,3 KB
icon draft R4-2111069 Rel-17 revised WID Band combination table for NR Intra band CA for xCC DL_yCC 2021/06/01 6:00 79,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111070 Rel-17 revised WID DC of 3 bands LTE and 1 NR 2021/06/01 6:00 237,6 KB
icon draft R4-2111071 Rel-17 revised WID 4 bands NR 2021/06/01 6:06 306,4 KB
icon draft R4-2111072 revised WID on PC2 EN-DC_with xLTE band + yNR band 2021/06/01 6:08 59,1 KB
icon draft R4-2111073 big CR 38.101-1 for NR Intra-band in FR1.docx 2021/06/01 6:00 93,3 KB
icon draft R4-2111074 big CR 38.101-2 for NR Intra-band in FR2.docx 2021/06/01 6:00 127 KB
icon draft R4-2111076 big CR 38.101-1 for NR Inter-band 4 band CA.docx 2021/06/01 6:06 162,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111078 big CR 38.101-3 for PC2 combinations with more than 2 bands.docx 2021/06/01 6:08 456,1 KB
icon draft R4-2111079 TR 38.717-01-01 v050, with track changes.docx 2021/06/01 6:00 119,1 KB
icon draft R4-2111080 TR 37.717-31-11 v050, with track changes.docx 2021/06/01 6:00 427,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111081 TR 38.717-04-01 v050, with track changes.docx 2021/06/01 6:06 264 KB
icon draft R4-2111082 TR 38.827 v010, with track changes.docx 2021/06/01 6:08 169,7 KB
icon draft R4-2111208 inter band LTE CA for 4, 5 and 6 bands DL with 1 band UL.xlsx 2021/06/01 13:25 56,1 KB
icon draft R4-2111393 revised WID Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band 2021/06/01 13:08 75,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111393 revised WID Rel-17 LTE inter-band CA for 3 bands DL with 1 band UL_rev.XLSX 2021/06/03 10:04 55,8 KB
icon draft R4-2111414 TR 36.717-03-01 V030_cm.docx 2021/06/01 13:25 202,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111453 CR for TS 36.101 Introduction of completed LTE CA for 2 bands DL with 2 bands UL into Rel-17.docx 2021/05/31 2:01 256,5 KB
icon draft R4-2111546 big CR 38.101-3 new combinations LTE 3DL and one NR band.docx 2021/06/01 6:00 380,8 KB
icon Draft-R4-2108866 TR 38.861 v0.1.0 FS_NR_PC2_UE_FDD.docx 2021/05/31 7:08 212,9 KB
icon Draft-R4-2108937 Big CR on introduction of completed PC2 for EN-DC with 1 LTE band + 1 NR TDD band.docx 2021/05/31 2:46 84,4 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109774_Revised WID on LTE-A x bands (x=3,4,5) DL with 2 bands UL CA band 2021/06/01 7:36 64,7 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109774_Revised 2021/06/02 23:48 64,4 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109814_Big CR on LTE-A inter-band CA for x bands (x=3,4,5) DL with 2 bands UL in TS36.101.DOCX 2021/06/01 7:34 558 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109814_Big CR on LTE-A inter-band CA for x bands (x=3,4,5) DL with 2 bands UL in TS36.101_v01.DOCX 2021/06/02 23:48 558,8 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109841_TR 2021/06/01 7:39 4665,3 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109857_Revised WID on Rel-17 DC of LTE x band (x=1,2,3,4) DL_1UL and NR 2 band DL_1UL 2021/06/03 0:14 4146,6 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109857_Revised WID on Rel-17 DC of LTE x bands(x=1,2,3,4) DL_1UL and NR 2bands 2021/06/01 7:41 4147,9 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109875_Big CR for DC of LTE x band (x=1,2,3,4) DL_1UL and NR 2 band DL_1UL combination.docx 2021/06/01 7:43 942,8 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109875_Big CR for DC of LTE x band (x=1,2,3,4) DL_1UL and NR 2 band DL_1UL combination_v01.docx 2021/06/02 0:22 945,7 KB
icon Draft_R4-2109875_Big CR for DC of LTE x band (x=1,2,3,4) DL_1UL and NR 2 band DL_1UL combination_v02.docx 2021/06/02 10:14 944,5 KB
icon draft_R4-2110788 Revised WID Rel17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 1 band 2021/06/01 3:32 66,9 KB
icon draft_R4-2110788 Revised WID Rel17 LTE inter-band CA for 2 bands DL with 1 band 2021/06/03 2:38 67,1 KB
icon R4-2109736 draft TR38.717-04-02 update version 2021/06/01 2:18 264,3 KB
icon R4-2110465 Band combinations for NR CA_DC 3 band DL with 2 band UL_r1.xlsx 2021/06/02 1:32 780,2 KB

95 items.