Document List for 3GPPRAN4#68-BIS
List generated on : 2013-10-02 at 11:05:37 (GMT +01:00)

DOCUMENT: Meeting Agenda
Doc.Name R4-134575 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TB Chairman
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Meeting agenda
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DOCUMENT: RAN4-68 meeting report
Doc.Name R4-134576 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Abstract: RAN4-68 meeting report for approval.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134577 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.104
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134578 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134579 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134580 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.141
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134581 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of Tx IM requirement for BC1 band supporting n
on-contiguous operation
Doc.Name R4-134582 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: MSR_NC
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833: BS specific requirement for 2UL non-contig
uous intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134583 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: 12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of receiver test requirements for multi-band BS
Doc.Name R4-134584 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, CATT, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of receiver test requirements for multi-band BS
Doc.Name R4-134585 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, CATT, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of intra-band contiguous CA for Band 27
Doc.Name R4-134586 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, NII, Ericsson, Huawei
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Core
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of intra-band contiguous CA for Band 27
Doc.Name R4-134587 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, NII, Ericsson, Huawei
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.833-1-23: LTE_CA_C_B23 v0.1.0
Doc.Name R4-134588 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B23
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The approved TPs in RAN 68 are incorporated in the attached updated TR 36.833-1-
23 v0.1.0
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-23: RF Requirements for UE
Doc.Name R4-134589 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses the remaining UE RF requirements for CA_23B and cont
ains a text proposal for Section 6 of the TR, E-UTRA RF requirements for UE.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-23: RRM Requirements for UE
Doc.Name R4-134590 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses UE RRM requirements for CA_23B and contains a text p
roposal for Section 7 of the TR, E-UTRA RRM requirements for UE.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-23: Demodulation performance for BS and
Doc.Name R4-134591 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B23-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses BS and UE demodulation performance requirements for
CA_23B and contains a text proposal for Section 9 of the TR, E-UTRA demodulation
performance for BS and UE.
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DOCUMENT: CR for 36.101: LTE_CA_C_B23 UE Core Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134592 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_C_CA_B23-Core
Document for: Technical Endorsement
Abstract: Introduction of LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 2
3 to TS 36.101
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DOCUMENT: 36.833-2-23: LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier
Aggregation (CA) in Band 23 v0.1.0
Doc.Name R4-134593 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The approved TPs in RAN4 #68 are now incorporated in the attached updated TR 36.
833-2-23 v0.1.0
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-2-23: UE RF requirements for LTE Advanced
intra band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band 2
Doc.Name R4-134594 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses UE RF requirements for the proposed intra-band non-c
ontiguous CA in Band 23 and contains a text proposal for Section 6.1 and Section
6.3 of the TR.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-2-23: UE RRM requirements for LTE Advanced
intra band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band
Doc.Name R4-134595 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses UE RRM requirements for the proposed intra-band non-
contiguous CA in Band 23 and contains a text proposal for Section 7 of the TR.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-2-23: E-UTRA demodulation requirements for
LTE Advanced intra band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation
(CA) in Band 23
Doc.Name R4-134596 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses demodulation performance for BS and UE for the propo
sed intra-band non-contiguous CA in Band 23 and contains a text proposal for Sec
tion 9 of the TR.
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DOCUMENT: Text proposal for LTE-A inter-band CA B12+B25 (2DL/1UL)
Doc.Name R4-134597 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: U.S. Cellular
Specification: TR 36.851
Release: Release 12
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25
Document for: Text proposal for TR36.851 (Release 12) containing the relaxation values for TIB
and RIB for the LTE-A inter-band CA of B12 and B25 (2DL/1UL), which is a Class
A1 inter-band CA scenario
Abstract: Text proposal for inter-band CA B12+B25
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DOCUMENT: View on the relaxed performance requirement for small cell d
Doc.Name R4-134598 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, the analysis of relaxed inter-frequency measurement requirements
has been represented. Based on analysis, the response to RAN2 is also suggested
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.860: Updating table for in-device systems with
B3+B7, B20+B3
Doc.Name R4-134599 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TeliaSonera AB
Specification: TP for TR 36.860
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In RAN4 #68 a general table format for in-device systems was agreed in R4-134418
. This input updates the table for the European inter-bands: B3 + B7 and B3 + B2
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DOCUMENT: UL configurations for REFSENS with 1 UL for intra-band NC_CA
in Band 7
Doc.Name R4-134600 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B7-core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we discuss the assumptions related to RFSENS requirements
investigations of different UL configuration assumed in band 7. In the WID, only
1 UL CC is mentioned, thus, we concentrate on 1UL case in this contribution.
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DOCUMENT: UL configurations for REFSENS with 1 UL for intra-band NC CA
in Band 3
Doc.Name R4-134601 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we discuss RFSENS requirements investigations of different
UL configuration assumed in band 3. In the WID, only 1 UL CC is mentioned, thus
, we concentrate on 1UL case in this contribution.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carri
er Aggregation (CA) in Band 23 to TS 36.104
Doc.Name R4-134602 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network, ZTE
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds the CA_23A-23A band-case listing into the appropriate table
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DOCUMENT: Operators view on: Maximum number of carriers a UE should be
able to monitor for UTRA and for E-UTRA
Doc.Name R4-134603 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TeliaSonera AB
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The maximum number of carriers a UE can monitor for cell-reselection or handover
is limited for UTRA and E-UTRA in order to preserve UE power consumption and me
mory usage. The number of used carriers/bands per operator is increasing and thi
s limitation puts constraints in operators network planning. The limitation was
discussed in the R4-134096 document and a WF in R4-134380. Below tables list op
erators view on the minimum number of layers/cells a UE should be able to monito
r for UTRA and for E-UTRA, respectively.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carri
er Aggregation in Band 23 to TS 36.141
Doc.Name R4-134604 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network, ZTE
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds the CA_23A-23A band-case listing into the appropriate table
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous intraband CA minimum channel spacing in 36.14
1 (Rel-11).
Doc.Name R4-134605 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR defines the mininmum channel spacing for non-contiguous intraband CA in
36.141. It has been defined accordingly in 36.101 and 36.104 for non-contiguous
intra-band CA case.
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous intraband CA minimum channel spacing in 36.14
1 (Rel-12).
Doc.Name R4-134606 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR defines the mininmum channel spacing for non-contiguous intraband CA in
36.141. It has been defined accordingly in 36.101 and 36.104 for non-contiguous
intra-band CA case.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307 (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134607 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network, ZTE
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds a chapter about CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307 (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134608 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network, ZTE
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds a chapter about CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307 (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134609 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: DISH Network, ZTE
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: 10
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds a chapter about CA_23A-23A to TS 36.307
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to the notes in the band UE co-existence require
ments table (Rel-8)
Doc.Name R4-134610 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 8
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: Rewording of some notes to describe more clearly the applicability of requiremen
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to the notes in the band UE co-existence require
ments table (Rel-9)
Doc.Name R4-134611 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 9
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: Rewording of some notes to describe more clearly the applicability of requiremen
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to the notes in the band UE co-existence require
ments table (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134612 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: Rewording of some notes to describe more clearly the applicability of requiremen
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to the notes in the band UE co-existence require
ments table (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134613 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: Rewording of some notes to describe more clearly the applicability of requiremen
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to the notes in the band UE co-existence require
ments table (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134614 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: Rewording of some notes to describe more clearly the applicability of requiremen
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DOCUMENT: Clean-up of uplink reference measurement channels (Rel-8)
Doc.Name R4-134615 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 8
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: New compact way of describing UL-RMC-s with partial allocation, independent from
channel bandwidth and as rows - instead of columns - of a table. The new propos
al contains UL-RMCs for all allowed combinations channel BW & RB allocation.
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DOCUMENT: Clean-up of uplink reference measurement channels (Rel-9)
Doc.Name R4-134616 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 9
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: New compact way of describing UL-RMC-s with partial allocation, independent from
channel bandwidth and as rows - instead of columns - of a table. The new propos
al contains UL-RMCs for all allowed combinations channel BW & RB allocation.
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DOCUMENT: Clean-up of uplink reference measurement channels (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134617 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: New compact way of describing UL-RMC-s with partial allocation, independent from
channel bandwidth and as rows - instead of columns - of a table. The new propos
al contains UL-RMCs for all allowed combinations channel BW & RB allocation.
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DOCUMENT: Clean-up of uplink reference measurement channels (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134618 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: New compact way of describing UL-RMC-s with partial allocation, independent from
channel bandwidth and as rows - instead of columns - of a table. The new propos
al contains UL-RMCs for all allowed combinations channel BW & RB allocation.
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DOCUMENT: Clean-up of uplink reference measurement channels (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134619 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: New compact way of describing UL-RMC-s with partial allocation, independent from
channel bandwidth and as rows - instead of columns - of a table. The new propos
al contains UL-RMCs for all allowed combinations channel BW & RB allocation.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA event triggered tests on deactivated SCell
with PCell interruption in non-DRX (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134620 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: - RMC / OCNG pattern change for FDD to allocate PDSCH in every sub-frame.
- Clearer wording for the number of ACK/NACKs as requirement metric.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA event triggered tests on deactivated SCell
with PCell interruption in non-DRX (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134621 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: - RMC / OCNG pattern change for FDD to allocate PDSCH in every sub-frame.
- Clearer wording for the number of ACK/NACKs as requirement metric.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA event triggered tests on deactivated SCell
with PCell interruption in non-DRX (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134622 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: - RMC / OCNG pattern change for FDD to allocate PDSCH in every sub-frame. - Clea
rer wording for the number of ACK/NACKs as requirement metric.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to RSTD reporting tests (Rel-9)
Doc.Name R4-134623 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 9
WI code: TEI9
Document for: CR
Abstract: - Time difference between cells for intra-frequency tests corrected.
- Clarification of conflict cases between SIB allocation and PRS subframes.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to RSTD reporting tests (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134624 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: TEI9
Document for: CR
Abstract: - Time difference between cells for intra-frequency tests corrected. - Clarifica
tion of conflict cases between SIB allocation and PRS subframes.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to RSTD reporting tests (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134625 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: TEI9
Document for: CR
Abstract: - Time difference between cells for intra-frequency tests corrected. - Clarifica
tion of conflict cases between SIB allocation and PRS subframes.
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to RSTD reporting tests (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134626 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI9
Document for: CR
Abstract: - Time difference between cells for intra-frequency tests corrected. - Clarifica
tion of conflict cases between SIB allocation and PRS subframes.
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DOCUMENT: Skeleton TR 36.833-5-41
Doc.Name R4-134627 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sprint
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B41
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Initial skeleton TR 36.833-5-41, technical report for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggre
gation in Band 41 for 3DL
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DOCUMENT: Reference sensitivity for 3CC Intraband contiguous CA in Ban
d 41
Doc.Name R4-134628 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sprint
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B41
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Proposal for Reference sensitivity for 3CC Intraband contiguous CA in Band 41
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-5-41: Spec changes needed
Doc.Name R4-134629 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sprint
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B41
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal for TR 36.833-5-41 listing specification changes needed for WI LTE
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-5-41: Work Plan
Doc.Name R4-134630 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sprint
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B41
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal for TR 36.833-5-41 proposing work plan to complete WI LTE_CA_C_B41
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DOCUMENT: UE Performance requirements for 4X4MIMO for CSI reporting
Doc.Name R4-134631 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
Release: 11
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides the results for CSI reporting under MIMO mode with 4 tran
smit antennas
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DOCUMENT: UE Performance requirements for 4X4MIMO for HS-SCCH
Doc.Name R4-134632 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
Release: 11
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides the results for HS-SCCH under MIMO mode with 4 transmit a
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DOCUMENT: CR: HS-PDSCH performance requirements for 4 branch MIMO
Doc.Name R4-134633 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces the performance requirements for MIMO mode with 4 transmit an
tennas for HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH
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DOCUMENT: CR: HS-PDSCH performance requirements for 4 branch MIMO REL
Doc.Name R4-134634 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Cat A of R4-134633
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DOCUMENT: CSI testing for MIMO mode with 4 transmit antennas
Doc.Name R4-134635 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces the performance requirements for MIMO mode with 4 transmit an
tennas for CSI reporting
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DOCUMENT: CSI testing for MIMO mode with 4 transmit antennas
Doc.Name R4-134636 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Cat A of R4-134635
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DOCUMENT: CR for 25.104 to align the terminology for MIMO mode with 4
transmit antennas
Doc.Name R4-134637 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.104
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR alignes the terminology used for MIMO mode with 4 transmit antennas.
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DOCUMENT: CR for 25.104 to align the terminology for MIMO mode with 4
transmit antennas
Doc.Name R4-134638 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.104
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: 4Tx_HSDPA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Cat A CR of R4-134637
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DOCUMENT: CoMP: CSI Test results for static and fading conditions
Doc.Name R4-134639 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides a proposal for the final setting for the CSI test under f
ading conditions, and it provides simulation results.
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DOCUMENT: RI test for TM10
Doc.Name R4-134640 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides RI test set up and initial simulation results
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DOCUMENT: Modification of legacy TM9 tests for SNR estimation
Doc.Name R4-134641 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: this documents provide the set up to modify the legacy SU-MIMO TM9 tests in orde
r to introduce an imbalance between CRS sand DM-RS in terms of power level and n
oise+interference. Simulation results are provided.
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DOCUMENT: CoMP PDSCH demodulation under test 1
Doc.Name R4-134642 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document proposes simulation results for Test 1 under Comp PDSCH demodulati
on. Both Test 1-A and 1-B are considered.
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DOCUMENT: CoMP PDSCH demodulation under test 2
Doc.Name R4-134643 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document proposes simulation results for Test 2 under Comp PDSCH demodulati
on according to different options related to the use of CRS-IC.
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DOCUMENT: On the usage of CRS-IC for CoMP
Doc.Name R4-134644 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document discusses the implications of the recent RAN decision to mandate t
he use of CRS- interference handling in rel-11, on CoMP work item. Also deployme
nt aspects and test coverage are taken into account. Several options are are con
sidered as way forward for COMP work item.
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Doc.Name R4-134645 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This is a CR to introduce the framework for test 1-A as draft CR.
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DOCUMENT: EPDCCH test: Initial simulation results for localized and di
stributed and finalized test.
Doc.Name R4-134646 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides initial simulation results for the distributed and locali
zed setting. For localized setting the remaining issues such as the methodology
to test monitoring subframes, TPs setting etc are also discussed.
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DOCUMENT: ePDCCH test together with PDSCH
Doc.Name R4-134647 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This documents discusses the possible setting for the new SDR tests agreed in th
e last meeting.
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DOCUMENT: EPDCCH monitoring in PRS subframe
Doc.Name R4-134648 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion paper on the LS received from RAN 1 in R1-132820
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DOCUMENT: System level results: geometry levels and interference profi
les for scenario 2
Doc.Name R4-134649 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This documents provides system level simulations for Scenario 2a/b.
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DOCUMENT: System level simulations results on MCS and RI probability d
epending on the conditions for the finalization of the phase
II setting.
Doc.Name R4-134650 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides the system level simulations for the definition of the MC
S and RI% for both scenario 1 and scenario 2 with the aim to finalize the set up
for phase II simulation campaign.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on signalling need vs coordination and detection
of parameters for NAICS
Doc.Name R4-134651 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document discussed the tradeoff between signalling need, network coordinati
on and potential UE blind detection of the parameter with an initial assessement
of the reliability of the estimation and its effect on the receiver.
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DOCUMENT: Link level simulation results for phase I scenario 1
Doc.Name R4-134652 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides the simulation results for phase I scenario 1 with update
d assumptions which can be used for the purpose of alignment of the results amon
g the companies
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DOCUMENT: Link level simulation results for phase II scenario 1
Doc.Name R4-134653 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides the simulation results for phase II scenario 1. In this p
aper practical receiver results are provided in order to show the gap wrt to ide
al genie aided receiver in dynamic set up.
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DOCUMENT: Link level simulation results for phase I scenario 2
Doc.Name R4-134654 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides a methodology for a link to system mapping. It provides t
he list of input parameters which needs to be modeled and an initial assessement
of their impact on performance.
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DOCUMENT: Link to System mapping
Doc.Name R4-134655 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides a methodology for a link to system mapping. It provides t
he list of input parameters which needs to be modeled and an initial assessement
of their impact on performance.
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Doc.Name R4-134656 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces a clarification for the applicability of NC-CA tests with MIM
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Doc.Name R4-134657 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Cat A CR of R4-134656
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DOCUMENT: AAS Specification Evolution
Doc.Name R4-134658 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses options for the evolution of AAS - specific specifications.
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DOCUMENT: AAS BS Differentiation
Doc.Name R4-134659 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Abstract: Comments on the topic of AAS BS classification and implementation types.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of AAS Way Forward for Requirement Reference Poin
t Selection
Doc.Name R4-134660 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Draft WF based on the output of RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: AAS Receiver Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134661 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: AAS BS Output Power and EIRP Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134662 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Considerations for AAS Unwanted and Spurious Emissions
Doc.Name R4-134663 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Non-spatial AAS Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134664 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Priorities for AAS Reference Point Selection
Doc.Name R4-134665 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: AAS Measurement Uncertainty
Doc.Name R4-134666 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851 (Rel-12) : IMD and Harmonics Issues on LTE-A
Inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 11
Doc.Name R4-134667 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SoftBank Mobile
Specification: 36.851
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B1_B11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper discusses harmonics/IMDs effects to be introduced by this combination
and proposes TP for the relevant technical report.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851 (Rel-12) : IMD and Harmonics Issues on LTE-A
Inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 11
Doc.Name R4-134668 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SoftBank Mobile
Specification: 36.851
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B8_B11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper discusses harmonics/IMDs effects to be introduced by this combination
and proposes TP for the relevant technical report.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation Results on ETU 300 Hz High Doppler Test
Doc.Name R4-134669 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting held in 19-23 August 2013 in Barcelona, Spain introduction of
a new ETU 300 Hz high Doppler FRC test for 3.5 GHz band has been agreed. The re
ference channel still has two options to choose from. In the upcoming RAN4#68 Bi
s meeting the reference channel is to be agreed. The SNR requirements are to be
in RAN4#69 meeting. In this paper, we present our simulation results and require
d SNR for 70% maximum throughput.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation Results on DL CoMP Test 2-A
Doc.Name R4-134670 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: In this paper we present simulation results on DL CoMP demodulation Test 2-A. Th
e purpose of this test is to verify UE performing correct frequency offset compe
nsation and rate matching behavior in DL CoMP scenarios 3. The latest agreements
reached in RAN4#68 meeting has been used as simulation assumptions.
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC UE PDSCH Demodulation Simulation Results
Doc.Name R4-134671 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Updated simulation results are presented for FeICIC UE PDSCH demodulation tests.
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC UE CSI Simulation Results: Static CQI Test
Doc.Name R4-134672 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Updated simulation results are presented for FeICIC static CQI test.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation Results of CRS IC Performance in Homogeneous Netw
Doc.Name R4-134673 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: Updated simulation results are presented for CRS-IC receiver performance in homo
geneous network.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on Pcmax tolerance for UL-MIMO(R10)
Doc.Name R4-134674 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: Change the tolerance of lower bound Pcmax for some power ranges for UL-MIMO.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on Pcmax tolerance for UL-MIMO(R11)
Doc.Name R4-134675 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: Change the tolerance of lower bound Pcmax for some power ranges for UL-MIMO.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on Pcmax tolerance for UL-MIMO(R12)
Doc.Name R4-134676 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: Change the tolerance of lower bound Pcmax for some power ranges for UL-MIMO.
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: Correction on Home Base station maximum output power for TS
25.104 (R11)
Doc.Name R4-134677 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 25.104
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Add “transmit diversity” in the four branch MIMO output power definition for
Home BS.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on Home Base station maximum output power for TS
25.104 (R12)
Doc.Name R4-134678 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 25.104
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Add “transmit diversity” in the four branch MIMO output power definition for
Home BS.
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DOCUMENT: Correction of power allocation for E-UTRA non-contiguous tes
t configuration (R11)
Doc.Name R4-134679 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.141
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: To clarify the power allocation for E-UTRA non-contiguous test configuration, i.
e. set the power of each carrier to the same power rather than the power spectra
l density of each carrier to the same power.
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DOCUMENT: Correction of power allocation for E-UTRA non-contiguous tes
t configuration (R12)
Doc.Name R4-134680 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.141
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: To clarify the power allocation for E-UTRA non-contiguous test configuration, i.
e. set the power of each carrier to the same power rather than the power spectra
l density of each carrier to the same power.
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DOCUMENT: TR 37.cde V0.4.0: MB-MSR internal TR
Doc.Name R4-134681 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The tdoc is the updated RAN4 internal MB-MSR TR with Annex B for TS 37.141 to c
apture all agreements.
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DOCUMENT: Update of MB-MSR TR 37.812
Doc.Name R4-134682 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 37.812
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF_Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR captured the study results in the internal TR into the formal TR.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of MB-MSR to TS 37.141 (Clause 6)
Doc.Name R4-134683 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Alcatel Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF_Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduction of MB-MSR to MSR specification (Clause 6)
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of MB-MSR to TS 37.141 (Clause 6)
Doc.Name R4-134684 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Alcatel Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: MB_MSR_RF_Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduction of MB-MSR to MSR specification (Clause 6)
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.833-2-02 v0.0.1: LTE-Advanced intra-band non-contiguou
s Carrier Aggregation (CA) in Band 2
Doc.Name R4-134685 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B2
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Initial skeleton TR for LTE_CA_NC_B2
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DOCUMENT: Overview of RF issues on low cost MTC UE
Doc.Name R4-134686 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A new WI was established in RAN #60 on “Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE fo
r LTE”. In this contribution, an overview of introducing this new UE type for
MTC operation in RAN4 is provided and some issues are proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on UL reference measurement channel for low cost
Doc.Name R4-134687 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A new WI for MTC UE was established in RAN #60 and an overview of RF issues on l
ow cost MTC UE was provided. This contribution discusses the principle to genera
te UL reference measurement channels and proposes new UL reference measurement c
hannels accordingly given the capability of low cost MTC UE for FDD.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on DL reference measurement channel for low cost
Doc.Name R4-134688 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A new WI for MTC UE was established in RAN #60 and an overview of RF issues on l
ow cost MTC UE was provided. This contribution discusses the principle to genera
te DL reference measurement channels and proposes new DL reference measurement c
hannels accordingly given the capability of low cost MTC UE for FDD.
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DOCUMENT: Initial discussion on REFSENS for low cost MTC UE
Doc.Name R4-134689 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A new WI for MTC UE was established in RAN #60 and an overview of RF issues on l
ow cost MTC UE was provided. This contribution discusses how to define reference
sensitivity given the capability of low cost MTC UE.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on BS Spurious emissions limits for Local Area
BS co-located with another BS
Doc.Name R4-134690 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 25.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: CR
Abstract: A note containing ‘Rel-11’ was propagated into the Rel-12 specifications. Ch
ange the note to a general form to avoid the same issue in the future.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on BS Spurious emissions limits for Local Area
BS co-located with another BS
Doc.Name R4-134691 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 25.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: CR
Abstract: A note containing ‘Rel-11’ was propagated into the Rel-12 specifications. Ch
ange the note to a general form to avoid the same issue in the future.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134692 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.101.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134693 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.104.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134694 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.141.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134695 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134696 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.307.
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band2 + Band12 to TS 36.
Doc.Name R4-134697 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B12-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 2 and Band 12 is introduced to TS36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134698 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.101.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134699 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.104.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134700 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.141.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134701 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134702 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA band combination Band12 + Band25 to TS 36
Doc.Name R4-134703 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
Specification: 36.307
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B12_B25-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: LTE carrier aggregation of Band 12 and Band 25 is introduced to TS36.307.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851 (Release 12): ∆TIB and ∆RIB values of LT
E-A Inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 25 (1U
Doc.Name R4-134704 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
WI code: LTE_CA_B5_B25-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Based on the UE RF requirements for the inter-band Carrier Aggregation scenario
of Class A1, we propose the following requirements for the inter-band Carrier Ag
gregation Band 5 and Band 25.
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DOCUMENT: Harmonics and Intermodulation Products caused by LTE Advance
d Carrier Aggregation of Band Combination (5 + 25)
Doc.Name R4-134705 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
WI code: LTE_CA_B5_B25-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distor
tion (IMD) products caused by LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting carrier
aggregation of this band combination to the receiver of own or different BS.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (5 + 25)
Doc.Name R4-134706 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, US Cellular
WI code: LTE_CA_B5_B25-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Band 42 and band 43 co-existence, TX spurious emissions
Doc.Name R4-134707 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sequans Communications
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: approval
Abstract: Clarify transmitter spurious emission UE co-existence targets ( for band
s 42 and 43.

It was agreed in the previous RAN4 meeting (reflected in the meeting minutes) th
at current specifications are not correctly defined and figure is impossible to

We propose to put the figure in square brackets to clarify this
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DOCUMENT: Harmonics and Intermodulation Products caused by LTE Advance
d Carrier Aggregation of Band Combination (2 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134708 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B5_B30
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distor
tion (IMD) products caused by LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting carrier
aggregation of this band combination to the receiver of own or different BS.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (2 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134709 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B5_B30
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Band 42 and band 43 co-existence, TX spurious emissions
Doc.Name R4-134710 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sequans Communications
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It was agreed in the previous RAN4 meeting (reflected in the meeting minutes) th
at current specifications are not correctly defined and figure is impossible to

Discussion paper on values towards a real mask definition for transmitter spurio
us emission UE co-existence targets ( for bands 42 and 43.
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DOCUMENT: Harmonics and Intermodulation Products caused by LTE Advance
d Carrier Aggregation of Band Combination (4 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134711 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B4_B5_B30
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distor
tion (IMD) products caused by LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting carrier
aggregation of this band combination to the receiver of own or different BS.
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DOCUMENT: Band 42 and band 43 co-existence, TX spurious emissions
Doc.Name R4-134712 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Sequans Communications
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: approval
Abstract: Companion to R4-134710.
specifying values towards a real mask definition for transmitter spurious emissi
on UE co-existence targets ( for bands 42 and 43.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (4 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134713 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B4_B5_B30
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (5 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134714 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B5_B30
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (17 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134715 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B17_B30
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (29 + 30)
Doc.Name R4-134716 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T
WI code: LTE_CA_B2_B29_B30
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation Technical
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DOCUMENT: Harmonics and Intermodulation Products caused by LTE Advance
d Carrier Aggregation of Band Combination (20 + L)
Doc.Name R4-134717 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL -Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distor
tion (IMD) products caused by LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting carrier
aggregation of this band combination to the receiver of own or different BS.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on Coexistence Studies of Harmonics and Interm
odulation Products caused by LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregatio
n of Band Combination (20 + L)
Doc.Name R4-134718 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL -Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of Harmonics and InterModulation Distortion (IMD) products caused by
LTE Advanced Base Station (BS) supporting CA of this band combination to the rec
eiver of own or different BS was investigated. In this paper, we provide a text
proposal to record the findings in the Technical Report.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of multi-band BS testing to TS 37.141 (Clauses
4.8 – 4.11)
Doc.Name R4-134719 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Multi-band BS testing is added to TS 37.141 (Clauses 4.8 – 4.11).
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of multi-band BS testing to TS 37.141 (Clauses
4.8 – 4.11)
Doc.Name R4-134720 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Multi-band BS testing is added to TS 37.141 (Clauses 4.8 – 4.11).
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Doc.Name R4-134721 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
Release: 11
WI code: NC_4C_HSDPA-Core
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: This document discusses the introduction of new optional capability for the UE t
o support NC-MC-HSDPA and MIMO. No extra work is foreseen in RAN 4. A CR and an
LS out is proposed.
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Doc.Name R4-134722 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
Release: 11
WI code: NC_4C_HSDPA-Core
Document for: LS out
Abstract: This LS inform RAN 2 and RAN plenary that no extra work is foreseen for the perf
ormance requirements of NC-4C-HSDPA together with MIMO.
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC Demodulation Evaluation Results and Test Cases
Doc.Name R4-134723 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Disussion
Abstract: Demodulation link level simulation results for FeICIC and discussion
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC CSI Evaluation Results and Test Cases
Doc.Name R4-134724 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: FeICIC CSI link level simulation results and discussion
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC PBCH-IC Evaluation Results and Test Cases
Doc.Name R4-134725 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: FeICIC PBCH-IC link level simulation results and discussion
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC RLM Evaluation Results and Test Cases
Doc.Name R4-134726 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: FeICIC RLM link level simulation results and disucssion
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DOCUMENT: Intra-band Contiguous CA in Band 27 TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0
Doc.Name R4-134727 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.833-1-27
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Updated draft of TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 for LTE-Advanced Intra-band Contiguous CA
in Band 27, updated with approved TPs from RAN4 #68.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0
Doc.Name R4-134728 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.833-1-27
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 for LTE-Advanced Intra-band Contiguous C
A in Band 27. Includes text for sections with no changes required and an update
to the table for 37.141 reflecting changes agreed to at RAN4 #68.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.104
Doc.Name R4-134729 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings, NSN, Ericsson, Huawei
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for the introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.104.
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DOCUMENT: P-max value for Band 38 to Band 7 UE coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134730 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Additional measurement results are provided to illustrate the need to a correcti
on to the P-max value for a Band 38 UE operating within the uppermost 5 MHz of t
he band to coexist with Band 7.
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DOCUMENT: P-max for Band 38 to Band 7 coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134731 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 8
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: P-max is corrected from 20dBm to 19dBm in the case that the Band 38 channel over
laps with the 2615-2620 MHz frequency range.
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DOCUMENT: P-max for Band 38 to Band 7 coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134732 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 9
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: P-max is corrected from 20dBm to 19dBm in the case that the Band 38 channel over
laps with the 2615-2620 MHz frequency range.
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DOCUMENT: P-max for Band 38 to Band 7 coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134733 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: P-max is corrected from 20dBm to 19dBm in the case that the Band 38 channel over
laps with the 2615-2620 MHz frequency range.
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DOCUMENT: P-max for Band 38 to Band 7 coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134734 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: P-max is corrected from 20dBm to 19dBm in the case that the Band 38 channel over
laps with the 2615-2620 MHz frequency range.
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DOCUMENT: P-max for Band 38 to Band 7 coexistence
Doc.Name R4-134735 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: P-max is corrected from 20dBm to 19dBm in the case that the Band 38 channel over
laps with the 2615-2620 MHz frequency range.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307 (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-134736 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for the introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307 (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-134737 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for the introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307 (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-134738 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.307
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for the introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.307.
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DOCUMENT: CA_NS_05 Emissions
Doc.Name R4-134739 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA_B38-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The CA_NS_05 emissions requirement is corrected to be applicable when the CA_38C
aggregated channel bandwidth is within 2570 - 2615 MHz. The emission requireme
nt does not apply if the aggregated channel bandwidth overlaps the restricted us
e band.
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DOCUMENT: CA_NS_05 Emissions
Doc.Name R4-134740 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_B38-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The CA_NS_05 emissions requirement is corrected to be applicable when the CA_38C
aggregated channel bandwidth is within 2570 - 2615 MHz. The emission requiremen
t does not apply if the aggregated channel bandwidth overlaps the restricted use
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DOCUMENT: NS signaling for CA refsens
Doc.Name R4-134741 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: NS signaling when testing reference sensitivity for CA with one uplink is incons
istent with single carrier refsens in some cases.
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DOCUMENT: NS signaling for CA refsens
Doc.Name R4-134742 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: NS signaling when testing reference sensitivity for CA with one uplink is incons
istent with single carrier refsens in some cases.
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous intra-band Band 3 reference sensitivity
Doc.Name R4-134743 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A proposal for reference sensitivity definition for non-contiguous intra-band CA
in Band 3 with single uplink is provided.
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous intra-band Band 7 reference sensitivity
Doc.Name R4-134744 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A proposal for reference sensitivity definition for non-contiguous intra-band CA
in Band 7 with single uplink is provided.
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous intra-band Band 2 reference sensitivity
Doc.Name R4-134745 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A proposal for reference sensitivity definition for non-contiguous intra-band CA
in Band 2 with single uplink is provided.
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DOCUMENT: On 3DL/1UL FDD Carrier Aggregation
Doc.Name R4-134746 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A proposal is provided on how to define UE additional Tx and Rx tolerances for 3
DL CA, based on agreements reached in the context of multi-combo 2DL CA.
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DOCUMENT: Mapping of 2UL intermodulation products
Doc.Name R4-134747 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Based on agreed frequency ranges for ISM and GNSS, this contribution provides a
mapping of intermodulation products for the existing 2UL work items in progress.
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DOCUMENT: MPR/A-MPR versioning
Doc.Name R4-134748 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Considerations for MPR/A-MPR versioning are provided in this contribution.
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DOCUMENT: L-band SDL coexistence and regulatory requirements
Doc.Name R4-134749 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Coexistence and regulatory requirements for the L-band SDL basestation are summa
rized in this text proposal based on recent discussion in ECC.
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DOCUMENT: 2 GHz MSS band coexistence for Region 3
Doc.Name R4-134750 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A proposal is provided to address the different coexistence and deployment scena
rios possible for the 2 GHz MSS band, particularly with regard to Band 34 is pro
vided. The definition of NS values for this band is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Overview of eDL-MIMO
Doc.Name R4-134751 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document provides an overview of the enhancements incorporated as a result
of this work item.
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DOCUMENT: Core Requirements for eDL-MIMO
Doc.Name R4-134752 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh
Document for: Discussion.
Abstract: This document summarizes the possible impact to core requirements and proposes a
draft work plan for RAN4.
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DOCUMENT: Finalization and Progress
Doc.Name R4-134753 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document discuss some of the few remaining issues and also provides a statu
s check of the simulation effort.
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DOCUMENT: AAS Specifications
Doc.Name R4-134754 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, Sprint, Verizon Wireless
Release: Release 12
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In this document, we discuss the specification process for AAS and propose clari
fication on the steps that should be followed in RAN4 for the AAS WI.
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DOCUMENT: Decision Process for AAS Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134755 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: We present our view on steps leading to decision on AAS requirements.
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DOCUMENT: AAS Spurious Emissions
Doc.Name R4-134756 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In this contribution, we present our considerations and views on the requirement
reference points for spurious emissions
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DOCUMENT: Requirements Justification
Doc.Name R4-134757 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
Document for: In this document, we provide some considerations on issues important toward reac
hing a conclusion on the requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal for TR
Doc.Name R4-134758 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Release: Release 12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document a section for the Technical Report.
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DOCUMENT: RSTD accuracy for 15MHz and 20MHz bandwidth
Doc.Name R4-134759 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we provided the UE RSTD simulation results for 15MHz and 2
0MHz. The results show that the RSTD accuracy for 15MHz and 20MHz will be aroun
d +/-1Ts better than 10MHz case.
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DOCUMENT: PUCCH format 1a performance requirements for 2Tx 8Rx
Doc.Name R4-134760 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce PUCCH format 1a performance requirements for 2Tx/8Rx.
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DOCUMENT: Updated PUSCH Ideal and Practical Simulation Results for 2Tx
Doc.Name R4-134761 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: discussion
Abstract: Updated PUSCH Ideal and Practical Simulation Results for 2Tx 8Rx
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134762 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: approval
Abstract: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134763 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: approval
Abstract: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
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DOCUMENT: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134764 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections to CA Interruption Requirements
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of timing requirements for UE actions during SCel
l activation
Doc.Name R4-134765 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In last RAN4 meetings, the performance requirements for SCell activation and dea
ctivation delay for E-UTRA carrier aggregation were discussed intensively. The p
erformance requirements were finally agreed for transmitting valid CSI reports f
or SCell activation and deactivation [1]. A WF [2] was agree to further discuss
the other actions the UE needs to perform during SCell activation, such as SRS t
ransmission, PDCCH monitoring and PHR transmission. In this paper, we present ou
r view on these issues
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DOCUMENT: Timing requirements for UE actions in SCell activation
Doc.Name R4-134766 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the timing requirements for UE actions, such as SRS transmission, PDCC
H monitoring and PHR transmission, during SCell activation.
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DOCUMENT: Timing requirements for UE actions in SCell activation
Doc.Name R4-134767 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the timing requirements for UE actions, such as SRS transmission, PDCC
H monitoring and PHR transmission, during SCell activation.
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DOCUMENT: Timing requirements for UE actions in SCell activation
Doc.Name R4-134768 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the timing requirements for UE actions, such as SRS transmission, PDCC
H monitoring and PHR transmission, during SCell activation.
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DOCUMENT: Comparison of RSRQ Definitions
Doc.Name R4-134769 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we present our view on this issue with the comparison of the prop
osed RSRQ and current RSRQ definitions.
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DOCUMENT: Impact of EPDCCH and PRS Overlapping on RSTD Performance Req
Doc.Name R4-134770 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In the paper, we have discussed the impact of overlapping EPDCCH REs with PRS RE
s on RSTD measurements and performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: [Draft] Response LS on EPDCCH monitoring in PRS subframe
Doc.Name R4-134771 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Document for: approval
Abstract: [Draft] Response LS to RAN1 LS on EPDCCH monitoring in PRS subframe
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for TM3 demodulation test in ETU300 chann
Doc.Name R4-134772 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provided simulation result for TM3 test in ETU300 chann
el. Based on the simulation results, we propose following.
Proposal 1: Use MCS 18 in FRC for TM3 demodulation test in ETU300 channel.
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DOCUMENT: DMRS SNR estimation in TM9 demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-134773 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provided further simulation result for TM9 PDSCH demodu
lation test in the presence of CINR mismatch between DMRS and CRS. In considerat
ion of performance discrimination between good and bad UE implementation and con
straint on TM9 network deployment, we propose following.
Proposal 1. Use following parameters for CINR estimation verification in TM9 dem
odulation test
• CINR mismatch between CRS and DM-RS (CdB) : 12dB
• Power offset between CRS and DM-RS (X) : 6dB
• Propagation channel model : ETU5L
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DOCUMENT: Receiver timing window requirement for intraband non-contigu
ous CA
Doc.Name R4-134774 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In previous RAN4 meetings, several companies provided contributions on receiver
timing window requirement for intraband non-contiguous CA [1-4]. Main issue is
whether RAN4 should assume large timing offset of 30.3us between PCC and SCC in
CA demodulation tests for intraband non-contiguous CA UE. Since this question is
directly related to deployment scenario for intraband non-contiguous CA and UE
receiver implementation, it is crucial to conclude on this issue in order to mak
e further progress in performance requirement definition. In this contribution,
we analyze technical issues related to this question and provide our proposal.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for CoMP demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-134775 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provided further simulation results for CoMP demodulati
on test to finalize remaining test parameters. Based on what we observe from sim
ulation, we proposed following.
Proposal 1. For test 1-A, select 64-QAM rank 1 for PDSCH MCS and ETU5L channel f
or TP1 propagation channel.
Proposal 2. Consider -6dB power offset if RAN4 agrees to introduce power offset
between TPs in test 1-A.
Proposal 3. For test 1-B, select 64-QAM rank 1 for PDSCH MCS and EPA5L channel f
or propagation channel.
Proposal 4. For test 1-B, either static timing offset or dynamic timing offset c
an be used as TP2 timing offset model.
Proposal 5. Don’t introduce test 2-A since CRS-IC is mandatory feature for Rel
-11 UE.
Proposal 6. Don’t introduce test 2-B since test coverage of test 2-B and test
2-C overlaps and test 2-C is better for good and bad UE discrimination.
Proposal 7. Select 16-QAM ½ rank 1 as MCS for test 2-C. For power offset betwee
n TPs, select 8dB.
We would like to recommend considering our proposals in the defining CoMP demodu
lation test.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for CoMP CSI test
Doc.Name R4-134776 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provided further simulation results for CoMP CSI test t
o finalize remaining test parameters. Based on what we observed from simulation
results, we proposed following.
Proposal 1. Define TM10 CQI definition test in terms of CQI distribution and BLE
R metric.
Proposal 2. Define test points at TP2 CINR of {6dB, 7dB} and {12dB, 13dB}. UE is
supposed to meet the requirement at one of two adjacent test points.
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DOCUMENT: New WI: Positioning Enhancements for RF Pattern Matching in
Doc.Name R4-134777 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Polaris Wireless
Release: Rel. 12
Document for: Information
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.860 V0.3.0: Dual uplink inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134778 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Some text proposals were agreed in RAN4#66bis. The TPs are now incorporated in t
he attached updated TR 36.860 based on the latest version.
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DOCUMENT: Work plan for the introduction for ETU300 tests
Doc.Name R4-134779 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, a WF on the introduction of additional TM3 demodulation test
(s) for ETU300 channel was agreed. In this contribution, we discuss the work pla
n and how to handle relevant parameters to complete this issue as scheduled.
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DOCUMENT: UE reference sensitivity with one UL carrier for NC CA_7
Doc.Name R4-134780 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Specification: TS36.101
Release: R12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B7-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide updated simulation results of intra-band non-co
ntiguous CA_7 REFSENS
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DOCUMENT: Summary of ETU300 simulation results
Doc.Name R4-134781 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Information
Abstract: This document provides a summary of simulation results for ETU300 channel demodu
lation performance based on input from individual participating companies.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of CA_23A-23A RF requirements into 36.101
Doc.Name R4-134782 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, DISH Network
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: F
Release: R12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B23-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduction of CA_23A-23A RF requirements into 36.101
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DOCUMENT: Relative power difference between Uplink CCs
Doc.Name R4-134783 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anritsu
Release: 10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the current version of TS 36.101 [1] Uplink Power control for CA is specified
when the average transmit power per PRB for the transmission on the assigned ca
rriers is aligned to within +/-[2] dB. RAN4 has not been able to agree removal o
f the [ ] from this figure, nor to agree any other figure. Offline discussion sh
ows that different companies have a different understanding of the requirement.
This Tdoc examines the consequence of different interpretations, and explains An
ritsu's view that the requirement as currently stated is not testable. It also s
uggests principles for a revised requirement.
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DOCUMENT: Skeleton TR 36-833-4
Doc.Name R4-134784 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is a sketeton TR 36-833-4 for uplink non-contiguous intraband
work in RAN4.
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 25.101
Doc.Name R4-134785 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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DOCUMENT: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work transmitter agre
Doc.Name R4-134786 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work WID [1] states that the work wil
l be based on the work done in REL-11 CA enhancements WI. In last RAN4 meeting [
2] there was an agreement to transfer the transmitter agreements from TR36.823 v
11.0.0 into the REL-12 TR.
This contributions trasnfers REL-11 CA enhancements WI TR [2] transmitter sectio
ns into the REL-12 TR.
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DOCUMENT: Handling of UMTS relaxation with low/middle bands diplexer
Doc.Name R4-134787 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides the result of comparison for B8/B11 and B8/B3 diplexe
rs in ETC condition and discussion related to UMTS relaxations.
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DOCUMENT: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work transmitter agre
ements Annex-A
Doc.Name R4-134788 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work WID [1] states that the work wil
l be based on the work done in REL-11 CA enhancements WI. In last RAN4 meeting [
2] there was an agreement to transfer the transmitter agreements from TR36.823 v
0.4.0 Annex A into the REL-12 TR. However the TR36.823 v0.4.0 Annex A is based o
n REL-11 TS 36.101 thus this proposal takes the sub-clause 6 text with change ma
rks from TR36.823 v0.4.0 Annex A and incorporated those into REL-12 specificatio
n TS36.101 v12.1.0.
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 25.101
Doc.Name R4-134789 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 25.101
Doc.Name R4-134790 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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DOCUMENT: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work work item object
Doc.Name R4-134791 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes to add the 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-wor
k justification and work item objective from [1] into the TR 36.833-4.
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 36.101
Doc.Name R4-134792 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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Doc.Name R4-134793 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anritsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: For measurements of RSRP and RSRQ under Time-Domain Measurement Resource Restric
tion with MBSFN ABS, the UE is expected to meet the accuracy requirements, inclu
ding the scenario where the CRS from the interfering cell collide with the CRS o
f the victim cell. The test cases with MBSFN ABS in Annex A are set up this way,
but it is not clear in the Test cases that Cell 2 symbol #0 is not expected to
meet the Es/Iot side condition. This CR clarifies the symbol #0 requirement dur
ing test.
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 36.101
Doc.Name R4-134794 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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DOCUMENT: CR on UMTS relaxation of CA terminals of 36.101
Doc.Name R4-134795 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The frequency range associated with UTRA relaxations is revised based on R4-1347
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Doc.Name R4-134796 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anritsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: For measurements of RSRP and RSRQ under Time-Domain Measurement Resource Restric
tion with MBSFN ABS, the UE is expected to meet the accuracy requirements, inclu
ding the scenario where the CRS from the interfering cell collide with the CRS o
f the victim cell. The test cases with MBSFN ABS in Annex A are set up this way,
but it is not clear in the Test cases that Cell 2 symbol #0 is not expected to
meet the Es/Iot side condition. This CR clarifies the symbol #0 requirement duri
ng test.
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Doc.Name R4-134797 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anritsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: For measurements of RSRP and RSRQ under Time-Domain Measurement Resource Restric
tion with MBSFN ABS, the UE is expected to meet the accuracy requirements, inclu
ding the scenario where the CRS from the interfering cell collide with the CRS o
f the victim cell. The test cases with MBSFN ABS in Annex A are set up this way,
but it is not clear in the Test cases that Cell 2 symbol #0 is not expected to
meet the Es/Iot side condition. This CR clarifies the symbol #0 requirement duri
ng test.
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DOCUMENT: uplink non-contiguous intraband CA MPR measurements and simu
Doc.Name R4-134798 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents measurement results for non-contiguous intraband CA M
PR done with five different power amplifiers were operating in three different b
ands. Measurement results are copared to simulation results. This contribution a
lso proposes tentative MPR rule to be used in receiver studies.
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DOCUMENT: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA maximum output power
Doc.Name R4-134799 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In last RAN4 meeting a non-contiguous intraband CA maximum output power contribu
tion [1] was discussed and it had following proposals.
Proposal 1: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA frame-work requirements WI will de
velop requirements for Power Class 3
Proposal 2: MOP tolerance for example bands CA_4A_4A and CA_41A_41A is ± 2dB.
Proposal 3: For intraband non-contiguous CA the applicability of deltaTC is dete
rmined on sub-block basis. If the transmission within a sub-block is fully conta
ined in FUL_low and FUL_low + 4 MHz or FUL_high – 4 MHz and FUL_high region. t
hen the transmission on that sub-block is allowed to have deltaTC relaxation.
Proposals 1 and 3 were agreed but proposal 2 requires further discussion. This c
ontribution captures the proposals 1 and into the TR36.833-4 Appendix A.
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DOCUMENT: 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA UE to UE co-ex
Doc.Name R4-134800 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses how to set UE to Ue co-existence requirements for no
n-contiguous intraband CA.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to RSTD measurement accuracy side condition for B
and 31
Doc.Name R4-134801 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anritsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 12
WI code: LTE450_Brazil-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: In R4-133601 agreed at RAN4#48, the RSTD measurement accuracy side condition for
Band 31 was incorrectly copied from Band 25. This CR corrects.
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DOCUMENT: Uplink non-contiguous intraband CA additional SEM
Doc.Name R4-134802 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-Intra
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes how to set additional SEM for Uplink non-contiguous i
ntraband CA.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.860 V0.3.0: UE configured transmit power for 2U
L inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134803 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: UE configured transmit power for 2UL inter-band CA was discussed, several propos
als to define the tolerance of total Pcmax were discussed. This contribution pro
vides a text proposal for the latest TR36.860.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.860 V0.3.0: UE ON/OFF time mask for 2UL inter-b
and CA
Doc.Name R4-134804 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: General UE RF requirements for 2UL inter-band CA was discussed. This contributio
n provides a text proposal on UE ON/OFF time mask for the latest TR36.860.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.860 V0.3.0: UE power control for 2UL inter-band
Doc.Name R4-134805 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: General UE RF requirements for 2UL inter-band CA was discussed. This contributio
n further discusses the UE power control requirement and provides a text proposa
l for the latest TR36.860.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 in-band blocking requirement fo
r UE CA Class B
Doc.Name R4-134806 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A text proposal on in-band blocking for UE CA Class B is provided for TR 36.838.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 out-of-band blocking requiremen
t for UE CA Class B
Doc.Name R4-134807 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A text proposal on out-of-band blocking requirement for UE CA Class B is provi
ded for TR 36.838.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 narrow band blocking requireme
nt for UE CA Class B
Doc.Name R4-134808 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A text proposal on narrow band blocking requirement for UE CA Class B is provide
d for TR 36.838.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 Rx spurious response requireme
nt for UE CA Class B
Doc.Name R4-134809 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A text proposal on Rx spurious response requirement for UE CA Class B is provide
d for TR 36.838.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.833-1-27 v0.3.0 Rx intermodulation requirement
for UE CA Class B
Doc.Name R4-134810 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A text proposal on Rx intermodulation requirement for UE CA Class B is provided
for TR 36.838.
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DOCUMENT: TP for 36.851: UE architectures and diplexer isertion loss f
or B39+B41
Doc.Name R4-134811 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Hisilicon
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_B39_B41
Document for: Approval
Abstract: TP for 36.851 for B39+B41
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of maximum received power difference for the intr
a-band non-contiguous CA UE
Doc.Name R4-134812 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Hisilicon
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discusses some issues about maximum received power difference for intra-band NC
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DOCUMENT: UTRA and E-UTRA head and hand phantoms posotion TRP/TRS resu
Doc.Name R4-134813 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: OTA measurements results for
E-UTRA 3, 7 and 20
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DOCUMENT: TRP and TRS proposal for bands I, II, V and VIII in besides
the head and hand position
Doc.Name R4-134814 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is a proposal for TRP and TRS minimum requirements for UTRA ba
nds I, II, V abd VIII in beside the head and hand position.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on high level principles of new core spec
Doc.Name R4-134815 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Some high level principles were initiated in last Barcelona meeting. In the pape
r, we further discuss the related issues.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on test configurations of new spec
Doc.Name R4-134816 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the paper, we further discuss on the test configurations of new spec.
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DOCUMENT: Impact of BS specification re-structuring on AAS WI
Doc.Name R4-134817 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In last meeting in Barcelona, there was question raised on the impact of BS spec
ification restructuring on AAS WI. This paper provides brief response to this qu
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851: Co-existence studies for CA_5-7
Doc.Name R4-134818 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Telefonica, LG Uplus
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide co-existence studies for CA_5-7 and correspondi
ng TP for TR 36.851.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851: ∆TIB and ∆RIB values of LTE CA of Band
Doc.Name R4-134819 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Telefonica, LG Uplus
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: both ∆TIB and ∆RIB values are proposed for LTE CA of Band 5&7
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851: Co-existence studies for CA_7-28
Doc.Name R4-134820 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Telefonica
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide co-existence studies for CA_7-28 and correspond
ing TP for TR 36.851.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR36.851: ∆TIB and ∆RIB values of LTE CA of Band
Doc.Name R4-134821 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Telefonica
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: both ∆TIB and ∆RIB values are proposed for LTE CA of Band 7&28
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DOCUMENT: Inclusion of requirements by reference for BS classes
Doc.Name R4-134822 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The text on Inclusion of requirements by reference is updated to reflect the new
BS classes.
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DOCUMENT: Inclusion of requirements by reference for BS classes
Doc.Name R4-134823 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: The text on Inclusion of requirements by reference is updated to reflect the new
BS classes.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on the mapping of test configurations for BC3
Doc.Name R4-134824 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 37.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: RInImp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: There is a wrong test configuration applied for BC3 multi-RAT capable BS.
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DOCUMENT: Correction for IMD analysis for 2 ul interband CA configurat
ion 7+20
Doc.Name R4-134825 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution corrects the Galileo frequency range in some of the class A4 b
and combination tables. Also non-EU bands are removed form list of affected band
s for band combination 7+20.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on the mapping of test configurations for BC3
Doc.Name R4-134826 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: RInImp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: There is a wrong test configuration applied for BC3 multi-RAT capable BS.
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DOCUMENT: Additional information on band usage in 2.5GHz band in Japan
Doc.Name R4-134827 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ARIB
Specification: None
CR category: None
Release: None
WI code: None
Document for: Information
Abstract: This contribution provides updated information regarding frequency allocation ar
ound 2.5 GHz in Japan.
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DOCUMENT: Additional information on band usage in 2.5GHz band in Japan
Doc.Name R4-134828 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: None
CR category: None
Release: None
WI code: None
Document for: Information
Abstract: This paper aims to provide updated information regarding frequency allocation ar
ound 2.5 GHz in Japan.
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DOCUMENT: UE RF characteristic on SDL L-band
Doc.Name R4-134829 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: None
CR category: None
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides UE Rx filter data from one filter vendor and will con
clude any technical concerns would not be found by extending this band for harmo
nization with Band 11 DL.
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DOCUMENT: Considerations on open issues of Phase 2 interference model
Doc.Name R4-134830 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Release-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Disucss the details of remainging issues for Phase 2 interferenc model
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DOCUMENT: More on SDL L-band’s UE RF characteristic
Doc.Name R4-134831 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: None
CR category: None
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides UE Rx filter data from one filter vendor and will con
clude any technical concerns would not be found by extending this band for harmo
nization with Band 11 DL.
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DOCUMENT: Regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz TDD band
Doc.Name R4-134832 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: None
CR category: None
Release: None
WI code: None
Document for: Information
Abstract: Regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz TDD band will be presented.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz
TDD band into TS36.101
Doc.Name R4-134833 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz TDD band will be proposed to introd
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz
TDD band into TS36.104
Doc.Name R4-134834 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: TS36.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz TDD band will be proposed to introd
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DOCUMENT: Way forward on 3DL/1UL WIs and TRs
Doc.Name R4-134835 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: WG Chairman
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_Bx_By_Bz
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Proposes clarifications for a way forward on how to treat 3DL/1UL WIs and TRs.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz
TDD band into TS36.141
Doc.Name R4-134836 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KDDI
Specification: TS36.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Regulatory requirements for Japanese 2.5 GHz TDD band will be proposed to introd
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DOCUMENT: CA_2A-4A Harmonics and Intermodulation Analysis
Doc.Name R4-134837 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents harmonic and intermodulation analysis for A4 band com
bination B2+B4 and have associated text proposal.
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DOCUMENT: CA_3A-19A Harmonics and Intermodulation Analysis
Doc.Name R4-134838 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents harmonic and intermodulation analysis for A4 band com
bination B3+B19.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband CA channel bandwidth combination table restructuri
Doc.Name R4-134839 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: REL-10
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This contribution proposes a modification to the structure of the table which de
fines Supported E-UTRA bandwidths for intra-band non-contiguous and contiguous C
A to allow more explicit definition of applicable channel bandwidth combinations
and for non-contiguous intraband CA to add the channel bandwidth set definition
colums which is currently missing from specification.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband CA channel bandwidth combination table restructuri
Doc.Name R4-134840 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: REL-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This contribution proposes a modification to the structure of the table which de
fines Supported E-UTRA bandwidths for intra-band non-contiguous and contiguous C
A to allow more explicit definition of applicable channel bandwidth combinations
and for non-contiguous intraband CA to add the channel bandwidth set definition
colums which is currently missing from specification.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband CA channel bandwidth combination table restructuri
Doc.Name R4-134841 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This contribution proposes a modification to the structure of the table which de
fines Supported E-UTRA bandwidths for intra-band non-contiguous and contiguous C
A to allow more explicit definition of applicable channel bandwidth combinations
and for non-contiguous intraband CA to add the channel bandwidth set definition
colums which is currently missing from specification.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband CA channel bandwidth combination table restructuri
Doc.Name R4-134842 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-10
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes a modification to the structure of the table which de
fines Supported E-UTRA bandwidths for intra-band non-contiguous and contiguous C
A to allow more explicit definition of applicable channel bandwidth combinations
and for non-contiguous intraband CA to add the channel bandwidth set definition
colums which is currently missing from specification.
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DOCUMENT: On D2D Inband Emission Modelling for D2D System Level Simula
Doc.Name R4-134843 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Release: REL-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN1 requested feedback on D2D Inband Emission Modeling for the purpose of D2D s
ystem level simulations only. In this contribution we discuss the modelling proc
edure as well as give our input on the values of W,X,Y and Z. Moreover, a draft
LS reply to RAN1 is attached to this TDoc as well.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification for CACLR in TS25.104
Doc.Name R4-134844 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 25.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS25.104 Rel-11, Adding CACLR requirements for both medium range
BS and Local Area BS
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DOCUMENT: Clarification for CACLR in TS25.104
Doc.Name R4-134845 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 25.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS25.104 Rel-12, Adding CACLR requirements for both medium range
BS and Local Area BS
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DOCUMENT: Clarification for CACLR in TS36.104
Doc.Name R4-134846 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 36.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS36.104 Rel-11, Adding CACLR requirements for both medium range
BS and Local Area BS.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification for CACLR in TS36.104
Doc.Name R4-134847 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 36.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: medBS_class_LTE_MSR-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS36.104 Rel-12, Adding CACLR requirements for both medium range
BS and Local Area BS.
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DOCUMENT: Work plan for eIMTA in RAN4
Doc.Name R4-134848 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we discuss the impacted RAN4 areas due to eIMTA and present
a work plan for eIMTA in RAN4.
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DOCUMENT: Impacts of eIMTA on BS and UE core requirements
Doc.Name R4-134849 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we discuss the impact of eIMTA on UE and BS core requiremen
ts and the required coexistence studies
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DOCUMENT: Impact of eIMTA on RRM requirements
Doc.Name R4-134850 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we discuss the impact of eIMTA on RRM requirements
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DOCUMENT: BS and UE performance requirements for eIMTA
Doc.Name R4-134851 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel 12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we discuss the UE and BS performance requirements for eIMTA
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of Multi-band operation in TS37.141(clause 1~3)
Doc.Name R4-134852 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Alcatel Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, Tejet
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB-MSR_RF_Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS37.141 Rel-11, introducing MB-MSR to TS37.104(clause 1~3).
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DOCUMENT: Consideration on MB-MSR test procudure for single-RAT Tx req
Doc.Name R4-134853 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.141
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB-MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In this paper, we gives some further considerations on the single-RAT Tx require
ments for SBT and MBT testing of MB-MSR base station.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR37.cde v0.4.0: Updates to Manufacturer’s declarat
Doc.Name R4-134854 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.141
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB-MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution gives some revisions to manufacturer's declaration.
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DOCUMENT: Example for UEM requirements migration
Doc.Name R4-134855 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In this paper, an example is given for the UEM requirements migration.
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DOCUMENT: Example for ACLR requirements migration
Doc.Name R4-134856 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In this paper, an example is given for the ACLR requirements migration
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DOCUMENT: Initial results of UE specific beam forming for AAS coexiste
nce simulation campaign
Doc.Name R4-134857 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribuion provides the simulation scenarios and results include uplink th
roughput loss and downlink in-band blocking for UE specific beam forming AAS co-
existence study.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for SNR verification under TM9 demodulati
on test
Doc.Name R4-134858 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, firstly several scenarios were evaluated with different UE
behaviors on SNR estimation. Then proposals were given regarding how to revise
current dual-layer test with SNR imbalance between CRS and DMRS to discriminate
different UE behaviour on SNR estimation.
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on D2D Inband Emission Modeling for D2D System Leve
l Simulations
Doc.Name R4-134859 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: LS Out
Abstract: This is a Draft Reply LS for RAN1 LS on D2D Inband Emission Modeling for D2D Sys
tem Level Simulations
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DOCUMENT: Updated results of AAS cell splitting coexistence simulation
Doc.Name R4-134860 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides updated results of AAS cell splitting coexistence sim
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DOCUMENT: Harmonisation of cell-splitting and UE-specific beamforming
Doc.Name R4-134861 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: This contribution proposed to harmonise the parameters for AAS cell-splitting an
d UE-specific beamforming coexistence studies.
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DOCUMENT: Summary of AAS Coexistence Simulation Results
Doc.Name R4-134862 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Information
Abstract: This document provides a summary of AAS coexistence simulation results based on
the scenarios and simulation assumptions inputs from the individual participatin
g companies.
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DOCUMENT: Overviews on framework of CoMP demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-134863 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, framework of CoMP demodulation test cases for FDD and TDD
were further analyzed.
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DOCUMENT: Specifying AAS basic terminologies
Doc.Name R4-134864 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Kathrein, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides some proposals on how to specify the AAS basic termin
ologies, especially for AAS-specific and antenna related definitions.
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DOCUMENT: Further considerations on AAS BS TR 37.8xx structure
Doc.Name R4-134865 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, NEC, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides some proposals on AAS WI TR 37.8xx as the structure o
f the TR was still under discussion.
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DOCUMENT: View on open issues of CoMP demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-134866 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, simulation has been conducting to address the open issues of each
test case and verified the feasibility of agreed test parameters to discriminat
e different UE behavior.
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DOCUMENT: View on open issues of static CQI test
Doc.Name R4-134867 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, simulation results were supplied to verify the feasibility
of test case design and detailed test configurations were proposed for both FDD
and TDD.
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DOCUMENT: View on open issues of fading CQI test
Doc.Name R4-134868 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, simulation results were supplied to verify the feasibility
of test case design and detailed test configurations were proposed for both FDD
and TDD.
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DOCUMENT: View on specification change for introducing 3DL CA in Band
Doc.Name R4-134869 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B41
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, three issues were discussed: firstly, how to add the bandw
idth combination for CA_41D in the spec. Secondly, the definition of channel spa
cing for CA need modify for CA_41D. Finally the impact of introducing 3CC-DL in
band41 on band 41 REFSENS was discussed.
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DOCUMENT: Configured transmit power for 2 UL inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134870 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, the configured transmit power for 2UL inter-band CA was di
scussed, when maximum output power was defined 23 dBm per UE for 2UL inter-band
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DOCUMENT: UL configuration for REFSENS requirements of CA_3A-3A
Doc.Name R4-134871 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, UL configuration for CA_3A-3A is further discussed conside
ring operator requirement and realistic spectrum deployment.
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DOCUMENT: Analysis on UE RF architecture for TDD inter-band CA of Band
39 and Band 41
Doc.Name R4-134872 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, review summary and further analysis for the candidate UE a
rchitectures are provided.
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DOCUMENT: Update link level simulation results for FeICIC PDSCH demodu
Doc.Name R4-134873 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we present the initial simulation results and analysis for
FeICIC PDSCH demodulation test cases based on the agreed simulation assumptions
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DOCUMENT: Addition of CA_3C missing UE to UE co-existence requirement
and corection to SEM.
Doc.Name R4-134874 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B3-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: CA_3C is missing UE to UE co-existence requirement and there was an error introd
uced to SEM table in CR for CA_3C.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on localized ePDCCH TM10 demodulation tes
t cases
Doc.Name R4-134875 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will provide further discussion on remaining issues of
ePDCCH localized test cases design, including precoding scheme, TM10 QCL test.
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DOCUMENT: Preliminary results of Phase 2 evaluation and observations
Doc.Name R4-134876 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Present preliminary results of Phase 2 evaluation
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DOCUMENT: Testing at multiple antenna connectors
Doc.Name R4-134877 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In case of the requirements for a virtual transmitter are expressed as power or
power spectrum density, it is proposed to use the following two equivalent metho
1) Measure and mathematic sum: this is to measure the power at each physical ant
enna connector and mathematically sum-up the power from each of physical antenna
2) Using in-phase combiner: this is to combine the outputs from all the physical
transmitters using in-phase combiner. All the physical transmitters transmit th
e identical signal for a virtual transmitter. The power is measured at the outpu
t of the in-phase combiner. The condition of using in-phase combiner is all the
physical transmitters consisting of the virtual transmitter output the identical
signal, or they are fully correlated.
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DOCUMENT: Contiguous intraband CA bandwidth class B receiver image rej
ection requirement
Doc.Name R4-134878 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes how to define receiver image rejection cababilities f
or contiguous intraband CA bandwidth class B.
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DOCUMENT: On combined OTA and conducted testing of AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-134879 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This is an updated version of a contribution submitted to RAN4#68 in Barcelona [
7]. This version continues the discussion about the challenge when breaking up r
adiated performance evaluation in a combined conducted and OTA test.
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DOCUMENT: CR Minimum requirement with Same Cell ID (with multiple NZP
CSI-RS resources)
Doc.Name R4-134880 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce test cases for CoMP demodulation
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DOCUMENT: AAS Transmission: Summary of the core and conformance testin
g requirements
Doc.Name R4-134881 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper summarized the aspects related to the core and conformance testing re
quirements for AAS transmitters. The proposed solutions are summarized in Table
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DOCUMENT: AAS conductive requirements email discussion
Doc.Name R4-134882 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Information
Abstract: Email discussion summary of the conductive requirements
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DOCUMENT: CR Minimum requirement with Different Cell ID and
Non-Colliding CRS (with single NZP CSI-RS resource)
Doc.Name R4-134883 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce test cases for CoMP demodulation
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DOCUMENT: CR Minimum requirement with Different Cell ID and
Non-Colliding CRS (with single NZP CSI-RS resource)
Doc.Name R4-134884 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce test cases for CoMP demodulation
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DOCUMENT: AAS BS applications and deployment scenarios
Doc.Name R4-134885 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Abstract: The intention of this paper is to classify the applications and corresponding sc
enarios so that the connections between the requirements and the applications ca
n be established. The AAS BS applications and the corresponding scenarios are cl
assified as the following cases:
1) Continuous coverage with dynamic radio resource sharing: 3 sectors (cells)/si
2) Continuous coverage with semi-static radio resource sharing: cell partitionin
g in horizontal and/or vertical directions.
3) Non-continuous coverage for fixed access points.
4) Non-continuous coverage for mobile access points
It’s shown that Case 1), 2) and 3) are feasible. The classifications listed ab
ove offers much clarification for the ongoing discussion.
It is found that the overall radiation pattern of Case 1) and Case 2) would be v
ery similar. Therefore, it’s suggested to do simulation study for either Case
1) or Case 2). We prefer to do Case 2) giving there are already some simulation
work done on Case 2).
It is also found that the coverage of a cell is determined by the configurations
of the cell specific signals, such as the synchronization signal, the reference
signal, and broadcast signals, and so on. It is found that the overall radiatio
n pattern, including the cell specific signals which determine the cell coverage
and the UE specific radiation pattern converge to the radiation pattern of the
cell specific radiation pattern.
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DOCUMENT: NS_12 A-MPR simulation results
Doc.Name R4-134886 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: TEI 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The way forward proposal for Band 26 NS_12 and NS_13 asked companies to evaluate
the A-MPR for NS_12 with new deployment scenarios, i.e. new 10 and 15 MHz chann
el bandwidths for the existing guard band of 700 kHz, and
1.4 - 15 MHz for a new guard band of 500 kHz. This document presents the A-MPR s
imulation results for those scenarios.
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DOCUMENT: CR Reducing MPR for CA multi-cluster transmissions
Doc.Name R4-134887 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: C
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds reduced MPR when IMD5 does not fall into spurious domain.
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DOCUMENT: Further consideration of the virtual transceiver for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-134888 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: In this paper, we propose
1) The virtual transceivers and the corresponding equivalent antenna ports in ce
rtain configuration shall be the cell-specific antenna ports. For E-UTRA, this c
orresponds to the maximum number of antenna ports perceived by UE, or the maximu
m CSI-RS port.
2) The manufacture shall declare all the configurations that the AAS BS is desig
nated to operate with. Each of the configurations includes the number of the vir
tual transceivers, as well as the gain of the connected antenna array, or by EIR
P/EIRS of each virtual transceiver.
3) The gain of the connected antenna array is specified at the bore sight of the
antenna with zero tilt.
Based on the analyses in [3], it is not suggested to consider AAS requirements b
ased on configurations where the virtual transceivers driving multiple column an
tenna elements are intended for cell splitting. For the rest of configurations,
we propose:
4) Core requirements: In principle, the existing requirements in existing specif
ication specified for each antenna connector are applicable to all the declared
virtual transceivers.
5) Conformance testing requirements: Although the core requirements are applicab
le to all the declared virtual transceivers, it’s not necessary to test all th
e virtual transceivers. Testing of conformance can be done by the configurations
representing the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario refers to the cas
e where the radiated power has the maximum influence to the adjacent systems. We
provisionally propose to select the configuration with the maximum antenna arra
y gain among all the configurations.
6) By defining the requirements using the concept of virtual transmitter, the ot
her conducted requirements can be easily translated as radiated requirements in
the future with meaningful technical implications so that the specification can
be made future-proof.
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DOCUMENT: CR Reducing MPR for CA multi-cluster transmissions
Doc.Name R4-134889 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR adds reduced MPR when IMD5 does not fall into spurious domain.
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DOCUMENT: CR Minimum requirement with Same Cell ID (with multiple NZP
CSI-RS resources)
Doc.Name R4-134890 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce test cases for CoMP demodulation
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DOCUMENT: On coupling between transmitters
Doc.Name R4-134891 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Based on the analysis in this paper, we propose that:
1) Impacts on beam pattern due to cross transmitter coupling is small even using
the worst case data presented in [1]. Most of coupled signals are assimilated b
y the load of the circulator/isolator and only a small portion of reflected sign
als due to mismatching are radiated to the space.
2) The widely used cross port isolation requirement [4] for antenna is still app
licable for AAS antenna which could address the impact on beam pattern and cross
correlations for transmit diversity. 3GPP doesn’t need to re-define any of th
ose requirements.
2) RAN4 shall focus the limited meeting resoruces on the discussion of the radia
ted transmitter power and its accuracy requirement, which is much more important
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DOCUMENT: Analysis on versioning of MPR/A-MPR specifications
Doc.Name R4-134892 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-10
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Versioning of MPR and A-MPR specifications in TS 36.101 has been discussed in RA
N4. Even though the general approach presented in the last RAN4 meeting seemed a
cceptable to the group, some further clarifications were requested, before any a
greements could be made.
In particular, the problem is how to change MPR and A-MPR associated with an exi
sting NS value while still being able to allow legacy UE(s) in the network, and
how to make the base station aware of different UE power backoff capabilities.
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DOCUMENT: On the benefits and necessities of radiated requirements for
AAS BS Type 2 and Type 3
Doc.Name R4-134893 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we provided some examples on the implementation options for BS con
nected with the used antenna. Some of the implementations would require characte
rizing the radiation performance of the entire system including the transceiver
array and antenna array. The radiated performance offers a couple of benefits. T
he analysis in this paper re-enforce the proposals in the [1]:
1) It is proposed to specify and test the radiated performance requirements for
AAS Type 2 and Type 3, such as EIRP, in addition to the conductive requirements
specified at the transceiver boundary. (For AAS Type 2 the conductive requiremen
ts are the existing requirement per antenna connector).
2) For AAS type 1, the radiated performance can be known in the same way as for
legacy BS. However, a radiated requirement for both the active transceiver and t
he antenna may still be desirable.
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DOCUMENT: IMD measurement results of passive components
Doc.Name R4-134894 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contibution presents IMD measurement results of passive components.
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DOCUMENT: On OTA testing facilities
Doc.Name R4-134895 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: It’s proposed to
1) RAN4 shall specify the accuracy requirement for the OTA testing facilities.
2) However it seems not necessary for RAN4 to study the detailed measurement mec
hanism of the testing facilities, and RAN4 shall not mandate a specific type of
the OTA testing facilities for requirement verification.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining Tasks for AAS WI
Doc.Name R4-134896 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Summary of the remaining tasks for AAS WI
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DOCUMENT: Summary of the core and conformance testing requirements for
AAS Reception
Doc.Name R4-134897 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper analyzed the Rx receiver for AAS BS using the in-band blocking as one
example. The results can be extended to the other Rx requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Further consideration of Radiated Transmit Power and Its Acc
Doc.Name R4-134898 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: The paper discuss the Radiated Transmit Power and Its Accuracy for AAS BS. What
specific requirements as well as how to spcify the requirements are proposed.
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DOCUMENT: On cross-transceiver coupling impact
Doc.Name R4-134899 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: At previous RAN4 meetings the discussion has touched on the subject related to t
ransceiver coupling and potentially spurious emission generated as a consequence
of transmitter-to-transmitter coupling. For passive macro configurations it is
assumed for co-location that the coupling between two antennas is -30 dB. An AAS
BS can be seen as multiple closely located BS, where the coupling loss between
transceivers could potentially be much less than 30 dB.
This contribution presents simulations results giving mutual coupling for a typi
cal array antenna configuration.
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DOCUMENT: The core and conformance test requirements for EVM
Doc.Name R4-134900 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: It is proposed that:
1) The EVM core requirements are to apply the existing EVM core requirements to
each virtual transmitter of the AAS BS.
2) There are two methods for conformance testing:
 Method 1: To test of each of all the physical transmitters to meet the exist
ing EVM performance requirements.
 Method 2: To test each virtual transmitter by means of air combining or usin
g in-phase combiner.

Method 1 and 2 are equivalent and either of them is feasible.
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DOCUMENT: The core and conformance test requirements for TAE
Doc.Name R4-134901 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: It’s proposed that:
1) The core TAE requirements of an AAS BS are to apply the existing TAE requirem
ents to the declared virtual transmitters, or cell-specific antenna port.
2) The TAE performance is tested at the signal transmitted by the virtual transm
itters using in-phase combiner, which combines the identical signal transmitted
by all the physical transmitters consisting of the virtual transmitter.
3) The time differences between the physical transmitters within a virtual trans
mitter eventually impact the beam forming accuracy. This TAE performance is refl
ected in the beam forming quality measured as EIRP accuracy. Therefore, it’s n
ot necessary to specify the TAE performance for the physical transmitters of a v
irtual transmitter.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of Multi-band operation in TS37.141(clause 1~3)
Doc.Name R4-134902 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Alcatel Lucent, CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, Tejet
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: MB-MSR_RF_Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is for TS37.141 Rel-11, introducing MB-MSR to TS37.104(clause 1~3).
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DOCUMENT: MIMO Figure of Merit
Doc.Name R4-134903 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: REL-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides text proposal to TR 37.977, section 12.X.5 Figure of
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DOCUMENT: On describing OTA in specifications
Doc.Name R4-134904 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: At previous RAN4 meeting in Barcelona (RAN4#68) a contribution [1] related to ho
w OTA will impact specifications was presented. This contribution holds refined
versions of drafts of relevant sub section for requirement specification and cor
responding conformance test specification.
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DOCUMENT: Overview of compact antenna test range
Doc.Name R4-134905 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In RAN4 AAS SI meetings OTA testing of AAS BS have been discussed extensively. S
everal OTA test methods have been presented with associated pros and cons. All t
est methods have been captured in section 8 of the SI technical report 37.840 [1
]. Regarding the WI the discussion have been focused on core requirements, howev
er to be able to finish the WI in time we need to start the discussion about con
formance testing in parallel with the RF core requirement discussion.
So far the WI discussion has not touched on the interesting topic of measurement
accuracy and repeatability related to OTA testing. Different methods are associ
ated with different performance in terms of measurement accuracy, repeatability
and test time.
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DOCUMENT: Correction for TR 37.840 Section 5.4.4
Doc.Name R4-134906 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, Broadcom Corporation, Fraunhofer IIS, Motorola Mobility
Specification: TR37.840
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Corrected a few minor errors on antenna modelling equations.
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DOCUMENT: Overview of near-field scanning methods
Doc.Name R4-134907 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: At previous meeting (RAN4#68) in Barcelona a contribution treating the compact a
ntenna test range (CATR) was submitted [1]. As a continuation of the discussion
related to high accuracy measurement methods for testing EIRP and EIRS character
istics associated with an AAS BS, we continue with this contribution that treat
Near-Field scanning methods. Near-Field scanning measurement methods are used by
the industry for measurement of characteristics related to passive base station
antennas. This contribution will present an overview of Near-Field scanning met
hods and complications and challenges identified when they are used for active a
ntennas measurements required for AAS BS testing.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on UE Reference Architecture for LTE_CA_B8_B26
Doc.Name R4-134908 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KT
Release: Release-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B8_B26
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution suggests UE reference architecture for LTE_CA_B8_B26 using tri
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Doc.Name R4-134909 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Addresses the incoming LS from GERAN2 GP-130844 asking feedback from RAN4 on the
topic of EARFCN extension. The contribution discusses the 3 alternatives in the
LS, and suggests a way forward. A companion CR to 36.104 is available in R4-134
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DOCUMENT: Definition of EARFCN to support additional carrier frequenci
es in GERAN
Doc.Name R4-134910 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Specification: 36.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Companion CR to R4-134909 on EARFCN Extension in GERAN
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DOCUMENT: Information on new spectrum auction result in Korea
Doc.Name R4-134911 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KT
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Information
Abstract: This contribution provides latest LTE spectrum auction result in Korea.
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DOCUMENT: On the impact of single RX chain for MTC UE
Doc.Name R4-134912 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
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DOCUMENT: Half duplex aspects of MTC UE
Doc.Name R4-134913 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
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Doc.Name R4-134914 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
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DOCUMENT: LS on applicability of performance requirements for Band 31
Doc.Name R4-134915 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: 12
WI code: LTE450_Brazil-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Inform RAN5 that new 5 MHz test points for demodulation and CSI requirements def
ined only in 36.101 Rel-12 can be seen as release independent.
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DOCUMENT: CR 36.104: 2Tx 8Rx PUCCH format 1a performance requirements
Doc.Name R4-134916 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: CR 36.141: 1Tx 8Rx PUSCH conformance requirements
Doc.Name R4-134917 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: CRS-IM Link-level simulation results
Doc.Name R4-134918 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Transmit Intermodulation
Doc.Name R4-134919 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The transmitter’s ability to inhibit the generation of signals in its non-line
ar elements caused by the presence of the wanted signal and interference signals
reached through the transmitter.
The purpose of this document is to bring up the discussion if transmit intermodu
lation requirements should be appended for AAS Systems.
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DOCUMENT: Co-Existence Simulation Results
Doc.Name R4-134920 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: During the course of the SI and WI co-existence simulations have been a topic of
discussion. This document will try to summarize the simulation results provide
d by all the vendors. By showing all the results in graphical format it will be
easier for the reader to compare the simulated results from all vendors.
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DOCUMENT: CR 36.141: 2Tx 8Rx PUCCH format 1a conformance requirements
Doc.Name R4-134921 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.851 V0.7.0: Rel-12 Inter-band Carrier Aggregation
Doc.Name R4-134922 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.851
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document is the updated Rel-12 Inter-band Carrier Aggregation TR 36.851 wit
h approved TP's from RAN4#68 meeting implemented.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining details of EPDCCH demodulation tests
Doc.Name R4-134923 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution the remaining details of the Localized EPDCCH TM9 and TM10
demodulation test scenarios are discussed and the respective test parameters are
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DOCUMENT: Link-level simulation results for EPDCCH demodulation tests
Doc.Name R4-134924 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the previous meetings the Distributed and Localized EPDCCH demodulation test
parameters were agreed. In this paper we provide link-level alignment results fo
r the Distributed and Localized TM9 EPDCCH demodulation tests.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining details of demodulation tests for PDSCH with EPDCC
H scheduling
Doc.Name R4-134925 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we address the remaining details of the PDSCH UE demodulation test
s with EPDCCH scheduling.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-cell interference conditions for LTE NAICS scenario 2a
Doc.Name R4-134926 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we address the remaining issues related to the definition o
f interference power profiles for LTE NAICS Scenario #2 to be used for link-leve
l studies and provide the corresponding results of the system-level analysis.
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DOCUMENT: On a way forward for MB-MSR test configurations
Doc.Name R4-134927 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Discussion on MB-MSR test configurations and a way forward.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.cde v0.4.0: MB-MSR test configurations
Doc.Name R4-134928 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal on MB-MSR test configurations.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining details of Phase 2 interference modeling methodolo
Doc.Name R4-134929 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
WI code: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we address the remaining details of interference modeling m
ethodology for Phase 2 link-level studies.
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DOCUMENT: Phase 1 link-level analysis of candidate IS/IC receivers
Doc.Name R4-134930 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the results of the Phase 1 link-level performan
ce analysis for the selected candidate IS/IC receivers.
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DOCUMENT: Phase 2 link-level analysis of candidate IS/IC receivers
Doc.Name R4-134931 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the initial results of the Phase 2 link-level p
erformance analysis for the selected candidate IS/IC receivers.
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DOCUMENT: On applicability of requirements and TC:s for MB-MSR
Doc.Name R4-134932 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Discussion on testing of some requirements in the applicability table.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.cde v0.4.0: Generation of new modified NTC1 -3
test configurations for MB-MSR
Doc.Name R4-134933 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal on generation of 3 new MB-MSR test configurations.
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DOCUMENT: Views on system-level evaluation methodologies of NAICS rece
Doc.Name R4-134934 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we provide our views on the system-level modeling of the ad
vanced NAICS receivers. In particular, the accuracy of the ML link-to-system map
ping methodologies is discussed and using explicit link-level modeling approach
is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the eIMTA RAN4 specification impact
Doc.Name R4-134935 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA -Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we share initial views on the eIMTA impact on RAN4 specific
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.101
Doc.Name R4-134936 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NII Holdings
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-conf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduction of LTE_CA_C_B27 to 36.101. Also adds requirements for Class B as th
is is the first Class B CA Work Item.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing
- Amended
Doc.Name R4-134937 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Azimuth Systems
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.cde v0.4.0: MB-MSR test configurations
Doc.Name R4-134938 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal on generation MB-MSR test configurations.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.cde v0.4.0: Applicability table updates
Doc.Name R4-134939 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal for update of the applicability table.
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DOCUMENT: On the need for new modified NTC1-3
Doc.Name R4-134940 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
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Doc.Name R4-134941 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: LS Out
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of MB-MSR Manufacturer's declaration to TS 37.1
Doc.Name R4-134942 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Draft CR
Abstract: This document is a draft CR to introduce Multii-band MSR manufacturers declarati
on to TS 37.141.
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS reply on clarification for LTE Carrier Aggregation
test point’s applicability
Doc.Name R4-134943 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: LS out
Abstract: Draft LS reply to RAN5
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DOCUMENT: PCC and SCC clarification for FDD CA soft buffer management
Doc.Name R4-134944 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we present the vagueness of the current tests and state our
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results and proposal for high Doppler test
Doc.Name R4-134945 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we provide the simulation results and our view.
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DOCUMENT: UL RTOA Measurement Accuracy Simulation Results
Doc.Name R4-134946 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TruePosition
Specification: TS 36.111
Release: REL-11
WI code: LCS_LTE-NBPS-Perf
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Intra-band non-contiguous CA deployment scenario and UE perf
ormance requirement considerations
Doc.Name R4-134947 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we further analysis the issues and propose our view as a wa
y forward on how to define the performance requirement.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for intra-cell interference IC under SU-M
IMO interference
Doc.Name R4-134948 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this document we provide results for SU-MIMO intra-cell scenario.
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DOCUMENT: UL RTOA Measurement Accuracy Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134949 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TruePosition
Specification: TS 36.111
Release: REL-11
WI code: LCS_LTE-NBPS-Perf
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 36.8xy v 0.1.0 [TP to capture conclusions on SU-MI
Doc.Name R4-134950 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document provides a text proposal to give information to RAN 1 about RAN 4
findings on the potential gains of IC receivers used in SU-MIMO scenarios.
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DOCUMENT: Skeleton Proposal for capturing TS 36.111 Section 7 UL RTOA
Accuracy Requirements
Doc.Name R4-134951 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TruePosition
Specification: TS 36.111
Release: REL-11
WI code: LCS_LTE-NBPS-Perf
Document for: Agreement
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS on conclusions on expected gains of further advance
d receivers applied to intra-cell interference in SU-MIMO sc
Doc.Name R4-134952 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: LS Out
Abstract: This is a draft LS out to provide information to RAN 1 about the potential gains
of IC receivers used to cancel intra-cell interference in context of SU-MIMO
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DOCUMENT: Skeleton Proposal for TS 36.112 LMU Conformance Specificatio
Doc.Name R4-134953 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TruePosition
Specification: TS 36.112
Release: REL-11
WI code: LCS_LTE-NBPS-Perf
Document for: Agreement
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of definition on Fraction of Maximum Throug
hput for CA
Doc.Name R4-134954 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR corrects CA related definition
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal for TS 36.112 LMU Conformance Specification
Doc.Name R4-134955 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TruePosition
Specification: TS 36.112
Release: REL-11
WI code: LCS_LTE-NBPS-Perf
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of definition on Fraction of Maximum Throug
hput for CA
Doc.Name R4-134956 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR corrects CA related definition
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of test configurations of CA soft buffer te
Doc.Name R4-134957 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR corrects CA soft buffer test configuration
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of test configurations of CA soft buffer te
Doc.Name R4-134958 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR corrects CA soft buffer test configuration
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DOCUMENT: CR on clarification on test points for CA soft buffer manage
ment tests and sustained data rate tests
Doc.Name R4-134959 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides clarification on CA soft buffer test and SDR test
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DOCUMENT: Harmonization between AC UMI, RC and RC+CE MMO OTA test meth
Doc.Name R4-134960 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CTTC, EMITE, Bluetest, Azimuth
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: An Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices
was organized by CTIA MOSG and supported by 3GPP RAN4. The test plan was outlin
ed in [1]. At the 3GPP meetings in Fukuoka [2] and Barcelona [3] in 2013, it was
agreed that the candidate methodologies anechoic multiprobe (AC) and reverberat
ion chamber using NIST and SD channel models (RC and RC+CE) fulfilled the ABCD (
A: Channel model verification, B: Absolute data throughput framework, C: IL/IT r
esults consistency, D: Uncertainty evaluation) set of pre-requisites, required b
efore they can be considered approved as final selected methodologies for inclus
ion in 3GPP TR37.977. At the 3GPP Barcelona meeting [3], some companies indicate
d further harmonization across these two methods fulfilling ABCD was needed. Acc
ording to the latest MIMO OTA Way Forward agreed during 3GPP Plenary Meeting in
Porto [4], further harmonization of the 2 above methods in order to avoid differ
ences between these 2 methodologies in the decision of what is a "good" or "bad"
device from the radiated receiver performance perspective was agreed to be perf

The objective of this contribution is to present the results of an analysis of t
he decision of what is a "good" or "bad" device from the radiated receiver p
erformance perspective using the submitted test data from these two test methodo
logies employed for assessment on ABCD fulfilment. Results show that the test re
sults from Anechoic Chamber Multiprobe using the UMI channel model provide the s
ame decision of what is "good" or "bad" device from the radiated receive
r performance perspective than test results from Reverberation Chamber using the
NIST and SD channel models.
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DOCUMENT: CR on clarification on test points for CA soft buffer manage
ment tests and sustained data rate tests
Doc.Name R4-134961 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides clarification on CA soft buffer test and SDR test
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DOCUMENT: A new calibration method for harmonization between RC and AC
Multiprobe candidate methodologies for MIMO OTA
Doc.Name R4-134962 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: At the 3GPP meetings in Fukuoka [1] and Barcelona [2] in 2013, it was agreed tha
t the candidate methodologies anechoic multiprobe (AC) and reverberation chamber
using NIST (RC) fulfilled the ABCD (A: Channel model verification, B: Absolute
data throughput framework, C: IL/IT results consistency, D: Uncertainty evaluati
on) set of pre-requisites, required before they can be considered approved as fi
nal selected methodologies for inclusion in 3GPP TR37.977. At the 3GPP Barcelona
meeting [2], some companies indicated further harmonization across these two me
thods fulfilling ABCD was needed. According to the latest MIMO OTA Way Forward a
greed during 3GPP Plenary Meeting in Porto [3], further harmonization of the 2 a
bove methods in order to avoid differences between these 2 methodologies in the
decision of what is a "good" or "bad" device from the radiated receiver perf
ormance perspective was agreed to be performed.

The objective of this contribution is to present a new calibration method for RC
which provides results that give the same absolute data throughput results for
MIMO Throughput Sensitivity (MTS) of AC Multiprobe UMI tests and RC and therefor
e the same decision of what is a "good" or "bad" device from the radiated receiv
er performance perspective, given the agreed baseline criteria for assessment.
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DOCUMENT: Views on Network Assistance Information
Doc.Name R4-134963 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution present our view of the network assistance information to be s
ignaled to the UE.
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DOCUMENT: Intra-band NC CA DL CC power difference tolerance in UE rece
Doc.Name R4-134964 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: UE self-desensitization noise density requirement
Doc.Name R4-134965 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion and approval
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DOCUMENT: More on UE inter-band 2UL CA analysis: A4 scope
Doc.Name R4-134966 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Inter-band CA 2UL IMD5 assessment
Doc.Name R4-134967 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: SCell activation delay requirements for other actions
Doc.Name R4-134968 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses a proper way to introduce the minimum requirements o
f SCell activation delay for other activation actions.
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DOCUMENT: Correct ABS pattern for FeICIC for In-sync with MBSFN ABS fo
r Rel. 11
Doc.Name R4-134969 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR for correction of ABS pattern in RLM in-sync case for FeICIC with MBSFN ABS S
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DOCUMENT: Correct ABS pattern for FeICIC for In-sync with MBSFN ABS fo
r Rel. 12
Doc.Name R4-134970 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR for correction of ABS pattern in RLM in-sync case for FeICIC with MBSFN ABS S
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements for other a
ctivation actions
Doc.Name R4-134971 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the minimum requirements of SCell activation delay for other a
ctivation actions.
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DOCUMENT: Adding simulation results for UE duplexer isolation for FS_L
Doc.Name R4-134972 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Lightsquared Inc.
Specification: TR 36.844
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_FDD_1670_US
Document for: Approval
Abstract: During the RAN Plenary meeting #59 in Vienna Austria, a study item was approved
[1] to extend the spectrum covered by the work item LTE_FDD_1670_US. The downlin
k spectrum covered by this study item is 1670 to 1680 MHz, and the uplink band c
oincides with band 24 UL from 1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz. This TP augments the technic
al report of this SI, TR 36.844, with the simulation results for UE duplexer iso
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements for other a
ctivation actions
Doc.Name R4-134973 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the minimum requirements of SCell activation delay for other a
ctivation actions.
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements for other a
ctivation actions
Doc.Name R4-134974 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the minimum requirements of SCell activation delay for other a
ctivation actions.
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DOCUMENT: Link level evaluation for Phase I
Doc.Name R4-134975 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the evaluation results for Phase I
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of interference modelling for Phase II link level
Doc.Name R4-134976 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we firstly use system level simulation to evaluate the int
erference conditions, including packet duration, MCS/rank probability distributi
on, and then we provide our proposals on the remaining issues for Phase II evalu
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DOCUMENT: Analysis and simulation results on BS RX RF filtering for 16
70-1680MHz Band
Doc.Name R4-134977 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Lightsquared Inc.
Specification: TR 36.844
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_FDD_1670_US
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: The SI proposal to study the Expansion of LTE_FDD_1670_US to include 1670-1680MH
z Band for LTE in the US was approved in RAN#59. One of the objectives of this S
I is to study and compare the technical feasibility of the two pairing options b
etween the 1670-1680 MHz downlink band and the Band 24 UL carriers.
In this paper, we provide an analysis on the Base Station (BS) Radio Frequency (
RF) Receive filter requirements for the two proposed pairing options based on th
e coexistence parameters used to define the 3GPP requirements in the RAN4 specif
ications. Specifically eNB ACS and blocking are studied. We also provide a text
proposal to record our findings into the TR
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements in case no
RS for measurement
Doc.Name R4-134978 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the case of no reference signal for measurement before the rep
orting of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion and evaluation of advanced receiver for single ce
Doc.Name R4-134979 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide performance evaluations of L-CWIC and R-ML rece
ivers with the cases defined in 36.101 for median antenna correlation.
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements in case no
RS for measurement
Doc.Name R4-134980 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the case of no reference signal for measurement before the rep
orting of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: RF Aspects of “SNR Gap” - Intra-band NC CA power level d
Doc.Name R4-134981 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper is about the issue of an “SNR-Gap” that was discussed for intra-b
and NC CA in RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: Amendment on SCell Activation Delay Requirements in case no
RS for measurement
Doc.Name R4-134982 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies the case of no reference signal for measurement before the rep
orting of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-band 2UL CA Spurious Emissions
Doc.Name R4-134983 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper proposes to replace a potential 2UL Coexistence requirement by a spec
ific intermodulation requirement.
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DOCUMENT: REFSENS with one UL carrier for non-contiguous intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134984 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides simulation results of intra-band non-contiguous CA_3
REFSENS test, and proposes PCC UL RB allocation numbers for SCC REFSENS test, as
well as relaxation values.
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DOCUMENT: REFSENS with one UL carrier for non-contiguous intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-134985 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B7-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides simulation results of intra-band non-contiguous CA_7
REFSENS test, and proposes PCC UL RB allocation numbers for SCC REFSENS test.
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DOCUMENT: Revision of TP to capture the evaluation and observation in
SU-MIMO scenarios
Doc.Name R4-134986 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the revision of the TP to capture the evaluation and
observation for SU-MIMO scenarios.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of assistance information and complexity for adva
nced receivers
Doc.Name R4-134987 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our views and analysis on the network assistanc
e and receiver complexity.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of link-to-system interface modeling for advanced
Doc.Name R4-134988 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The system level modelling methodologies for SLIC, CWIC and ML receivers are add
ressed in this contribution.
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DOCUMENT: Framework document for downlink CoMP CSI test (Version 5)
Doc.Name R4-134989 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Framework document to capture the latest progress of DL CoMP CSI tests.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of SNR estimation for TM9
Doc.Name R4-134990 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, simulation results of legacy TM9 test with a certain SNR i
mbalance between DMRS and CRS are provided.
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DOCUMENT: On mobility HetNet relaxed requirements
Doc.Name R4-134991 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the last RAN4 meeting, a LS from RAN2 requesting RAN4 for Hetnet mobility was
received.In this contribution, we provided our views on these questions mainly
from RAN4 perspective.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on RSTD requirement
Doc.Name R4-134992 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In last RAN4 meeting, the simulation assumptions to evaluate the enhancement pos
itioning performance in case of the larger bandwidth(e.g. >10MHz) was agreed. Th
erefore, in this contribution we will provide the corresponding simulation resul
ts for the enhancement positioning performance in case of larger bandwidth e.g.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on DL COMP CSI tests
Doc.Name R4-134993 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the contribution, we provide simulation results and discuss the remaining iss
ues of the DL CoMP CQI tests.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on RS-SNR and its applicability in antenna bar di
Doc.Name R4-134994 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The antenna bar display related issues are discussed. Meanwhile, RS-SNR is also
investigated against the existing metrics from the aspects of robustness under v
arious interference levels, cell load and CRS locations.
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DOCUMENT: On RSRQ definition
Doc.Name R4-134995 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Simulations and analysis on the new and existing RSRQ definitions are given base
d on the agreed simulation setup.
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DOCUMENT: On DL transmit diversity for PRS
Doc.Name R4-134996 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The performance of PRS is studied when DL Tx diversity applies.
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DOCUMENT: Preliminary NAICS phase-II evaluation results
Doc.Name R4-134997 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: BlackBerry UK Ltd.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: To batter assess the performance of the different candidate advanced receivers,
it is proposed to carry on phase-II link level evaluation with random interferen
ce on/off and random interference rank and MCS for NAICS study. In this contribu
tion, we will provide some preliminary phase-II link simulation results for the
proposed advanced liner receivers for NAICS study, LMMSE-IRC and eLMMSE-IRC.
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DOCUMENT: CR on wideband RSRQ test case
Doc.Name R4-134998 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Specification: 36.133(11.05.0)
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for inter-frequency WB-RSRQ test case
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DOCUMENT: Timing offset test design for downlink CoMP
Doc.Name R4-134999 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we evaluate Test 1-A (option 1), using the agreed framework and W
F document. We propose missing test parameters based on our simulation results a
nd express our view on some open issues.
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Doc.Name R4-135000 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our view on RI test case design and initial sim
ulation results to verify the test methodology
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DOCUMENT: Frequency offset test design for downlink CoMP
Doc.Name R4-135001 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we evaluate Test 2 (2-A and 2-C) using the agreed framework and W
F document. We propose missing test parameters based on our simulation results,
and express our view on some open issues.
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DOCUMENT: Static CQI test design for downlink CoMP
Doc.Name R4-135002 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we propose details of the static CQI test and present results gat
hered from our simulations based on the agreed framework document and way forwar
d document.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for ePDCCH demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-135003 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results for ePDCCH demodulation test
s based on agreed test parameters
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DOCUMENT: Sustained data rate test with ePDCCH scheduling
Doc.Name R4-135004 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results to determine MCS and TBS siz
e for SDR test and our view on remaining test case design.
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DOCUMENT: Performance alignment of FeICIC demodulaton tests
Doc.Name R4-135005 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we provide our latest simulation results on FeICIC demodulation t
ests with and without interference and frequency/timing offsets.
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DOCUMENT: Further investigation on open issue of FeICIC CSI tests
Doc.Name R4-135006 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we provide our further evaluation on FeICIC CSI tests and views o
n the open issues for discussion.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation result for common E-RGCH monitoring performance r
equirement in Cell_FACH
Doc.Name R4-135007 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution presents our verification result for the test scenarios in the
last way forward.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on LTE CA tests point clarification for soft buff
er management and sustained data rate performance tests
Doc.Name R4-135008 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In RAN4#68, an LS (R4-134280) was sent from RAN5 asking RAN4 to clarify the test
point applicability of CA soft buffer tests and sustained data rate tests. A wa
y forward (R4-134378) was agreed in the same meeting to set up a framework for R
AN4 to address the issue. In this contribution we want to show our views regardi
ng the issues and proposals discussed in the way forward document.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of core requirement for common E-RGCH performan
Doc.Name R4-135009 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the core requirement for the common E-RGCH RL(s) monitoring in CELL_FA
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DOCUMENT: RDN and Antenna Array clarifications for the AAS Reference D
Doc.Name R4-135010 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of core requirement for common E-RGCH performan
Doc.Name R4-135011 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the core requirement for the common E-RGCH RL(s) monitoring in CELL_FA
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of test case for common E-RGCH performance in C
Doc.Name R4-135012 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the effective missed down probability requirement for the common E-RGC
H RL(s) monitoring in CELL_FACH.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of test case for common E-RGCH performance in C
Doc.Name R4-135013 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce the effective missed down probability requirement for the common E-RGC
H RL(s) monitoring in CELL_FACH.
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DOCUMENT: Work plan for further downlink MIMO enhancement performance
Doc.Name R4-135014 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents a work plan for RAN4 UE performance requirement work.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on the CA demodulation test cases
Doc.Name R4-135015 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In the last meeting, one way forward targeting at replying RAN5 LS was agreed fo
r applicability of CA soft buffer test and CA sustained data rate test. In this
paper, we will discuss hwo to solve this problem.
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DOCUMENT: CSI test for further downlink MIMO enhancement performance r
Doc.Name R4-135016 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution proposes the framework of UE performance requirement for furth
er downlink MIMO enhancement for LTE-Advanced.
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DOCUMENT: Initial discussion on the demodualtion performance test for
Doc.Name R4-135017 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_Bx_By_Bz
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we will trigger the discussion on the test method for 3DL CA demo
dulation performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Discusson on UE core requirement for further downlink MIMO e
Doc.Name R4-135018 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: No updates on the UE core requirement in the technical specification 36.101 for
WI urther downlink MIMO enhancement for LTE-Advanced.
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DOCUMENT: Demoduation performance test for intra-band non-contigous CA
Doc.Name R4-135019 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we will discuss the issue on the time window for intra-band NC CA
demodualtion performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: CR to introduce CQI tests under AWGN for DL CoMP
Doc.Name R4-135020 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation
Specification: 36.101, V11.5.0
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Draft CR
Abstract: This contribution is a draft CR to introduce new static CQI tests under AWGN con
ditions for DL CoMP.
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DOCUMENT: CR on 1x8 PUCCH f1b, f3 comformance test
Doc.Name R4-135021 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provide the conformance test for 8Rx PUCCH format 1b and format 3.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion and simualtion results for ETU300 test case
Doc.Name R4-135022 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI 11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will provide the simulation results under the assumptio
ns of ETU300.
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DOCUMENT: Link level simulation results for CRS-IM in homogeneous netw
Doc.Name R4-135023 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we will provide the link level simulation results for CRS-IM acco
rding to the agreed way forward.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining issues and simualtion results for FeICIC demodulat
ion tests
Doc.Name R4-135024 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will further discuss the high SNR test and PBCH test se
tup. And we will provide the simualtion results for FDD and TDD test cases.
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DOCUMENT: Initial discussion on the performance requirements for DL MI
MO enhancment
Doc.Name R4-135025 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_eDL_MIMO_eEnh-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper, we will trigger the discussion on the performance requirements fo
r DL MIMO enhancement.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining issues and simualtion results for FeICIC CSI tests
Doc.Name R4-135026 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will further investigate the test methods and test para
meters for FeICIC CQI definition test, CQI fading test and RI test. In this pape
r, the simulation results for CQI definition test, CQI fading test and RI test w
ill be provided.
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DOCUMENT: CR for FeICIC demodulation performance requirements
Doc.Name R4-135027 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the reference SNR and make some correcti
ons for FeICIC demodulation performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: CR for FeICIC demodulation performance requirements
Doc.Name R4-135028 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the reference SNR and make some correcti
ons for FeICIC demodulation performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: CR on FeICIC PBCH performance requirement
Doc.Name R4-135029 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the FeICIC PBCH performance requirements
into TS36.101, including the test parameters such as propagation conditions and
so on.
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DOCUMENT: CR on FeICIC PBCH performance requirement
Doc.Name R4-135030 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the FeICIC PBCH performance requirements
into TS36.101, including the test parameters such as propagation conditions and
so on.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RI reporting requirement
Doc.Name R4-135031 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the FeICIC RI reporting requirements int
o TS36.101, including the test parameters such as propagation conditions, ABS pa
ttern and so on.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RI reporting requirement
Doc.Name R4-135032 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this contribution, we will introduce the FeICIC RI reporting requirements int
o TS36.101, including the test parameters such as propagation conditions, ABS pa
ttern and so on.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining issues and simulation results for EPDCCH test case
Doc.Name R4-135033 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will discuss the following issues:
1) Setup for non-TM10 distributed transmission and localized transmission tests;
2) Whether closed-loop or randomly pre-codling should be used for localzied tran
smission mode test:
3) Setup for TM10 QCL test;
The initial simulation results will be provided.
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DOCUMENT: Remaining issues and simualtion results for test cases of PD
SCH with EPDCCH scheduling
Doc.Name R4-135034 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will discuss PDSCH test with EPDCCH scheduling and whet
her CA band combinations should be introduced or not. The corresponding simulati
on results will be provided.
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DOCUMENT: Beamforming model for EPDCCH localized test
Doc.Name R4-135035 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: The beamforming model for EPDCCH test is introduced in this CR.
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DOCUMENT: Beamforming model for EPDCCH localized test
Doc.Name R4-135036 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: The beamforming model for EPDCCH test is introduced in this CR.
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of TRP and TRS measurement procedure for TR
Doc.Name R4-135037 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATR
Specification: TR37.902
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is the correction for TR37.902 TRP and TRS measurement procedure on deta
il settings.
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DOCUMENT: Downlink physical setup for EPDCCH test
Doc.Name R4-135038 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR, the EPRE ratio for EPDCCH performance test was introduced.
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DOCUMENT: Downlink physical setup for EPDCCH test
Doc.Name R4-135039 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR, the EPRE ratio for EPDCCH performance test was introduced.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for eICIC CQI with partial PRB allocation
Doc.Name R4-135040 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-10
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The 15PRB allocation was proposed for UE cateogry 1 in eICIC CQI test. In this p
aper, the simulation results will be provided.
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Doc.Name R4-135041 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATR
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Information
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DOCUMENT: Correction on the UE category for eICIC CQI test
Doc.Name R4-135042 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: The eICIC FDD CQI requirement should be applicalbe to UE category 1-8. But in th
e existing specification, there is an error. This CR correct it.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on the UE category for eICIC CQI test
Doc.Name R4-135043 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: The eICIC FDD CQI requirement should be applicalbe to UE category 1-8. But in th
e existing specification, there is an error. This CR correct it.
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DOCUMENT: Correction on the UE category for eICIC CQI test
Doc.Name R4-135044 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: The eICIC FDD CQI requirement should be applicalbe to UE category 1-8. But in th
e existing specification, there is an error. This CR correct it.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband non-contiguous CA minimum channel spacing
Doc.Name R4-135045 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: to modify channel spacing requirement for intra-band NC CA.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband non-contiguous CA minimum channel spacing
Doc.Name R4-135046 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE-CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: to modify channel spacing requirement for intra-band NC CA.
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DOCUMENT: Intraband non-contiguous CA minimum channel spacing for test
Doc.Name R4-135047 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: to modify channel spacing requirement for intra-band NC CA
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DOCUMENT: Intraband non-contiguous CA minimum channel spacing for test
Doc.Name R4-135048 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE-CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: to modify channel spacing requirement for intra-band NC CA
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for RLM with MBSFN ABS in FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135049 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-11, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this contribution, we give the simulation results on of RLM with MBSFN for ag
gressor cell cases based on R4-133019. Moreover, the corresponding SNR values ar
e proposed for the test case.
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DOCUMENT: Applicability of requirements and test configurations for MB
Doc.Name R4-135050 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce requirement applicability and test configurations for MB-MSR.
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DOCUMENT: Applicability of requirements and test configurations for MB
Doc.Name R4-135051 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, ZTE
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce requirement applicability and test configurations for MB-MSR.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to the SNR values for RLM tests with MBSFN ABS in
Doc.Name R4-135052 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat F, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the SNR values shall be modified based on the agreements for both FD
D and TDD cases with MBSFN ABS for RLM in FeICIC.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to the SNR values for RLM tests with non-MBSFN AB
S in FeICIC R12
Doc.Name R4-135053 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the SNR values shall be modified based on the agreements for both FD
D and TDD cases with MBSFN ABS for RLM in FeICIC.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the bandwidth applicability for RRM RLM in FeI
Doc.Name R4-135054 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: This contribution is for discussion and Decision. Rel-11, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this contribution, we give the analysis on the bandwidth applicability for RR
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on bandwidth applicability for RRM RLM in FeIC
IC R11
Doc.Name R4-135055 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat F, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the bandwidth applicability for RRM RLM in FeICIC is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on bandwidth applicability for RRM RLM in FeIC
IC R12
Doc.Name R4-135056 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the bandwidth applicability for RRM RLM in FeICIC is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Correction for the RSRP/RSRQ test cases in FeICIC R11
Doc.Name R4-135057 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat F, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the deriving values in FeICIC RSRP/RSRQ measurement accuracy tests
are corrected.
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DOCUMENT: Proposal on unwanted emission mask for MSR BC3 BS
Doc.Name R4-135058 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.104
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: aproval
Abstract: Further consideration on BC3 MSR UEM based on the comments received in RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: Correction for the RSRP/RSRQ test cases in FeICIC R12
Doc.Name R4-135059 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf.
In this CR, the deriving values in FeICIC RSRP/RSRQ measurement accuracy tests
are corrected.
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DOCUMENT: Modification on BC3 MSR BS UEM (R9)
Doc.Name R4-135060 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.104
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modify BC3 MSR BS UEM
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DOCUMENT: Modification on BC3 MSR BS UEM (R10)
Doc.Name R4-135061 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-10
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modify BC3 MSR BS UEM
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DOCUMENT: Modification on BC3 MSR BS UEM (R11)
Doc.Name R4-135062 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modify BC3 MSR BS UEM
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on CGI reading with autonomous gap impacts on FeI
Doc.Name R4-135063 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for Approval. Rel-11, eICIC_enh_LTE-Core.
In this contribution, we give the discussion on the MIB acquization with autonom
ous gap impacts on FeICIC.
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DOCUMENT: Modification on BC3 MSR BS UEM (R12)
Doc.Name R4-135064 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.104
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modify BC3 MSR BS UEM
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DOCUMENT: Modification on BC3 MSR BS UEM for test spec (R9)
Doc.Name R4-135065 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT, ZTE, Tejet
Specification: 37.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: Rlnlmp9-RFmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modify BC3 MSR BS UEM
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of demodulation for FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135066 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It is simulation result of demodulation including SingleCell for FeICIC.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of high SNR for FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135067 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It is simulation result of high SNR for FeICIC. Based on the results, we show ou
r view on minimum requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on maximum UL timing difference between T
Doc.Name R4-135068 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for Approval. Rel-12 , LTE_CA_enh-Perf.
In this contribution, the maximum UL transmit timing difference between differen
t TAGs are discussed and analyzed. The corresponding proposal is given.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on CQI test for FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135069 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It is our view on test cases of static CQI.
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DOCUMENT: Draft reply LS on Maximum UL timing difference between TAGs
Doc.Name R4-135070 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Perf
Document for: LS out
Abstract: This contribution is for LS out. Rel-12 , LTE_CA_enh-Perf.
In this LS, the reply for RAN1's LS on maximum UL timing difference between TAGs
is given based on the disucssion paper.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RSRQ test cases in FDD for Rel-11
Doc.Name R4-135071 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Remove [ ] in ABS pattern, time domain measurement resource restriction pattern
for neighbour cell and cell specific test parameters.
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DOCUMENT: PCell Interruptions for Inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135072 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the need for interruptions while performing inter-frequ
ency measurements without gaps. Based on our analysis we propose to allow a 3% p
acket drop rate.
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DOCUMENT: PCell Interruptions for Inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135073 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the need for PCell interruptions while performing measu
rements on a deactivated SCC. We propose to extend the intra-band CA requirement
s to inter-band CA and allow interruptions for 320ms measurement cycle also.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RSRQ test cases in FDD for Rel-12
Doc.Name R4-135074 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Remove [ ] in ABS pattern, time domain measurement resource restriction pattern
for neighbour cell and cell specific test parameters.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency Measurements Without Gaps
Doc.Name R4-135075 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the need for interruptions while performing inter-frequ
ency measurements without gaps. Based on our analysis we propose to allow a 3% p
acket drop rate.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RSRQ test cases in TDD for Rel-11
Doc.Name R4-135076 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Remove [ ] in ABS pattern, time domain measurement resource restriction pattern
for neighbour cell and cell specific test parameters.
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DOCUMENT: CR on RSRQ test cases in TDD for Rel-12
Doc.Name R4-135077 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Remove [ ] in ABS pattern, time domain measurement resource restriction pattern
for neighbour cell and cell specific test parameters.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on WB-RSRQ test cases
Doc.Name R4-135078 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: This contribution is for Discussion and Decision. Rel-11 , TEI11.
In this paper, the WB-RSRQ test case is discussed based on the agreed WF in last
RAN4 meeting.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of E-UTRAN FDD WB-RSRQ test case R11
Doc.Name R4-135079 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat B, TEI11.
In this CR, the E-UTRAN FDD wideband-RSRQ measurement accuracy test will be intr
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DOCUMENT: Updated 2Tx PUSCH alignment results for LTE 8Rx UL
Doc.Name R4-135080 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Updated 2Tx PUSCH alignment results for LTE 8Rx UL
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell Interruptions For Inter-band CA During Measureme
Doc.Name R4-135081 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: B
Release: 10
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR we introduce the allowed interruptions during measurements on SCC for
inter-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: 2Tx PUSCH impairment results for LTE 8Rx UL
Doc.Name R4-135082 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: 2Tx PUSCH impairment results for LTE 8Rx UL
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell Interruptions For Inter-band CA During Measureme
Doc.Name R4-135083 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: 2Tx PUCCH impairment results for LTE 8Rx UL
Doc.Name R4-135084 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: 2Tx PUCCH impairment results for LTE 8Rx UL
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell Interruptions For Inter-band CA During Measureme
Doc.Name R4-135085 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on Autonomous Gap Requirements
Doc.Name R4-135086 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 36.133
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR we propose some wording that clarifies how the interruption requireme
nts for CQI reading apply.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of E-UTRAN FDD WB-RSRQ test case R12
Doc.Name R4-135087 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A,TEI11.
In this CR, the E-UTRAN FDD wideband-RSRQ measurement accuracy test will be intr
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on Autonomous Gap Requirements
Doc.Name R4-135088 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 9
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR we propose some wording that clarifies how the interruption requireme
nts for CQI reading apply.
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DOCUMENT: Email discussion summary on NAICS receiver assumption, compl
exity, and system modeling
Doc.Name R4-135089 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on Autonomous Gap Requirements
Doc.Name R4-135090 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Updated PRACH simulation results for LTE 8Rx UL
Doc.Name R4-135091 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Updated PRACH simulation results for LTE 8Rx UL
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on Autonomous Gap Requirements
Doc.Name R4-135092 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of E-UTRAN TDD WB-RSRQ test case R11
Doc.Name R4-135093 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat B, TEI11.
In this CR, the E-UTRAN TDD wideband-RSRQ measurement accuracy test will be intr
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DOCUMENT: Details of phase-2 interference modeling
Doc.Name R4-135094 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on Autonomous Gap Requirements
Doc.Name R4-135095 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: R4-135092
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of 2x8 PUSCH test requirments for LTE 8Rx UL
Doc.Name R4-135096 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduction of 2x8 PUSCH test requirments for LTE 8Rx UL
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DOCUMENT: Link abstraction for R-ML receivers
Doc.Name R4-135097 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of E-UTRAN TDD WB-RSRQ test case R12
Doc.Name R4-135098 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A,TEI11.
In this CR, the E-UTRAN TDD wideband-RSRQ measurement accuracy test will be intr
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DOCUMENT: Performance of blind detection of modulation order for R-ML
Doc.Name R4-135099 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on UE behaviour after measurement gap for R12
Doc.Name R4-135100 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , LTE_RF.
In thin contribution, we give the discussion on transmission after measurement g
ap for TDD case.
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DOCUMENT: Proximity Indication requirements – error in Leaving Indic
Doc.Name R4-135101 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
Release: 10
Abstract: In this paper we present some necessary changes to the proximity indication requ
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on UE behaviour after measurement gap for R12
Doc.Name R4-135102 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat F,LTE_RF.
In this CR, the UE's behavior after measurement gap for TDD is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to band 31 in 36.133
Doc.Name R4-135103 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat F, LTE_RF.
In this CR, the band 31 and corresponding sensitivity will be corrected.
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DOCUMENT: Correction of Proximity Indication Test Case
Doc.Name R4-135104 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 10
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: In this CR we propose some changes to the proximity indication requirements
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DOCUMENT: Correction of Proximity Indication Test Case
Doc.Name R4-135105 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Correction of Proximity Indication Test Case
Doc.Name R4-135106 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS reply on PRS and ePDCCH
Doc.Name R4-135107 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This draft reply LS informs RAN1 that RSTD accuracy requirements will not be aff
ected but actual performance will be affected if serving cell ePDCCH will collid
e with PRS of neighbor cells
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Doc.Name R4-135108 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In this paper we present simulation results showing that there are clear benefit
s to using the eICIC RSRQ definition for all cases, not just eICIC. We propose t
o change the RSRQ definition such that RSSI is computed over the entire subframe
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DOCUMENT: Transmit Diversity for PRS
Doc.Name R4-135109 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we further elaborate on the need for PRS Tx diversity.
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DOCUMENT: Link Level Simulation Results for RSTD
Doc.Name R4-135110 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we present link level simulation results based on the assumptions
agreed in the last meeting
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DOCUMENT: RS SINR for Antenna Bar Display Metric
Doc.Name R4-135111 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we further discuss the issue of introducing RS-SINR in the specifi
cations and defining accuracy requirements for it.
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DOCUMENT: Maximum TA difference between TAGs
Doc.Name R4-135112 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we analyze the maximum TA difference between TAG for the reply LS
to RAN1
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DOCUMENT: Definition of different types of Active Antenna Systems (AAS
Doc.Name R4-135113 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Kathrein
Release: Rel. 12
Document for: discussion
Abstract: The definition of AAS in is very general. Not all possible requirements are appl
icable for every type AAS. On the last meeting there are different proposals for
sub types of active antenna systems. This paper collects the proposals and the
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the feasibility of relaxed requirements for He
Doc.Name R4-135114 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: This contribution is for Discussion and Decision. Rel-12, HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core.
In this paper, based on the agreed WF in last RAN4 meeting, the feasibility of t
he different options are analyzed.
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS on response for relaxed performance requirements to
Doc.Name R4-135115 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: LS out
Abstract: This contribution is for LS out. Rel-12, HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core.
The draft LS is to give the response on the RAN2's LS for the relaxed performanc
e requirements for Hetnet mobility.
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DOCUMENT: Further consideration of clarification for receiver requirem
ent on MB-MSR BS
Doc.Name R4-135116 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-11
WI code: MB_MSR_RF-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In RAN4#68, it was discussed that ambiguity of general description for receiver
core requirement of MB-MSR BS and there was some feedback. In this document, we
describe the same direction adding further clarification, and improving wording
based on the feedback whether transmitter of both bands should be on in single b
and operation.
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DOCUMENT: Proposal on how to discuss radiated requirements
Doc.Name R4-135117 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: 12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In the RAN4#68, there was a lively discussion on the necessity to specify radiat
ed requirements. For example, Chairman Note captures the discussion of R4-134026
. And two way forwards were not agreed. This result indicates that requirement r
eference point is one of the most controversial issues in work item phase. Thus,
we propose a way forward on how proceeds the discussion of radiated requirement
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DOCUMENT: Summary of REFSENS evaluation results for LTE_CA_NC_B3
Doc.Name R4-135118 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3-Core
Document for: Information
Abstract: The evaluation results of REFSENS for intra band non-contiguous CA for Band 3 ar
e summarized to proceed with the discussion on the final requirements.
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DOCUMENT: How to specify spurious emission requirements for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135119 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: 12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document is resubmission of R4-133215 because this document was not treated
due to lack of meeting time in RAN4 #68. And R4-133215 is resubmission of R4-13
2534 because there was no agreement as below and the part of spurious emission
limits for AAS BS was not treated due to lack of meeting time in RAN4 #67.
"Way forward : This requirement shall be specified at the transceiver array bou
ndary pending further confirmation from one company by next meeting."
In the RAN4#66-bis, the work plans for AAS BS toward RAN4#67 and #68 were agreed
. A In this contribution, we discuss spurious emission limits for AAS BS and pro
pose how the requirements are specified.
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DOCUMENT: Example of proposed AAS specification Structure
Doc.Name R4-135120 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NTT DOCOMO, Alcatel-Lucent, NEC
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In RAN4#66, an AAS BS specification structure which consists of two technical sp
ecifications was proposed. One is for the legacy BS and the other is for AAS cha
racteristic parts which include radio distribution network (RDN) and antenna arr
ay. And in RAN4#68, preliminary investigation was done. This document describes
the example how to capture AAS BS requirement.
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence between Band 34 and a band of 1980-2010 for UL
and 2170-2200 for DL
Doc.Name R4-135121 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea, FS_2GFDD
Document for: Approval
Abstract: First, we provide the whole picture of some issues a potential band facing.
Next, we provide a way forward on how to proceed with the discussion on the co-e
xistence between a new band UE Tx and Band 34 Rx from spurious emission perspect
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DOCUMENT: A new band with 30 MHz x 2 or with 90 MHz x 2
Doc.Name R4-135122 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea, FS_2GFDD
Document for: Approval
Abstract: We discuss whether a potential new band should be 30 MHz x 2 or 90 MHz x 2.
Finally, we propose 30 MHz x 2 to be suitabble for this band.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on the transmit timing requirements and t
est cases
Doc.Name R4-135123 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-9
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: This contribution is for Discussion and Decision. Rel-9 , LTE_RF.
In thin contribution, the transmit timing accuracy in analyzed in DRX state. The
proposal is given based on the detailed analysis.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on UE behaviour after measurement gap
Doc.Name R4-135124 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The document discussed UE behaviour after measnreuemt gap for Rel-12 UE, and pro
vided four option for specifying Rel-12 UE behaviour after measurement gap consi
dering multi TAGs and different UL/DL subframe configuration of TDD. The option
3 or 4 can operate well, and option 4 is preferred.
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DOCUMENT: Preliminary analysis on the RRM impacts under high doppler
Doc.Name R4-135125 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution is for Discussion. Rel-11, TEI11.
In thin contribution, we give our preliminary analysis on the RRM impacts under
high doppler.
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DOCUMENT: Modification on UE behaviour after measurement gap for Rel-1
Doc.Name R4-135126 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh
Document for: CR
Abstract: The specification is added following contents:
In the multi-TAG case, in the subframe occurring immediately after the measureme
nt gap,
- the E-UTRAN FDD UE shall not transmit and receive any data.
- the E-UTRAN TDD UE shall not transmit any data, and shall not receive any dat
a if the subframe on any of the E-UTRAN carrier frequencies of PCell and SCell o
ccurring immediately before the measurement gap is downlink subframe.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on issues of SCell activation
Doc.Name R4-135127 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document discussed the issues for the minimum requirements for SCell activa
tion delay, and gives the following proposals:
Proposal 1:The minimum requirement for SCell activation delay is modified as â
€œthe UE shall be capable to activate the SCell and trigger PHR no later than in
subframe n+x”.
Proposal 2:It is proposed to modify for UE report valid CSI as “The UE shall
report CQI index = 0 (out of range) before the SCell be activated. After the SC
ell is activated, the UE shall use the next available uplink resource for report
ing the corresponding valid CSI after the reference signal for measurement is av
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on applicability of inter-frequency RSTD measurem
Doc.Name R4-135128 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-9
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for Approval. Rel-9, LTE_RF.
In this paper, the applicability of inter-frequency RSTD measurement is analyzed
based on the different speficiations.
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DOCUMENT: Updated simulation results for PRACH with 1Tx 8Rx
Doc.Name R4-135129 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the updated simulation results for 1x8 PRACH.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on ePDCCH demodulation tests
Doc.Name R4-135130 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: [LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf]
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, a large number of test parameters for ePDCCH demodulation te
sts were agreed. Some of the parameters, however, still remain undefined. In thi
s contribution, the remaining test parameters for ePDCCH demodulation tests are
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DOCUMENT: Modification on requirements for SCell activation delay for
Doc.Name R4-135131 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modifying the minimum requirements description for SCell activation delay.
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DOCUMENT: A method to reduce noise level for specific frequency range
from 2UL CA Tx
Doc.Name R4-135132 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In some cases, strong 2UL CA tx noise may fall into its receiver or some frequen
cy range where stringent protection requirement exists.
We provide a way to minimize A-MPR value as much as possible.
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DOCUMENT: Draft Reply LS on applicability of inter-frequency RSTD meas
urement to RAN5
Doc.Name R4-135133 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-9
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: LS out
Abstract: This contribution is for LS out. Rel-9, LTE_RF.
The draft LS is to give the response on the applicability of inter-frequency RST
D measurement to RAN5.
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DOCUMENT: Modification on requirements for SCell activation delay for
Doc.Name R4-135134 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modifying the minimum requirements description for SCell activation delay.
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DOCUMENT: Overview of RAN4 work for TDD eIMTA
Doc.Name R4-135135 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we analyze the potential scope of RAN4 work for TDD eIMTA
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DOCUMENT: Modification on requirements for SCell activation delay for
Doc.Name R4-135136 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Modifying the minimum requirements description for SCell activation delay.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on standardization of antenna bar display
Doc.Name R4-135137 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution is for Discussion. Rel-11, TEI11.
In thin contribution, the standardization of antenna bar display is analyzed bas
ed on the SINR.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on maximum time different of CA UL carriers
Doc.Name R4-135138 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document discussed the minimum requirement for the maximum UL timing differ
ence between TAGs UE supported. It is proposed that the requirement including ma
ximum relative propagation delay difference between TAGs (30μs), eNB time align
ment error (TAE, 0.26μs), unit of TA command (16Ts = 0.52μs) and the offset va
lue of target UL timing controlled from DL timing (xμs), i.e. 30.78μs + 2xμs.
The x will further study by RAN4.
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DOCUMENT: Summary of UL 8 Rx PUSCH demodulation results
Doc.Name R4-135139 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom, Ericsson, ST Ericsson,Samsung, Huawei, NSN, ZTE, CATT, ALU
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Information
Abstract: This document provides a summary of UL 8 Rx PUSCH demodulation results based on
inputs from individual participating companies.
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DOCUMENT: Summary of UL 8 Rx PUCCH demodulation results
Doc.Name R4-135140 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom, Ericsson, ST Ericsson, Huawei, NSN
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Information
Abstract: This document provides a summary of UL 8 Rx PUCCH demodulation results based on
inputs from individual participating companies.
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DOCUMENT: CR for receiver type verification test of CSI-RS based advan
ced receivers (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-135141 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_Interf_Rej
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides the requirement to verify the UE receiver type for CSI-RS based
(TM9) advanced receiver.
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DOCUMENT: CR for receiver type verification test of CSI-RS based advan
ced receivers (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-135142 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_Interf_Rej
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR is a mirror corresponding to the requirement to verify the UE receiver t
ype for CSI-RS based (TM9) advanced receiver in Rel-11.
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DOCUMENT: LTE Advanced Inter-Band Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Ba
nd 26
Doc.Name R4-135143 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document discusses issues related to Band 8 and Band 26 combination
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DOCUMENT: Remaining issues on NAICS Phase-2 evaluation
Doc.Name R4-135144 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the parameters for the TDM On/Off pattern in Phase-2
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DOCUMENT: Evaluation methodologies for NAICS Scenario 2a/2b
Doc.Name R4-135145 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the proposals corresponding to the remaining issue fo
r NAICS Scenario 2a/2b evaluation.
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DOCUMENT: Views on E-LMMSE-IRC receiver
Doc.Name R4-135146 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses the issues on the E-LMMSE-IRC receiver based on Phas
e-1 evaluation results.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of SLIC receiver in NAICS Phase-1 evaluat
Doc.Name R4-135147 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the Phase-1 evaluation results of the SLIC receiver.
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DOCUMENT: CA band combinations for dual uplink inter-band class A5
Doc.Name R4-135148 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-A5
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution adds one new band combination into LTE dual uplink inter-band
CA class A5
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DOCUMENT: Selectable output power for each CC for inter band CA for 2U
Doc.Name R4-135149 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Selectable output power for each CC for itner band CA for 2UL seems limited sinc
e the Pcmax has some toelrance for each power range and the upper limit of the t
ranmission power is restricted up to 25 dBm including its tolerance.
We would like to share the fact and discuss if there are any issues for real net
work oepration.
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DOCUMENT: UE filter design for extended 2GHz MSS band
Doc.Name R4-135150 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KT, LG U+ and ETRI
Release: Release-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval of dual filter approach for the new band. Usin
g two 2x50MHz filter is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Harmonics and Intermodulation caused by dual uplink inter-ba
nd CA class A5
Doc.Name R4-135151 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile EUrope Ltd
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-A5
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents harmonic and intermodulation analysis for a dual upli
nk inter-band CA class A5.
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DOCUMENT: Coexistence with Band 34
Doc.Name R4-135152 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: KT, LG U+ and ETRI
Release: Release-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses 3 possible options for the decision of coexistence i
ssue between the new band and Band 34.
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DOCUMENT: Protection of non-3GPP radios in Dual uplink inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135153 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution analyses the impacts of protecting non-3GPP radios in dual upl
ink inter-band CA
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DOCUMENT: Non-contiguous Intra-band CA B3 reference sensitivity
Doc.Name R4-135154 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel12
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution provides analysis for the CA_3A-3A reference sensitivity
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DOCUMENT: EVM on 2UL inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135155 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: When there is a large power imbalance in 2UL inter-band CA, the EVM could be det
eriorated. This contribution provides the impact and discussion.
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DOCUMENT: Correction of Proximity Indication Test Case
Doc.Name R4-135156 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: 9
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
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DOCUMENT: Spurious emission band UE co-existence requirements for cros
s-region issue
Doc.Name R4-135157 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: CR for approval
Abstract: Add some protect bands in UE co-existence requirements in table for cr
oss-region CA band-combination.And also insert Note 32 in table
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on TDD UL-DL configuration applicability in CA
Doc.Name R4-135158 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-11, LTE_RF.
In this contribution, we give the discussion on the TDD UL-DL configurations app
licability issue for CA, and the corresponding proposal is given.
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on TDD UL-DL configuration applicability for
Doc.Name R4-135159 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat F, LTE_RF
In this CR, the TDD UL-DL configuration applicability in CA is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications on TDD UL-DL configuration applicability for
Doc.Name R4-135160 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A, LTE_RF
In this CR, the TDD UL-DL configuration applicability in CA is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: TP for IMD/harmonics analysis for WLAN, Bluetooth and GNSS f
or inter-band CA 1A-5A UE with 2ULs
Doc.Name R4-135161 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TR36.860
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-A1
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This Tdoc is TP for approval.We analyse inter-modulation problems between CA_1A-
5A UE and the connectivity radios (WLAN, BT etc. in ISM bands) and positioning s
ystems (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, Compass, etc). And also we propose the additional
ILs for CA_1A-5A UE.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for RSTD measurement under wider BW
Doc.Name R4-135162 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, we give our prelimianry simulation results for RSTD measur
ement under wider bandwidth.
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DOCUMENT: Scheme evaluation assumptions on PRS Tx diversity
Doc.Name R4-135163 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, we give the summary and the scheme evalution assumptions o
n PRS Tx diverity issue.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation assumptions for UE Rx-Tx measurement
Doc.Name R4-135164 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, the simulation assumption for UE Rx-Tx measurement for pos
itioning enhancement SI is given.
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DOCUMENT: Scenario analysis for positioning in het-net scenarios
Doc.Name R4-135165 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: discussion and decision
Abstract: This contribution is for discussion and decision. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, we give the scenario analysis for positioning in Hetnet sc
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DOCUMENT: Further workplan for positioning enhancement SI
Doc.Name R4-135166 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, we give the further work plan for positioning enhancement
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DOCUMENT: TP for RSTD simulation assumption and results under wider BW
Doc.Name R4-135167 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is for approval. Rel-12 , FS_LCSenh_LTE.
In this contribution, we give the TP for RSTD simulation assumptions and results
under wider bandwidth.
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications for intra-band non-contiguous CA R11
Doc.Name R4-135168 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-11, Cat F, LTE_RF.
In this CR, the definition of intra-band non-contiguous CA is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Clarifications for intra-band non-contiguous CA R12
Doc.Name R4-135169 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: TS 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: TS 36.133, Rel-12, Cat A, LTE_RF
In this CR, the definition of intra-band non-contiguous CA is clarified.
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DOCUMENT: Analysis of CoMP demodulation test set up
Doc.Name R4-135170 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: There are still several options for test parameters and test models for CoMP dem
odulation. In this paper, we present the analysis for the test 1, which is of sa
me cell ID scenario
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on DL CoMP CSI tests
Doc.Name R4-135171 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results and views on remaining i
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on CA test point clarification
Doc.Name R4-135172 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: LTE_CA-Perf, TEI11
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, the WF on LTE CA tests point clarification was agreed in R4-
In this contribution, we share our views on this topics.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for EPDCCH distributed and localized ePDC
CH transmission tests
Doc.Name R4-135173 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results for EPDCCH distributed a
nd localized tests based on agreed test parameters.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on DL CoMP RI tests
Doc.Name R4-135174 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results and views on the CoMP RI
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DOCUMENT: TP for UE coexistence requirements for 2ULs inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135175 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TR 36.860
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP is for approval. We propose 2 WFs for UE coexistence requirements for 2U
Ls inter-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency measurement without CM for MC-HSPA test case
Doc.Name R4-135176 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: The CR provides test case to verify inter frequency requirements for configured
frequencies without compressed with DRX and packet loss rate.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for SNR estimation in TM9
Doc.Name R4-135177 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results for SNR estimation in TM
9 based on agreed WF.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency measurement without CM for MC-HSPA test case
Doc.Name R4-135178 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI
Document for: CR
Abstract: The CR provides test case to verify inter frequency requirements for configured
frequencies without compressed with DRX and packet loss rate.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency measurement without CM for MC-HSPA test case
Doc.Name R4-135179 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: The CR provides test case to verify inter frequency requirements for configured
frequencies without compressed with DRX and packet loss rate.
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DOCUMENT: Configured transmitted power for intra-band non-contiguous C
Doc.Name R4-135180 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TS36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The CR is for approval. Configured transmitted power for intra-band non-contiguo
us CA will be defined in TS 36.101.
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DOCUMENT: Link-level simulation results for the distributed and non-TM
10 localized EPDCCH test
Doc.Name R4-135181 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results for the distributed/non-TM10
localized EPDCCH demodulation test.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of TM3 demodulation test under ETU300 cha
Doc.Name R4-135182 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results of TM3 demodulation test
under ETU300 channel based on agreed WF.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the performance requirements for intra-band no
n-contiguous CA
Doc.Name R4-135183 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Perf
Document for: Discussion and Decision
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, the performance requirements for intra-band non-contigugous
CA were discussed.
One of the issues for this topic is Timing offsets between CCs.In this contribut
ion, we share potential deployment scenarios for CA and propose the timing offse
ts between CCs.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for DL CoMP demodulation tests
Doc.Name R4-135184 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide initial simulation results of Test 1 and Test 2
for DL CoMP demodulation.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to SCell activation delay
Doc.Name R4-135185 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Qualcomm, Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies definition of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: UE coexistence analysis to protect Band 34
Doc.Name R4-135186 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TR36.861
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Discussion & Approval
Abstract: In this discussion paper, we provide simulation results to protect Band 34 based
on the general UE coexistence requirements.We propose the UE coexistence requir
ements for S-band UE to protect Band 34.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to SCell activation delay
Doc.Name R4-135187 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Qualcomm, Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies definition of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for DL CoMP CSI test
Doc.Name R4-135188 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results of static and fading CQI tes
t for DL CoMP.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to SCell activation delay
Doc.Name R4-135189 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Qualcomm, Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR clarifies definition of valid CSI.
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DOCUMENT: Link level performance of Phase II for NAICS receivers
Doc.Name R4-135190 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Release: Rel-12 SI
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results of Phase II for NAICS receiv
ers based on link level simulation.
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DOCUMENT: Addition of CA_3C 10MHz+10MHz scenario
Doc.Name R4-135191 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: R12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B3-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CA_3C is adding 10MHz+10MHz scenario in CR for CA_3C.
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DOCUMENT: TP for S-band UE Tx/Rx RF requirements for standalone Band
Doc.Name R4-135192 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TR36.861
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP is for approval paper. In this paper, we provide the UE transmitter/Rece
iver RF requirements based on the deployments scenarios.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency WB-RSRQ test cases
Doc.Name R4-135193 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR contains test case to verify inter-frequency WB-RSRQ accuracies.
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency WB-RSRQ test cases
Doc.Name R4-135194 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR contains test case to verify inter-frequency WB-RSRQ accuracies.
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DOCUMENT: TP for S-band UE Tx/Rx RF requirements for the extended Band
Doc.Name R4-135195 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: LG Electronics
Specification: TR36.861
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP is for approval paper. In this contribution, we provide the UE transmitt
er/Receiver RF requirements for the deployments plan of new extended S-band.
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DOCUMENT: UE Behaviour for Transmission due to Measurement Gaps
Doc.Name R4-135196 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses the need for correcting the UE behaviour for transmitting i
n the subframe occurring immediately after the measurement gap.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on BC3 test configuration
Doc.Name R4-135197 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 37.141
WI code: Rlnlmp9-Rfmulti
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on the problem of BC3 test configuration
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DOCUMENT: Correction on UE Behaviour for Transmission due to Measureme
nt Gaps
Doc.Name R4-135198 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR corrects the UE behaviour for transmitting in the subframe occurring imm
ediately after the measurement gap.
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DOCUMENT: Updated Simulation Results of PUSCH with 2Tx and 8Rx
Doc.Name R4-135199 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Simulation results for PUSCH with 2Tx and 8Rx
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DOCUMENT: Uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
Doc.Name R4-135200 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 37.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: Rlnlmp9-Rfmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Adding uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
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DOCUMENT: CR 36.141: 1Tx 8Rx PRACH conformance testing requirements
Doc.Name R4-135201 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce PRACH conformance testing requirements
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DOCUMENT: Number of Carriers for UTRA and E-UTRA Measurements
Doc.Name R4-135202 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper analyze the increase in number of carriers for doing UTRA and E-UTRA
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DOCUMENT: CA_3C correction TP for TR 36.833-1-03
Doc.Name R4-135203 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom
Release: R12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B3-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CA_3C is adding 10MHz+10MHz scenario. And CA_3C is missing UE to UE co-existence
requirement and there was an error introduced to SEM table in TP for 36.833-1-0
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DOCUMENT: Issues related to Metric for Antenna Bar Display
Doc.Name R4-135204 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses aspects related to metric (e.g. RS-SINR) for antenna bar di
splay or any user interface
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DOCUMENT: FeICIC RLM simulation results with MBSFN ABS
Doc.Name R4-135205 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we provide simulation results for FeICIC RLM In-sync test cases wi
th MBSFN ABS for specifying the SNR levels in the test cases.
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DOCUMENT: Analysis Inter-frequency Measurement Requirements for HetNet
Doc.Name R4-135206 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper analysis the feasibility of new measurement performance requirements
for measurements used for offloading purposes in heterogeneous network
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on FeICIC PBCH requirements
Doc.Name R4-135207 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we provide our views on the bandwidth and ABS pattern configuratio
n and simulation results for SNR level were also presented.
Based on the observations, 10MHz bandwidth could be used and ABS pattern configu
ration is not used to specify FeICIC PBCH demodulation requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
Doc.Name R4-135208 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-10
WI code: Rlnlmp9-Rfmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Adding uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.811 v0.1.0: High level description of the new s
Doc.Name R4-135209 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.811
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Description of the new structure, taken from TR 37.810 with some more discussion
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.811 v0.1.0: Conclusions from BS core specificat
ions analysis
Doc.Name R4-135210 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.811
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Conclusion from the specification analysis in TR 37.810 with some more discussio
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DOCUMENT: Uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
Doc.Name R4-135211 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Rlnlmp9-Rfmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Adding uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
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DOCUMENT: LS Response on Relaxed Performance Requirement
Doc.Name R4-135212 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: LS Out
Abstract: This LS provides responses to the three questions raised by RAN2 in their LS in
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.811 v0.1.0: Principles for a new specification
Doc.Name R4-135213 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.811
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Proposed high level principles for the new specification structure.
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DOCUMENT: Simulatin results for ETU300 FRC test
Doc.Name R4-135214 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide our simulation results for ETU300.
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DOCUMENT: Uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
Doc.Name R4-135215 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATT
Specification: 37.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: Rlnlmp9-Rfmulti
Document for: CR
Abstract: Adding uplink/downlink configuration for BC3 test configuration
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.811 v0.1.0: Draft core requirement
Doc.Name R4-135216 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.811
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduces the first draft text for core requirements in TR 37.810.
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DOCUMENT: RSRQ Link Simulation Results with RSSI Measurements in all S
Doc.Name R4-135217 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper provides link simulation results for new and old RSRQ definitions to
observe the mistmatch
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for FeICIC demodulation
Doc.Name R4-135218 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the updated simulation results for FeICIC demod
ulation performance.
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on FeICIC CSI tests
Doc.Name R4-135219 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the further simulation results and proposals f
or AWGN CQI and RI tests.
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DOCUMENT: PUSCH performance requirements for 2Tx 8Rx
Doc.Name R4-135220 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce PUSCH performance requirements for 2Tx 8Rx into TS 36.104
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for 8Rx PRACH detection
Doc.Name R4-135221 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the updated simulation results for UL 8Rx PRACH
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DOCUMENT: PUSCH performance requirements for 1Tx 8Rx
Doc.Name R4-135222 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce PUSCH performance requirements for 1Tx 8Rx into TS 36.104.
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DOCUMENT: Updates of core spec analysis
Doc.Name R4-135223 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 37.810
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections to the specification analysis in TR 37.810.
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DOCUMENT: Example of conformance testing for a new specification struc
Doc.Name R4-135224 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Example of conformance test requirement and how it could be implemented in a new
specification structure.
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DOCUMENT: Removing note from claus 4.4 to TS25.307
Doc.Name R4-135225 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: TEI-12
Document for: Endorsement
Abstract: 'Note in clause 4.4 was removed. (and will be moved to TS25.307.)
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DOCUMENT: Editorial correction for the UL-MIMO channel model
Doc.Name R4-135226 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Specification: 36.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL-MIMO-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: There is an editorial error in the sentence: The parameters α and β in Table B
.5.1-3 defines the spatial correlation between the antennas at the UE and eNB, b
ecause the parameter α is for the eNodeB and β is for the UE.
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DOCUMENT: Introducing ‘General’ clause with note removed from TS25
.101 and corrections to Scope
Doc.Name R4-135227 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 25.307
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: TEI-12
Document for: Endorsement
Abstract: '- The explanatory sentences in ‘Scope’ was moved to a new ‘General’ cla
use as clause 3.A in the specification body.
- A new note having the same information in clause 4.4 of TS25.101 was introduce
d into the new ‘General’ clause.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on COMP PDSCH demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-135228 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we discussed the timing offset test in scenario 4 and prov
ided the corresponding simulation results.
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DOCUMENT: [Draft] LS to RAN2 on 'Introducing ‘General’ clause to T
Doc.Name R4-135229 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 25.307, 25.101
Release: REL-12
WI code: TEI-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: 'Informing RAN2 that RAN4 endorsed a CR which intended to remove a note in claus
e 4.4 in TS25.101 to TS25.307. The correspondig endorsed CR is attached.
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DOCUMENT: Removing note from claus 4.4 to TS36.307
Doc.Name R4-135230 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: 'Note in clause 4.4 was removed. (and will be moved to TS36.307.)
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on relaxed requirement for inter-frequency small
cell discovery
Doc.Name R4-135231 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussioin
Abstract: In this paper we give our views on the feasibility of relaxing RRM requirement a
nd feasibility of type of gap pattern.
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DOCUMENT: Introducing ‘General’ clause with note removed from TS36
.101, editorial corrections and modifications to Forward and
Scope clauses
Doc.Name R4-135232 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.307
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- Format of heading of ‘Forward’ clause was corrected.
- The explanatory sentences in ‘Scope’ was moved to a new ‘General’ clau
se as clause 3.A in the specification body.
- A new note having the same information in clause 4.4 of TS36.101 was introduce
d into the new ‘General’ clause.
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DOCUMENT: AAS coexistence simulation assumptions
Doc.Name R4-135233 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung, Alcatel Lucent
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution summarized the AAS coexistence simulation assumption including
UE specific beam forming and vertical / horizontal cell splitting applications
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DOCUMENT: Further link level simulation results for CRS-IM
Doc.Name R4-135234 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussioin
Abstract: In this paper we provide further link level simulation results for CRS-IM.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz in R
egion 1 and 3
Doc.Name R4-135235 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel.12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea; FS_2GFDD
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution is for the discussion on 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz in Re
gion 1 and 3.
The possible band plan options, coexistence issues with Band 34, network deploym
ent aspects, and BS and UE implementation issues are discussed.
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DOCUMENT: UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in DRX and correspo
nding Test Cases
Doc.Name R4-135236 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The following are proposed to fix the issue in UE initial transmission error req
uirements in a DRX cycle and corresponding test cases.
Proposal 1:
To introduce the following precondition for UE initial transmission error requir
ement in a DRX cycle (clause 7.1.2 of TS36.133). The aim is to ensure UEs to kee
p their UL transmission timing in a DRX cycle within a proper range considering
practical UE maximum speed of up to around 350km/h;
The UE initial transmission timing error shall be less than or equal to plus or
minus Te if the amount of the magnitude of timing change in the downlink is less
than or equal to Tq * Telapsed / 200ms, where the timing error limit value Te i
s specified in Table 7.1.2-1, the maximum autonomous time adjustment step Tq is
specified in Table 7.1.2-2 and Telapsed drxStartOffset in a DRX cycle
for PUCCH or PUSCH case or elapsed time since the last reception of the downlink
before the first PRCH transmission respectively.
Proposal 2:
In order to avoid unnecessarily large UE UL transmit timing fluctuation in a DRX
cycle just because the UEs to pass the test cases in A.7.1.1 to A.7.2 (or A.7.4
) in TS36.133, the following modification to the test cases are proposed:
- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.1
.2.1 1 and A.; DRX cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxSta
rtOffset as 2047ms. Long DRX is kept as the test condition.
- For Test Requirements specified in clause A. and A.; DRX cycle l
ength was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX start offset time as 20
47ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to 32Ts. (corresponding a
bsolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ accordingly.)
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DOCUMENT: UE Transmit Timing Accuracy Requirements in first transmissi
on in a DRX cycle
Doc.Name R4-135237 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The maximum amount of magnitude of timing change in the downlink was set as less
than or equal to Tq * Telapsed / 200ms as the precondition for the UE initial t
ransmission timing error requirements in a DRX cycle. Telapsed was defiened as;
drxStartOffset [defined in ref.[17], i.e. TS36.321] in a DRX cycle for PUCCH or
PUSCH case or elapsed time from the last reception of the downlink for PRCH tran
smission case respectively.
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for feICIC static CQI test
Doc.Name R4-135238 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results and propose the minimum requ
irements for feICIC static CQI test.
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DOCUMENT: Test Cases for UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in D
Doc.Name R4-135239 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: REL-8
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.
1.2.1-1 and A.; DRX cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxSt
artOffset as 2047ms.
'- For Test Requirements specified in clause A. and A.; DRX cycle
length was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX start offset time as 2
047ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to 32Ts. (corresponding
absolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ accordingly.)
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DOCUMENT: Test Cases for UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in D
Doc.Name R4-135240 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: REL-9
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.
1.2.1-1 and A.; DRX cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxSt
artOffset as 2047ms.
'- For Test Requirements specified in clause A. and A.; DRX cycle
length was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX start offset time as 2
047ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to 32Ts. (corresponding
absolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ accordingly.)
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DOCUMENT: Test Cases for UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in D
Doc.Name R4-135241 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: REL-10
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.
1.2.1-1 and A.; DRX cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxSt
artOffset as 2047ms.
'- For Test Requirements specified in clause A. and A.; DRX cycle
length was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX start offset time as 2
047ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to 32Ts. (corresponding
absolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ accordingly.)
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DOCUMENT: Test Cases for UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in D
Doc.Name R4-135242 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: REL-11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.
1.2.1-1, A., A., A., A. and A.; DRX
cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxStartOffset as 2047ms.
'- For Test Requirements specified in clause A., A., A. and
A.; DRX cycle length was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX
start offset time as 2047ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to
32Ts. (corresponding absolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ ac
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DOCUMENT: Way Forward on TDD Issues for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135243 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution is the way forward on how to progress the TDD AAS BS coexisten
ce scenarios with unbalanced UL/DL configurations.
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DOCUMENT: Test Cases for UE Transmit Timing Accuracy requirements in D
Doc.Name R4-135244 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: REL-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: '- For test parameters of Test 2 defined in Table A., A., A.7.
1.2.1-1, A., A., A., A. and A.; DRX
cycle was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and set drxStartOffset as 2047ms.
'- For Test Requirements specified in clause A., A., A. and
A.; DRX cycle length was changed from 80ms to 2048ms and introduced DRX
start offset time as 2047ms with changes of timing shift in step b) from 64Ts to
32Ts. (corresponding absolute time was changed from ‘2µs’ to ‘1µs’ ac
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence for inter-band 2UL CA
Doc.Name R4-135245 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper proposes how to specify the co-existence requirement 2UL inter-band C
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DOCUMENT: Further sample analysis: BS output power
Doc.Name R4-135246 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Release: REL-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The paper investigates definitions of 'Output power' related teminologies in eac
h existing specification as an excersize and proposes how to elaborate consolida
ted definition chapters in the unified BS specificaion.
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DOCUMENT: Text proposal for TS36.8xx: Structure of 'Definitions'
Doc.Name R4-135247 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Fujitsu
Specification: 36.8xx
Release: REL-12
WI code: BSspec_struc-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Text proposal to WI TR on 'structure of definition chapter' based on proposals i
n a separate discussion paper.
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DOCUMENT: CA_7A-7A UE Reference Sensitivity Requirements with Single U
L Carrier
Doc.Name R4-135248 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
WI code: [LTE_CA_NC_B7-Core]
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we provide our simulation results for receiver desensitizat
ion with one active uplink and propose reference sensitivity requirements for CA
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DOCUMENT: CA_3A-3A Reference Sensitivity Requirements with Single UL C
Doc.Name R4-135249 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
WI code: LTE_CA_NC_B3-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we provide our simulation results for receiver desensitizat
ion with CA_3A-3A configuration with one active uplink and propose reference sen
sitivity requirements for CA_3A-3A.
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DOCUMENT: Channel model validation results for radiated two-stage meth
Doc.Name R4-135250 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Document for: Information
Abstract: Presents results of chanel model verification for the radiated version of the tw
o-stage method.
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DOCUMENT: TP to 37.977 for two-stage method uncertainty analysis
Doc.Name R4-135251 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Specification: 37.977
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provides the analysis of likely sources of uncertainty for the two-stage method
(conducted and radiated).
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DOCUMENT: UE performance test cases for multiflow with MIMO
Doc.Name R4-135252 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSDPA_MFTX-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses definition of new multiflow with MIMO test cases.
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DOCUMENT: Band 38 P-Max with single carrier UL transmission
Doc.Name R4-135253 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Previously it has been decided that in band 38 when single carrier uplink transm
ission overlaps with 2615 – 2620 MHz P-Max is 20 dBm. In this contribution sim
ulation results are presented showing that 20 dBm is too high power level and ne
w P-Max value is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Further analysis of the initial seed impact on the propertie
s of the geometry SCME channel model
Doc.Name R4-135254 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Provides an update to R4-134225 investigating cross polarized antennas for UMa d
n UMi.
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS to RAN WG1 on the ergodicity of the SCME channel mo
dels in 25.996
Doc.Name R4-135255 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Requests that RAN WG1 investigates the non-ergodicity of the SCME channle models
speciried in TR 25.996 based on the selection of random starting phase. Analays
is in RAN WG4 has shown this to be a problem which may impact the meausrement un
certainty of OTA tests performed using SCME channel models.
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DOCUMENT: Test results for the radiated two-stage method
Doc.Name R4-135256 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CATR, Agilent Technologies
Document for: Information
Abstract: New resutls for the radiated two-stage method from the Tri-L lab.
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DOCUMENT: A-MPR for CA_38C coexistence with Band 7 DL
Doc.Name R4-135257 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_B38-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribute simulation results for required backoff to protect band 7 fro
m emission caused by CA transmission in band 38 are presented.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Pre
viously frequency range 2615 MHz – 2620 MHz was considered to be guard band. H
ere it is shown how A-MPR requirements change if CA configuration can be placed
also in the uppermost frequency block.
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DOCUMENT: Allowed power reductions for multiple transmissions in a sub
Doc.Name R4-135258 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, InterDigital
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of MPR/A-MPR for multiple transmissions in a subframe (e.g.
shortened PUSCH followed by SRS) for non-CA and intra-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: Allowed power reductions for multiple transmissions in a sub
Doc.Name R4-135259 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, InterDigital
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of MPR/A-MPR for multiple transmissions in a subframe (e.g.
shortened PUSCH followed by SRS) for non-CA and intra-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: Interband CA IMD and harmonics: class A4 scope
Doc.Name R4-135260 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-A4
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: When both uplinks are transmitting simultaneously in interband CA configuration
harmonics and intermodulation products may fall on either of own downlinks or fr
equencies reserved for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which will de
grade the performance of own UE. In this contribute the study is extended to cov
er also conflicts with industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) frequencies.
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DOCUMENT: Allowed power reductions for multiple transmissions in a sub
Doc.Name R4-135261 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, InterDigital
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of MPR/A-MPR for multiple transmissions in a subframe (e.g.
shortened PUSCH followed by SRS) for non-CA and intra-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: On the power control requirements for intra-band contiguous
Doc.Name R4-135262 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on the power control requirements for intra-band contiguous CA and po
ssible modifications.
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DOCUMENT: CR for 36.101 : The coexistence requirements between Band 39
and Band 3
Doc.Name R4-135263 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 12
WI code: TEI 11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR gives band 39 and band 3 UE-UE coexistence requirement.
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DOCUMENT: Way forward for changing MPR/A-MPR in the specifications
Doc.Name R4-135264 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The impact of modified A-MPR on mixed deployment scenarios with UE(s) supporting
”legacy” and ”changed” A-MPR tables in the same modified MPR/A-MPR in t
he same cell is considered. A way forward for modified MPR/A-MPR is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS on indication of modified MPR/A-MPR in UE radio acc
ess capability signaling
Doc.Name R4-135265 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Draft LS to RAN2 on changes in 36.331 to enable indication of modified MPR/A-MPR
in radio access capability signaling.
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DOCUMENT: Impact of relative power control requirements on system perf
ormance: additional test case
Doc.Name R4-135266 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-RF
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The impact of inaccurate power control on system and user performance is demonst
rated and an additional test case for aggregate power control is discussed.
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DOCUMENT: Band XXVI: more on the proposed UL power restrictions
Doc.Name R4-135267 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: e850_UB
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution contains additional results supporting proposed UL power restr
ictions for Band XXVI.
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DOCUMENT: Maximum allowed UL TX power for Band XXVI coexistence with P
ublic Safety
Doc.Name R4-135268 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: e850_UB
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of maximum allowed UL TX power for Band XXVI coexistence w
ith Public Safety.
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DOCUMENT: Maximum allowed UL TX power for Band XXVI coexistence with P
ublic Safety
Doc.Name R4-135269 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: e850_UB
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of maximum allowed UL TX power for Band XXVI coexistence w
ith Public Safety.
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DOCUMENT: TP for 36.833-1-27 V0.3.0: nominal guard band for CA bandwid
th class B
Doc.Name R4-135270 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.833-1-27
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution contains a TP for the guard band for CA Class B and the Class
A defintion is refined.
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DOCUMENT: The Pcmax clauses restructured
Doc.Name R4-135271 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR to correct misalignment between notation in 36.101 and 36.213 and restructure
the clauses for Pcmax. (Same changes as TS 36.101 CR 1822 in R4-133901 that was
based on the wrong version of the specification. CR 1822 was approved but not i
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DOCUMENT: Timing Alignment Error Requirement for AAS
Doc.Name R4-135272 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses some issues relatnig to the conducted timing alignment erro
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DOCUMENT: TP to 37.977 to add the test plan for the two-stage method
Doc.Name R4-135273 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Specification: 37.977
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Adds the two-stage test method to section 12 of the TR.
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DOCUMENT: Disscusion on CA_B39_B41 UE type
Doc.Name R4-135274 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_B39_B41
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses the pros and cons for two types of TDD inter-band CA UE tak
ing network coverage and peak data rate into consideration.
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DOCUMENT: Definition of EIRS
Doc.Name R4-135275 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses the definition of EIRS and how test configurations can be d
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DOCUMENT: TP for 36.851 V0.7.0: additional insertion loss for configur
ation CA_1A-7A
Doc.Name R4-135276 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.851
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution contains a TP on the additional insertion loss for the configu
ration CA_1-7.
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DOCUMENT: Conducted receiver sensitivity
Doc.Name R4-135277 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: For reference purposes, a conducted reference sensitivity will be required. This
paper discusses some issues around the conducted requirement
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DOCUMENT: Scenarios for Studying the Impact of In-band Emissions in De
vice-to-Device Proximity Services
Doc.Name R4-135278 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses the issues related to studying in-band emissions for
D2D transmissions.
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DOCUMENT: Unwanted emissions
Doc.Name R4-135279 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on unwanted emissions and whether any radiated requirement is needed
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DOCUMENT: Configured maximum output power for multiple TAG transmissio
Doc.Name R4-135280 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, InterDigital
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-2UL
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR for specification of Pcmax for multiple TAG transmission.
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DOCUMENT: Analysis of antenna patterns used for absolute data throughp
ut framework measurements
Doc.Name R4-135281 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: This paper analyzes the the antenna patterns used for the absolute data throughp
ut framework measurements. Most conducted measuremtns were made using typical pa
ttern data measured without band-specific RF chokes. These patterns differ from
the actaul antenna patter seen by the UE in the radiated environment. The signif
icane of this needs to be understood.
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DOCUMENT: Justification for EIRP and EIRS radiated requirements
Doc.Name R4-135282 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discusses why radiated requirements are needed for EIRP and EIRS
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DOCUMENT: Defining beams for radiated TX power and RX sensitivity accu
racy requirements
Doc.Name R4-135283 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discusses how to define meaningful and flexible declarations and configurations
for radiated EIRP and EIRS
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DOCUMENT: Conducted TX power requirement
Doc.Name R4-135284 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A conducted TX power is needed for reference purposes for other requirements. Th
is paper discusses some issues surrounding definition of a conducted TX pwoer ac
curacy requirement
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DOCUMENT: Transmitter requirements for UE(s) supporting 3DL inter-band
Doc.Name R4-135285 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_Bx_By_Bz
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Reference architectures and transmitter requirements for 3DL inter-band CA are d
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DOCUMENT: MIMO OTA harmonization
Doc.Name R4-135286 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: THis paper discusses aspects related to the harmonization of teh different MIMO
OTA test methods.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on autonomous CSG reselection in CELL_FACH
Doc.Name R4-135287 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on the proposal for CSG autonomous reselection
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DOCUMENT: Autonomous CSG reselection in CELL_FACH
Doc.Name R4-135288 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: CR implementing a requirement for autonomous CSG reselection in CELL_FACH
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DOCUMENT: Receiver requirements for UE(s) supporting 3DL inter-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135289 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_Bx_By_Bz
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The test confgurations for verifying receiver requirements for 3DL inter-band CA
are discussed.
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DOCUMENT: CR implementing a requirement for autonomous CSG reselection
Doc.Name R4-135290 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Shadow CR implementing a requirement for autonomous CSG reselection in CELL_FACH
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DOCUMENT: TP to 37.977 to include channel validation results for the r
adiated two-stage method
Doc.Name R4-135291 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Specification: 37.977
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Addition of channel model validatino results for the radiated two-stage emthod t
o the TR.
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DOCUMENT: Blocking simulation results
Doc.Name R4-135292 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Information
Abstract: Receiver blocking results
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on FRC under ETU300 high Doppler test
Doc.Name R4-135293 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
WI code: [WI code or TEI11]
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In the last meeting, RAN4 was agreed to introduce both EVA200 and ETU300 for hig
h Doppler demodulation tests. A way forward on high Doppler FRC test was agreed
including the test cases, time schedule and framework for simulations.
In this contribution, we provide simulation results of ETU300 and give our propo
sals on high Doppler FRC.
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DOCUMENT: Discusion on RSRP/RSRQ measured value in high Doppler condti
Doc.Name R4-135294 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: New investigation results on RSRP/RSRQ measured value in high Doppler condtion
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977 Addition of test results for the two-stage me
Doc.Name R4-135295 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Agilent Technologies
Specification: 37.977
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Adds the two-stage radiated results into the TR.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on HetNet mobility performance requirements
Doc.Name R4-135296 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel.12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on HetNet mobility performance requirements
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DOCUMENT: Further considerations and simulation results for FeICIC dem
Doc.Name R4-135297 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: Rel-11
WI code: [eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf]
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, test setup and simulation assumptions were reached agreement
on high SNR test case for FeICIC. However, how to define the minimum requiremen
t for high SNR test is still undetermined [1]:
• Test setup:
- Use R.35 and lower the interference level of the 2nd aggressor cell. (D1/Noc1
= 9dB, D2/Noc1=1dB).
- The CRS configuration is the same as TM3 test cases.
• How to define the minimum requirement:
- Option 1: define the minimum requirements with no CRS-IC
- Option 2: define the minimum requirements with CRS-IC.
In this contribution, we provide updated simulation results and give some sugges
tions on remaining open issue for FeICIC high SNR test. And it is proposed that
these results are considered while defining the performance requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Discusion on RS-SINR
Doc.Name R4-135298 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel.12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This is document for discussion on RS-SINR
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell interruption timing
Doc.Name R4-135299 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR on PCell interruption timing
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell interruption timing
Doc.Name R4-135300 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR on PCell interruption timing
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on CSI tests of FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135301 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: Rel-11
WI code: [eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf]
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In RAN4#68 meeting, many agreements have been made on FeICIC CSI tests [1][2]. I
n this contribution, we provide simulation results of CQI and RI tests and give
our suggestions on remaining open issues for FeICIC CSI test cases.
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DOCUMENT: MIMO OTA Test Procedure Template
Doc.Name R4-135302 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Bluetest AB, Vodafone
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: CR on PCell interruption timing
Doc.Name R4-135303 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR on PCell interruption timing
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DOCUMENT: Plan to Evaluate Inband Emissions for Device- to-Device Prox
imity Services
Doc.Name R4-135304 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes a plan for the study of in-band emissions for D2D tra
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on relaxed performance requirements of HetNet
Doc.Name R4-135305 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: Rel-12
WI code: [HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core]
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In RAN2#82 meeting, an LS was sent to RAN4 to ask the possibility of considering
new relaxed performance requirements for inter-frequency small cell discovery w
ith reduced UE power consumption [1]. Many discussions were focused on the feasi
bility of relaxing requirements in the previous RAN4 meeting, and a way forward
on mobility HetNet relaxed requirements was agreed [2]. In the way forward, issu
es for investigation in RAN4 were settled down including:
1. Feasibility of relaxing RRM performance requirements
• Investigate feasibility of relaxing requirements in offloading scenario from
macro serving cell to inter-frequency carrier with small cells
- Relax performance requirements refer to extending measurement time
2. Feasibility of type of gap pattern for small cell discovery
• Investigate following options whether:
- Option 1: Existing measurement gap patterns (#0 or # 1) are feasible;
- Option 2: New measurement gap pattern with longer periodicity is feasible;
- Option 3: UE autonomous gaps are feasible;
- Option 4: The above options (Options 1-3) are not feasible;
• Investigate the above options by considering impact on system performance (e
.g. throughput) and UE implementation aspects
• Indicate RAN2 the above options feasible or not based on RAN4’s findings
3. Type of requirement(s) to relax
• Analyze if requirements are relaxed as considered by RAN2, then whether only
cell detection time or both cell detection time and RSRP/RSRQ measurement perio
d are to be extended
- Investigate the above issue by considering the way RAN4 requirements are defin
ed and UE implementation aspects
In this contribution, we analyze the impact of defining new relaxed performance
requirement from the above three aspects and provide our views.
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DOCUMENT: Test Results Using the Decomposition Method Related to CTIA'
s Phase 3 Measurement Campaign
Doc.Name R4-135306 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
WI code: [HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf]
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A set of results from phase 3 measurements of CTIA's IL/IT test campaign is pres
ented. The results were obtained by using the decomposition method. It consists
of the radiated measurements taken for two different devices, a mobile phone and
a tablet PC.

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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977: Reverberation Chamber Measurement Procedure
Doc.Name R4-135307 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Bluetest, Azimuth Systems, EMITE, CTTC, Orange, KT, KTL, Huawei
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Summary of UL 8 Rx PRACH demodulation results
Doc.Name R4-135308 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Information
Abstract: This document provides a summary of UL 8 Rx PRACH demodulation results based on
inputs from individual participating companies.
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DOCUMENT: Way forward to Evaluate Inband Emissions for Device-to-Devic
e Proximity Services
Doc.Name R4-135309 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes a way forward to study in-band emissions for D2D tra
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977: Reverberation Chamber Calibration Procedure
Doc.Name R4-135310 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Bluetest, Emite, CTTC, Azimuth
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on performance requirements for non-contiguous HS
Doc.Name R4-135311 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN
Release: Rel-11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses on the UE performance requirements for non-contiguou
s 4C-HSDPA with MIMO and non-contiguous Multiflow with MIMO in the context of op
tional UE capability to support those configurations as agreed in RAN2.
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal for TR 37.977 for the Addition to Section 8 of
the 3D Isotropic Channel Models
Doc.Name R4-135312 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Bluetest, Azimuth, EMITE, CTTC
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of FRC of power imbalance test
Doc.Name R4-135313 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides correction on RMC
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DOCUMENT: Overview of Issues for Low cost & Enhanced Coverage MTC UE f
or LTE
Doc.Name R4-135314 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides an overview of the issues related to low cost UEs and
enhanced coverage for MTC
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence at 3500MHz
Doc.Name R4-135315 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-10
WI code: RInImp8-UMTSLTE3500
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contributions considers co-existence around 3500MHz
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DOCUMENT: CR for conformance test of PUCCH format 1a with 1Tx8Rx
Doc.Name R4-135316 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce conformance test of PUCCH format 1a with 1Tx8Rx
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DOCUMENT: Phase 1 link level simulation results of NAICS receivers
Doc.Name R4-135317 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, link level simulation results were provided for Phase I NA
ICS evaluations, including SIC receiver and linear MMSE IRC receiver.
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DOCUMENT: CTIA IL/IT Testing Campaign Phase 3: Bluetest Initial Result
Doc.Name R4-135318 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Bluetest AB
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: CR for the measurement system setup for performance requirem
Doc.Name R4-135319 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.141
CR category: D
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Editorial change for the measurement system setup for performance requirements
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DOCUMENT: Single user PUCCH format 1a performance requiements for 8 Rx
Doc.Name R4-135320 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce PUCCH format 1a performance requirements for 8 Rx (resubmission)
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for PUSCH and PUCCH for 2Tx 8 Rx with imp
Doc.Name R4-135321 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: discussion
Abstract: Provide Simulation results for PUSCH and PUCCH for 2Tx 8 Rx with impairments
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DOCUMENT: UE co-existence between synchronized/unsynchronized TDD syst
Doc.Name R4-135322 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR proposes the addition of the applicability of the requirements in case o
f synchronized or unsynchronized TDD system for the UE emissions for co-existenc
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on final summary for CRS-IM perfo
rmance in homogeneous network
Doc.Name R4-135323 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.863
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP text on the final summary for CRS-IM performance in homogeneous netwo
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on final summary for CRS-IM perfo
rmance in homogeneous network
Doc.Name R4-135324 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.863
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP on link and system level summary for CRS-IM performance in homogeneou
s network
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DOCUMENT: UE co-existence between synchronized/unsynchronized TDD syst
Doc.Name R4-135325 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR proposes the addition of the applicability of the requirements in case o
f synchronized or unsynchronized TDD system for the UE emissions for co-existenc
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on link and system level summary
for CRS-IM performance in homogeneous network
Doc.Name R4-135326 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.863
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP on link and system level summary for CRS-IM performance in homogeneou
s network
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on receiver structure for CRS-IM
performance in homogeneous network
Doc.Name R4-135327 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.863
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP on receiver structure for CRS-IM performance in homogeneous network
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DOCUMENT: UE co-existence between synchronized/unsynchronized TDD syst
Doc.Name R4-135328 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR proposes the addition of the applicability of the requirements in case o
f synchronized or unsynchronized TDD system for the UE emissions for co-existenc
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DOCUMENT: Draft on 3GPP TR 36.863 V0.3.1 (2013-10)
Doc.Name R4-135329 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.863
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The draft for 3GPP TR 36.863
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of UL 8Rx channel correlation matrices
Doc.Name R4-135330 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR introduces MIMO channel correlation matrices for UL 8Rx antennas.
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on average Link level simulation
Doc.Name R4-135331 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP to capture average link level simulation results
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence between adjacent TDD bands
Doc.Name R4-135332 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Sequans Communications
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR includes corrections to the Note(s) for spurious emissions for UE co-exi
stence between adjacent TDD bands
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on average system level simulatio
n resutls
Doc.Name R4-135333 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP to capture all the system level simulation resutls
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DOCUMENT: Introduce high SNR TM3 test for FeICIC PDSCH
Doc.Name R4-135334 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce high SNR TM3 test for FeICIC PDSCH
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence between adjacent TDD bands
Doc.Name R4-135335 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Sequans Communications
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR includes corrections to the Note(s) for spurious emissions for UE co-exi
stence between adjacent TDD bands
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DOCUMENT: Introduce high SNR TM3 test for FeICIC PDSCH
Doc.Name R4-135336 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Introduce high SNR TM3 test for FeICIC PDSCH
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the bandwidth setup for PBCH-IC demodulation r
Doc.Name R4-135337 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on the bandwidth setup for PBCH-IC demodulation requirements
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DOCUMENT: Ideal link level simulation results update for different tes
t cases
Doc.Name R4-135338 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Ideal link level simulation results update for different test cases
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence between adjacent TDD bands
Doc.Name R4-135339 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Sequans Communications
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR includes corrections to the Note(s) for spurious emissions for UE co-exi
stence between adjacent TDD bands
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for RLM under MBSFN ABS
Doc.Name R4-135340 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Provide Simulation results for RLM under MBSFN ABS
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of UL 8Rx channel correlation matrices
Doc.Name R4-135341 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Specification: 36.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR introduces MIMO channel correlation matrices for UL 8Rx antennas.
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DOCUMENT: RX spurious emissions
Doc.Name R4-135342 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 25.102
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR aligns the RX spurious emissions in 25.102 with the TX spurious emission
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on the CSI test for FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135343 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on the open issue for CSI test for FeICIC
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DOCUMENT: Performance requirements for 8Rx PUCCH format 1b, PUCCH form
at 3 and PRACH
Doc.Name R4-135344 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom, ZTE, Alcatel-Lucent, CATT
Specification: 36.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UL_8Rx-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR introduces minimum performance requirements for 1Tx 8Rx PUCCH format 1b
with channel selection, 1Tx 8Rx PUCCH format 3 and 1Tx 8Rx PRACH.
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DOCUMENT: Disuccsion on the noise sensitivity on eICIC demodulation te
Doc.Name R4-135345 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-10
WI code: eICIC_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Disuccsion on the noise sensitivity on eICIC demodulation test
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DOCUMENT: Band 26: NS_12 modifications
Doc.Name R4-135346 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: e850_UB-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution discusses and proposed changes to NS_12 following discussions
in RAN4#68
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DOCUMENT: Band 26: NS_12 modifications
Doc.Name R4-135347 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: e850_UB-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR implements the NS_12 modification discussed in R4-135346
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on Link level simulation resutls
from different companies
Doc.Name R4-135348 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP to capture all the availabe link level simulation results from differ
ent companies
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DOCUMENT: Band 26: NS_12 modifications
Doc.Name R4-135349 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: e850_UB-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR implements the NS_12 modification discussed in R4-135346
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.814: SEM for the L-band BS
Doc.Name R4-135350 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TR 37.814
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL -Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper discusses and proposes the SEM for the L-band in Europe
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DOCUMENT: AAS conformance test aspects
Doc.Name R4-135351 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides some views on the AAS conformance test aspects such a
s the test point, test methodologies and criteria.
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DOCUMENT: TR 36.863 V0.3.1: Draft TP on average system level simulatio
n resutls
Doc.Name R4-135352 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Provide TP to capture all the system level simulation resutls
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DOCUMENT: AAS hybrid test method
Doc.Name R4-135353 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides some details for the combined close-field+far-field t
est methodology.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.814: Co-existence analysis with other 3GPP band
Doc.Name R4-135354 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TR 37.814
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL -Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution analysis co-existence between the L-band and other 3GPP bands
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DOCUMENT: Initial discussion on TDD eIMTA requirements
Doc.Name R4-135355 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we will triger the discussion on RRM core part and perform
ance part of TDD eIMTA.
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DOCUMENT: TR 37.814: L-band for Supplemental Downlink in E-UTRA and UT
Doc.Name R4-135356 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Orange
Specification: TR 37.814
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_bandL
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This document is the updated TR 37.814 for the L-band for Supplemental Downlink
in E-UTRA and UTRA. It contains the TPs agreed in RAN4#68bis
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977: Test results of Reverberation Chamber method
ologies - Short Delay Spread Model
Doc.Name R4-135357 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Azimuth Systems, Bluetest
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on Pcell Interruption shall not occur befor SF
n+5 (Rel.10)
Doc.Name R4-135358 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation, CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: Cat F
Release: Rel.10
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is to add the clarification in 36.133 section 7.7.2 that PCell interrupt
ion shall not occur before subframe n+5 for both FDD and TDD UEs for Scell activ
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on Pcell Interruption shall not occur befor SF
n+5 (Rel.11)
Doc.Name R4-135359 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation, CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel.11
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is to add the clarification in 36.133 section 7.7.2 that PCell interrupt
ion shall not occur before subframe n+5 for both FDD and TDD UEs for Scell act
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on Pcell Interruption shall not occur befor SF
n+5 (Rel.12)
Doc.Name R4-135360 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation, CATT
Specification: 36.133
CR category: Cat A
Release: Rel.12
WI code: LTE_CA-core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR is to add the clarification in 36.133 section 7.7.2 that PCell interrupt
ion shall not occur before subframe n+5 for both FDD and TDD UEs for Scell act
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977: Test results of Reverberation Chamber method
ologies - Long Delay Spread High Correlation Model
Doc.Name R4-135361 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Azimuth Systems, Bluetest
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DOCUMENT: Usability of SF after measurement gap
Doc.Name R4-135362 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Release: Rel.12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discussed the usability of SF after measurement gap.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on maximum transmission timing difference between
Doc.Name R4-135363 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NSN, Nokia Corporation
Release: Rel.11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Core/Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In this contribution the maximum UL transmit timing difference between different
TAGs are discussed and proposed.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to PUSCH test requirement
Doc.Name R4-135364 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Specification: 36.141
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Test requirement correction to one case of 1x2 PUSCH with 20 MHz channel bandwid
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DOCUMENT: Correction to PUSCH test requirement
Doc.Name R4-135365 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
Specification: 36.141
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Test requirement correction to one case of 1x2 PUSCH with 20 MHz channel bandwid
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DOCUMENT: On UE co-existence requirements between Band 39 and Band 3
Doc.Name R4-135366 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Telecom
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide some simulation results and lab test results, a
nd then present our views on UE co-existence requirements.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section 5.2, Averaging of throughput curve
Doc.Name R4-135367 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP covers the topic of averaging curves of throughput vs. DL power or SIR,
as discussed in the previous RAN4 meeting. It proposes the text to be included i
n the TR describing the formulas to be applied.
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DOCUMENT: Text proposal for Annex F - Calibration
Doc.Name R4-135368 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation, Anite Telecoms Ltd, Motorola Mobility, Satimo Industries
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This text proposal adds previously presented calibration procedures for anechoic
chamber to the TR 37.977. The text follows the outline of the currently used do
cument [1].
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DOCUMENT: Comparison of RC and AC Simulation Results
Doc.Name R4-135369 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Azimuth Systems, Bluetest, Emite
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section 8.2, Channel model for Decompositi
on Method
Doc.Name R4-135370 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In this TP the details of the channel models used in the decomposition method ar
e described. Further information on the implementation is given.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on SCell activation and deactivation (Rel-10)
Doc.Name R4-135371 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Currently, the PCell interruptions for intra-band CAs due to SCell activation an
d deactivation are specified according to different UE types, namely “FDD
UE” or “TDD UE”. This is, however, not correct. PCell interrup
tions for intra-band CAs due to SCell activation and deactivation should depend
on the SCell types to be activated or deactivated, but not UE types.
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DOCUMENT: Text proposal for modifying Annex E with corrections, clarif
ications and an additional test condition
Doc.Name R4-135372 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation, Anite Telecoms Ltd
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This text proposal amends the listed test conditions in Annex E following an app
roved contribution, clarifies some descriptions and corrects some mistakes.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section 9.3.1, Absolute Data Throughput Fr
amework clarifications
Doc.Name R4-135373 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP incorporates clarifications for the Absolute Data Throughput Framework t
o the TR 37.977.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on SCell activation and deactivation (Rel-11)
Doc.Name R4-135374 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Currently, the PCell interruptions for intra-band CAs due to SCell activation an
d deactivation are specified according to different UE types, namely “FDD UEâ€
 or “TDD UE”. This is, however, not correct. PCell interruptions for intra-
band CAs due to SCell activation and deactivation should depend on the SCell typ
es to be activated or deactivated, but not UE types.
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DOCUMENT: Rel-12 3DL CA open questions
Doc.Name R4-135375 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TeliaSonera AB
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The discussion for 3DL CA has started which will influence operators planning to
have more aggregated carriers in various bands as outlined in R4-134088. CA wit
h 2DL as specified in Rel-10 was adapted to existing Rel-8 LTE devices. In the m
eantime CA can be seen as a mainstream technology step and with Rel-12 discussio
n on 3DL CA we can expect that UE components can be optimized for it. For Rel-12
CA it seems to be therefore not necessary to build on existing relaxations as a
greed for Rel-10 CA with 2DLs.
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on SCell activation and deactivation (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-135376 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Currently, the PCell interruptions for intra-band CAs due to SCell activation an
d deactivation are specified according to different UE types, namely “FDD UEâ€
 or “TDD UE”. This is, however, not correct. PCell interruptions for intra-
band CAs due to SCell activation and deactivation should depend on the SCell typ
es to be activated or deactivated, but not UE types.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section, Decomposition Method
Doc.Name R4-135377 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Measurements in line with the Absolute Data Throughput Framework were performed
for the decomposition method. Theoretical background and results are presented.
This TP provides the essential contents to be included in the TR.
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DOCUMENT: On the implementation of correlation based model for MIMO OT
A testing
Doc.Name R4-135378 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel Corporation, Anite Telecoms Ltd
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document presents some consideration regarding the implementation and use o
f correlation based implementation of the SCME channel model for MIMO OTA testin
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section 10.1.x, Decomposition Method
Doc.Name R4-135379 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP proposes the text and the figures to be included in section 10.1 of TR 3
7.977, describing the results of CTIA’s IL/IT measurement campaign phase 2 per
formed with the decomposition method.
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DOCUMENT: TP for TR 37.977, Section 12.x, Decomposition Method
Doc.Name R4-135380 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This TP proposes the text to be included in section 12 of TR 37.977, describing
the candidate solution 4 of methodologies based on anechoic chambers (decomposit
ion method).
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DOCUMENT: Test Results for the Decomposition Method from CTIA's Phase
3 Measurement Campaign
Doc.Name R4-135381 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: We present a first set of data taken for phase 3 of CTIA’s IL/IT campaign usin
g the decomposition method.
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of FRC of power imbalance test
Doc.Name R4-135382 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides correction on RMC
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of FRC of power imbalance test
Doc.Name R4-135383 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides correction on RMC
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DOCUMENT: EMITE IL/IT Test results for SD/LD
Doc.Name R4-135384 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Release: 11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: An Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices
was organized by CTIA MOSG and supported by 3GPP RAN4. The test plan was outlin
ed in [1].

The objective of this contribution is to present the SD/LD results obtained by E
MITE using its E400a mode-stirred reverberation chamber in combination to a Spir
ent SR5500M channel emulator as reverberation chamber candidate methodology 2 (R
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of FRC of power imbalance test
Doc.Name R4-135385 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides correction on RMC
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DOCUMENT: CR on correction of FRC of power imbalance test
Doc.Name R4-135386 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides correction on RMC
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DOCUMENT: More Test Results for the Decomposition Method from CTIA's P
hase 3 Measurement Campaign
Doc.Name R4-135387 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rohde & Schwarz
Release: Rel-11
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: As extension to R4-135381, we present more data taken for phase 3 of CTIA’s IL
/IT campaign using the decomposition method.
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR37.977: AC Multiprobe, RC NIST and RC SD Harmonizati
on test results
Doc.Name R4-135388 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CTTC, EMITE, Bluetest, Azimuth, Orange, NTT DoCoMo
Release: 11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The present contribution provides the text proposal for inclusion of the harmoni
zation test results between AC Multiprobe, RC NIST and RC SD in TR 37.977.
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DOCUMENT: Overview of UE transmitter architectures and requirements fo
r 2UL non-contiguous intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135389 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-intra
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Overview discussions related to 2UL NC CA UE RF architectures.
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DOCUMENT: Comments on ACLR for 2UL NC intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135390 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_2UL-intra
Abstract: ACLR discussions related to in-gap and out of gap cases for intra-band non-conti
guous CA.
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DOCUMENT: About requirements and test methodologies of Active Antenna
Doc.Name R4-135391 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia
Document for: discussion
Abstract: In RAN4 #68 meeting further discussions on the need of radiated (OTA) vs. conduc
ted tests for Active Antennas Systems and related test methodologies have been h
eld. In the present contribution, focused mainly on the EIRP and EIRS discussion
, Telecom Italia view on the subject, which relies on the importance for an oper
ator of antenna tests made harder to perform with AASs than with traditional (pa
ssive) antennas, is presented.
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DOCUMENT: TR 37.977 v110
Doc.Name R4-135392 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: TR clean up and consistency
Doc.Name R4-135393 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: general initial clean up of TR. Several sections impacted.
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DOCUMENT: TP to section 7 of TR 37.977 v110
Doc.Name R4-135394 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Clarifications are required in section 7 to reflect the actual settings used and
to be proposed in MIMO OTA
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DOCUMENT: TP to channel model sections
Doc.Name R4-135395 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: TP to TR on channel models to correctly describe and present the content of that
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DOCUMENT: Summary of settings used in IL/IT test plan in CTIA
Doc.Name R4-135396 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Summary of settings used in ILIT. They are presented as a table using references
to sections of the TR.
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DOCUMENT: Proposal for a framework on the number of labs per methodolo
Doc.Name R4-135397 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion and decision
Abstract: Number of labs required for correct evaluation and comparison of ILIT results is
not defined. This contribution proposes a WF.
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DOCUMENT: Harmonization framework and options
Doc.Name R4-135398 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion and decision
Abstract: This contribution aims to place the basis for a detailed framework which can set
the first steps towards agreeing a harmonization across methodologies that have
fulfilled ABCD. It also presents a work plan, which should be no surprise to th
e group due to the limited time to reach agreement. Additionally several options
are presented for discussion.
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DOCUMENT: TR36.833-1-39 V0.2.0 LTE Advanced intra-band contiguous Carr
ier Aggregation for Band 39
Doc.Name R4-135399 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CMCC
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B39
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution gives a new version of TR36.833-1-39 V0.2.0 LTE Advanced intra
-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation for Band 39.
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DOCUMENT: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes
Doc.Name R4-135400 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes. To be drafted online during the course o
f RAN4#68bis meeting
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DOCUMENT: Why radiated requirements
Doc.Name R4-135401 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion and decision
Abstract: Vodafone's view on the need for radiated requirements
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DOCUMENT: Overview of RAN4 impacts and workplan for “Low cost & enha
nced coverage MTC UE for LTE”
Doc.Name R4-135402 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This document gives an overview of the work required for RAN4 to complete the wo
rk item “Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE”
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DOCUMENT: Harmonization framework and options
Doc.Name R4-135403 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion and decision
Abstract: This contribution aims to place the basis for a detailed framework which can set
the first steps towards agreeing a harmonization across methodologies that have
fulfilled ABCD. It also presents a work plan, which should be no surprise to th
e group due to the limited time to reach agreement. Additionally several options
are presented for discussion.
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DOCUMENT: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes
Doc.Name R4-135404 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes. To be drafted online during the course o
f RAN4#68bis meeting
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DOCUMENT: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes
Doc.Name R4-135405 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes. To be drafted online during the course o
f RAN4#68bis meeting
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DOCUMENT: Correction in RSTD requirements
Doc.Name R4-135406 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: LCS_LTE
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction of refernece sections in FDD-TDD and TDD-FDD requirements.
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DOCUMENT: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes
Doc.Name R4-135407 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes. To be drafted online during the course o
f RAN4#68bis meeting
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DOCUMENT: Co-existence between MSS and band 34
Doc.Name R4-135408 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses the co-existence between MSS and Band 34
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DOCUMENT: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes
Doc.Name R4-135409 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Approval
Abstract: RAN4#68bis MIMO OTA AH meeting minutes. To be drafted online during the course o
f RAN4#68bis meeting
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DOCUMENT: Correction in RSTD requirements
Doc.Name R4-135410 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LCS_LTE
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction of refernece sections in FDD-TDD and TDD-FDD requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Considerations on the channel arrangement including the MSS
Doc.Name R4-135411 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_1980_2170_Korea
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper further analysis the possible channel arrangements including the MSS
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for new high-Doppler scenarios
Doc.Name R4-135412 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide simulation results for the FRC options of new E
TU300 high-Doppler scenarios. Based on the results, we make a recommendation for
the test FRC.
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DOCUMENT: Correction in RSTD requirements
Doc.Name R4-135413 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LCS_LTE
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction of refernece sections in FDD-TDD and TDD-FDD requirements.
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DOCUMENT: UE-UE coexistence for Band 40
Doc.Name R4-135414 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces missing bands for co-existence with Band 40
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DOCUMENT: Correction in RSTD requirements
Doc.Name R4-135415 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LCS_LTE
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction of reference sections in FDD-TDD and TDD-FDD requirements.
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DOCUMENT: Open issues in EPDCCH testing
Doc.Name R4-135416 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_enh_dl_ctrl-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: We discuss the remaining open issues of EPDCCH requirement scenarios and provide
alignment results with the agreed simulation assumptions.
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DOCUMENT: UE-UE coexistence for Band 40
Doc.Name R4-135417 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces missing bands for co-existence with Band 40
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DOCUMENT: Editorial corrections RRM
Doc.Name R4-135418 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Editorial corrections
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DOCUMENT: System bandwidth for PBCH performance requirements
Doc.Name R4-135419 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The system bandwidth assumption in feICIC PBCH demodulation requirements is disc
ussed. In addition, to assess the effect of system bandwidth on the performance,
simulation results are provided.
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DOCUMENT: UE-UE coexistence for Band 40
Doc.Name R4-135420 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR introduces missing bands for co-existence with Band 40
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DOCUMENT: Editorial corrections RRM
Doc.Name R4-135421 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Editorial corrections RRM
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DOCUMENT: The extension of E-UTRA band number and EARFCN numbering LS
from GERAN WG2
Doc.Name R4-135422 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution discusses the LS from GERAN WG2 on extending E-UTRA band numb
er and EARFCN numbering space
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DOCUMENT: Link level performance evaluation of CRS-IC in homogeneous n
etwork deployments
Doc.Name R4-135423 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide the requested simulation results, analysis and
discussion according to the latest agreements and simulation assumptions.
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DOCUMENT: Update results on Polarization discrimination among MIMO OTA
test methods
Doc.Name R4-135424 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility LLC
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DOCUMENT: Correction to MTA requirements
Doc.Name R4-135425 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction to align with the agreed capabilities.
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on RI test cases for DL CoMP
Doc.Name R4-135426 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we address our views on RI tests for DL CoMP, detailed des
ign for RI test cases is also provided for reference.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to MTA requirements
Doc.Name R4-135427 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Correction to align with the agreed capabilities.
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DOCUMENT: Draft LS reply on developing of Recommendations for out-of-b
and emission characteristics for IMT-Advanced
Doc.Name R4-135428 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
Document for: LS Out
Abstract: LS reply to R4-134268 regarding the Recommendations for out-of-band emission cha
racteristics for IMT-Advanced
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DOCUMENT: Band simplification
Doc.Name R4-135429 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce a compact way to refer to bands
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DOCUMENT: Band simplification
Doc.Name R4-135430 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Introduce a compact way to refer to bands
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR 37.977, section 12,Test Methodology
Doc.Name R4-135431 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility LLC, Anite Telecoms ltd, Nokia, Intel
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results of DL CoMP demodulation tests
Doc.Name R4-135432 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Simulations results of DL CoMP demodulation tests are provided in this contribut
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DOCUMENT: COST IC1004 TWGO comments on Proposal for Additional Channel
Models for MIMO OTA Performance
Doc.Name R4-135433 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility LLC, Anite Telecoms ltd
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: Missing update on reference input power adjustment for a dua
l band device
Doc.Name R4-135434 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA,
Document for: CR
Abstract: When additional DB-DC-HSDPA our dual band 4C-HSDPA configurations were introduce
d in later release time frame, sub-clause 7.10 Reference input power adjustment
for a dual band device was not updated accordingly. This CR provides update on s
ub-clause 7.10 in TS 25.101.
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DOCUMENT: CR to Introduce fading CQI test for CoMP (FDD)
Doc.Name R4-135435 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: Draft CR to introduce the FDD fading CQI test for DL CoMP.
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DOCUMENT: Missing update on reference input power adjustment for a dua
l band device
Doc.Name R4-135436 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA, RANimp-DC_HSUPA, 4C_HSDPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: When additional DB-DC-HSDPA our dual band 4C-HSDPA configurations were introduce
d in later release time frame, sub-clause 7.10 Reference input power adjustment
for a dual band device was not updated accordingly. This CR provides update on s
ub-clause 7.10 in TS 25.101.
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DOCUMENT: CR to Introduce fading CQI test for CoMP (TDD)
Doc.Name R4-135437 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Specification: 36.101
CR category: B
Release: 11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: CR to introduce TDD CQI fading test for DL CoMP.
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DOCUMENT: Missing update on reference input power adjustment for a dua
l band device
Doc.Name R4-135438 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: RANimp-MultiBand_DC_HSDPA, RANimp-DC_HSUPA, 4C_HSDPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: When additional DB-DC-HSDPA our dual band 4C-HSDPA configurations were introduce
d in later release time frame, sub-clause 7.10 Reference input power adjustment
for a dual band device was not updated accordingly. This CR provides update on s
ub-clause 7.10 in TS 25.101.
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DOCUMENT: Finalization of CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM
Doc.Name R4-135439 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: RANimp-DC_HSUPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Square brackets in CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM have been removed.
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DOCUMENT: Finalization of CM and MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM
Doc.Name R4-135440 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-10
WI code: RANimp-DC_HSUPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Square brackets in CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM have been removed.
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DOCUMENT: Test case applicability for CA demodulation test
Doc.Name R4-135441 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In RAN4 #68, RAN4 received an LS from RAN5 [1] asking RAN4 to investigate if it
is possible to clearly specify in 36.101 how test points for soft buffer managem
ent and sustained data rate is determined. After discussing how this LS can be h
andled, a WF in [2] was agreed to further investigate possible solution to this
problem. It was identified that
• Solution should be able to handle both single carrier and CA case in a unifo
rm way
• Solution should be defined in a way that is applicable to all releases.
In this contribution, we analyze the problem and provide our recommendation on h
ow to clarify test point for soft buffer managent and sustained data rate test.
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DOCUMENT: Finalization of CM and MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM
Doc.Name R4-135442 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: RANimp-DC_HSUPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Square brackets in CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM have been removed.
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DOCUMENT: UE reference architectures for CA_B8_B26
Doc.Name R4-135443 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Finalization of CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM
Doc.Name R4-135444 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: RANimp-DC_HSUPA
Document for: CR
Abstract: Square brackets in CM/MPR for DC-HSUPA with 16QAM have been removed.
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DOCUMENT: UE performance requirements for non-contiguous 4C with MIMO
and non-contiguous Multiflow with MIMO
Doc.Name R4-135445 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: Rel-11
WI code: NC_4C_HSDPA-Perf, HSDPA_MFTX-Perf
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: It provides way forward in response to R2-132968 regarding UE performance requir
ements for NC+MIMO and NC MF + MIMO.
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DOCUMENT: Introduction of UE requirements for determination of Common
E-RGCH Radio LInk(s) in Cell_FACH
Doc.Name R4-135446 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.133
CR category: B
Release: Rel-11
WI code: Cell_FACH_enh-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: It provides UE requirements based on agreed framework in R4-134492.
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DOCUMENT: On AAS radiated requirements
Doc.Name R4-135447 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Orange
Release: 12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: View on the need for AAS radiated requirements
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DOCUMENT: Maximum number of carriers to monitor in Idle/UTRA_PCH/Cell_
PCH states in UTRA
Doc.Name R4-135448 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It discusses potential UE implementation/requirements impact with the increase o
f number of carriers to monitor in Idle/URA_PCH/Cell_PCH states.
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DOCUMENT: Proximity Indication - correction of proximity test case [UM
Doc.Name R4-135449 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-10
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: It Clarifies the existing test case that Cell 1 Cell 3 handover at time T4 invo
lves neither SRNS relocation, nor SR-VCC.
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DOCUMENT: Proximity Indication - correction of proximity test case [UM
Doc.Name R4-135450 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: It Clarifies the existing test case that Cell 1 Cell 3 handover at time T4 invo
lves neither SRNS relocation, nor SR-VCC.
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: Proximity Indication - correction of proximity test case [UM
Doc.Name R4-135451 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: It Clarifies the existing test case that Cell 1 Cell 3 handover at time T4 invo
lves neither SRNS relocation, nor SR-VCC.
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DOCUMENT: Changes to TS 37.104 for LTE_CA_C_B27
Doc.Name R4-135452 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, NII Holdings
Specification: 37.104
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides narrow carrier operation to TS 37.104 by stating the missing AC
LR requirement.
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DOCUMENT: Diplexer insertion loss for UTRA Band I + SDL 1452 - 1492 MH
Doc.Name R4-135453 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: TR37.814
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_UTRA_SDL_BandL-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: It provides insertion loss for UTRA SDL and proposes Tx/Rx core requirements rel
axation. It also provides TP to TR37.814.
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DOCUMENT: Changes to TS 37.141 for LTE_CA_C_B27
Doc.Name R4-135454 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson, Huawei, NSN, NII Holdings
Specification: 37.141
CR category: B
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_C_B27-Perf
Document for: CR
Abstract: This CR provides narrow carrier operation to TS 37.141 by update of the conforma
nce test for ACLR.
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DOCUMENT: Maximum UL timing difference between TAGs
Doc.Name R4-135455 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper analyse the subframe overlap at UE TX ports for interband CA as per L
S in R1-132819.
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on maximum UL timing difference between TAGs
Doc.Name R4-135456 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: LS Out
Abstract: This LS out answer the question regarding the subframe overlap at UE TX ports fo
r interband CA as per LS in R1-132819.
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DOCUMENT: 2UL intra-band CA relative power tolerance
Doc.Name R4-135457 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Further discussion is provided on the relative power control requirement for int
ra-band CA.
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DOCUMENT: Further spatial-MCL approach of classifying AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135458 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides some further analysis on how to specify AAS BS classe
s based on spatial MCL approach.
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DOCUMENT: Uplink relative power tolerance for intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135459 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 10
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Provide corrections to complete the relative power tolerance requirement for int
ra-band UL CA.
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DOCUMENT: On the requirement reference point of the AAS spurious emiss
Doc.Name R4-135460 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this proposal, how to define the requirement reference point at the Radiated
field was suggested.
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DOCUMENT: On the AAS BS reference sensitivity requirement
Doc.Name R4-135461 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the principle on how to specify the AAS BS reference
sensitivity requirement
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DOCUMENT: Uplink relative power tolerance for intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135462 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Provide corrections to complete the relative power tolerance requirement for int
ra-band UL CA.
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DOCUMENT: On the AAS BS maximum output power requirement
Doc.Name R4-135463 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides the principle on how to specify the AAS BS maximum ou
tput power requirement
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DOCUMENT: Uplink relative power tolerance for intra-band CA
Doc.Name R4-135464 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Provide corrections to complete the relative power tolerance requirement for int
ra-band UL CA.
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DOCUMENT: 1) Inter-frequency measurements gap for UE with single chip
Doc.Name R4-135465 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss inter-frequency measurement performed by UE implemented
using an integrated chip solution and conclude that such a UE will create PCell
interrupts also for inter-f/RAT measurements and therefore should not indicate
that it is capable of performing inter-frequency measurements without gaps.
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DOCUMENT: TP to TR 37.977 on Harmonizing the Multi-Probe Anechoic Cham
ber Text in Section 6
Doc.Name R4-135466 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anite Telecoms Ltd, Nokia Corporation, Motorola Mobility, Intel Corporation, Spi
rent Communications, Satimo Industries, Light Squared
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Doc.Name R4-135467 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Lightsquared Inc.
Specification: TR 36.844
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_FDD_1670_US
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: During RAN#59 (Vienna), the study item titled “Expansion of LTE_FDD_1670_US to
include 1670-1680 MHz Band for LTE in the US” was approved. The downlink spe
ctrum covered by this study item is 1670 to 1680 MHz, and the uplink band coinci
des with band 24 UL from 1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz. In this contribution, we address
the UE REFSENS for the two pairing alternatives for this proposed band.
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DOCUMENT: On the Stationarity and Ergodicity of Geometry Based Channel
Doc.Name R4-135468 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anite Telecoms Ltd, Spirent Communications
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DOCUMENT: Inter-frequency measurements gap for UE with single chip imp
Doc.Name R4-135469 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss inter-frequency measurements performed by a UE implemen
ted using an integrated chip solution. We conclude that such a UE will create PC
ell interrupts also for inter-f/RAT measurements and therefore should not indica
te that it is capable of performing inter-frequency measurements without gaps.
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DOCUMENT: Goals and Principles for Harmonization
Doc.Name R4-135470 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anite Telecoms Ltd, Intel Corporation, NTT Docomo, Nokia Corporation, Motorola M
obility, Spirent Communications, Satimo Industries, Light Squared
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DOCUMENT: Agreed Harmonization Process
Doc.Name R4-135471 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anite Telecoms Ltd
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DOCUMENT: Clarification concerning measurement gap for UE with single
chip implementation
Doc.Name R4-135472 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A UE that cannot perform inter-frequency/RAT measurements without introducing in
terrupts on its active receiver chain should indicate need for gap assisted meas
urements to the network
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DOCUMENT: Observations on the Inter-lab/Inter-technique (ILIT) Campaig
Doc.Name R4-135473 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Anite Telecoms Ltd, NTT Docomo, Chunghwa Telecom, Light Squared, Intel Corporati
on, Satimo Industries
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DOCUMENT: Clarification concerning measurement gap for UE with single
chip implementation
Doc.Name R4-135474 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A UE that cannot perform inter-frequency/RAT measurements without introducing in
terrupts on its active receiver chain should indicate need for gap assisted meas
urements to the network
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DOCUMENT: Clarification for SCell activation delay
Doc.Name R4-135475 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: LTE_CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Clarification CR concerning CQI reporting during a potential SCell activation de
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on relaxed performance requirements for backgroun
d search
Doc.Name R4-135476 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we continue the discussion related to the topics from the LS and b
ased on the agreed WF on inter-frequency small cell discovery with reduced UE po
wer consumption impact.
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DOCUMENT: LS response on relaxed performance requirement
Doc.Name R4-135477 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Draft LS response to RAN2 related to the feasibility of relaxed performance requ
irements for background search.
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DOCUMENT: Considerations on NAICS receivers to be studied in system le
vel evaluations
Doc.Name R4-135478 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution we propose prioritization of the receivers to be studied in
Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE
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DOCUMENT: On TDD UL/DL subframe configurations in requirements
Doc.Name R4-135479 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In Rel-11, the current requirements apply when the UL/DL subframe configurations
are the same in different cells
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DOCUMENT: Link-level investigation of NAICS Phase 1
Doc.Name R4-135480 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.101
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The Rel-12 SI “Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for
LTE” focuses on evaluating the performance of network-assisted and (non-networ
k-assisted) IC and IS receivers to mitigate co-channel inter– and intra-cell i
nterference. This contribution addresses the link-level study of NAICS receivers
, such as the enhanced LMMSE-IRC and the codeword-level SIC (L-CWIC), for the Ph
ase 1 of the evaluation
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DOCUMENT: TDD UL/DL subframe configurations in requirements
Doc.Name R4-135481 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: In Rel-11, the current requirements apply when the UL/DL subframe configurations
are the same in different cells
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DOCUMENT: Further discussion on ON/OFF interference modeling for NAICS
Doc.Name R4-135482 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper is to present a method about ON/OFF interference modeling for link le
vel evaluation of NAICS receiver.
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DOCUMENT: Time plan for finalization of enhanced carrier aggregation
Doc.Name R4-135483 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Corporation, NSN
Specification: 36.133
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the finalization of the LTE carrier aggregation enhance
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DOCUMENT: TDD UL/DL subframe configurations in requirements
Doc.Name R4-135484 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: In Rel-12, adding a note to ensure that the UL/DL subframe configurations applic
ability is to be clarified
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DOCUMENT: On complexity of NAICS receivers
Doc.Name R4-135485 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper is to discusses the complexity of NAICS receivers.
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DOCUMENT: Performance of Blind R-ML Receivers for NAICS Phase-1 Evalua
Doc.Name R4-135486 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: QUALCOMM Incorporated
Release: R-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Correction to release independent specification
Doc.Name R4-135487 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.307
CR category: F
Release: Rel-8
WI code: TEI8
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections based on the agreements in R4-134146
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results for phase 2 evaluation
Doc.Name R4-135488 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper presents the simulation results for phase 2 evaluation.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to release independent specification
Doc.Name R4-135489 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.307
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: TEI9
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections based on the agreements in R4-134146
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DOCUMENT: NAICS Phase-2 Evaluations for SLIC Receiver
Doc.Name R4-135490 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: QUALCOMM Incorporated
Release: R-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: On CRS interference handling in CoMP
Doc.Name R4-135491 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-11
WI code: COMP_LTE_DL-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper discusses the CRS interference handling issue in CoMP scenario.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to release independent specification
Doc.Name R4-135492 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.307
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections based on the agreements in R4-134146
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on TR36.866 (NAICS receiver assumptions)
Doc.Name R4-135493 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MediaTek Inc.
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: NAICS Phase-2 Evaluations for R-ML Receiver
Doc.Name R4-135494 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: QUALCOMM Incorporated
Release: R-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: Further considerations on inter-frequency small cell discove
Doc.Name R4-135495 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
WI code: HetNet_eMOB_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper is for further discussion on inter-frequency small cell discovery iss
ue in response to RAN2 LS.
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DOCUMENT: Correction to release independent specification
Doc.Name R4-135496 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.307
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: CR
Abstract: Corrections based on the agreements in R4-134146
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Doc.Name R4-135497 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This paper presents the L2S modeling and system performance results for WLMMSE r
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DOCUMENT: UE performance requirements in release independent specifica
Doc.Name R4-135498 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE-CA
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Capturing UE performance requirements in 36.307
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DOCUMENT: Complexity Analysis for NAICS Receivers
Doc.Name R4-135499 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: QUALCOMM Incorporated
Release: R-12
Document for: Discussion
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DOCUMENT: TP for L2S modeling of WLMMSE-IRC
Doc.Name R4-135500 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper provides the draft TR about L2S modeling for WLMMSE.
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DOCUMENT: TP for L2S modeling of WLMMSE-IRC
Doc.Name R4-135501 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This paper provides the draft TR about L2S modeling for WLMMSE.
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DOCUMENT: Handling of DTc with P-MPR
Doc.Name R4-135502 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Approval
Abstract: In the definition of Pcmax, the relaxation DTc is added to P-MPR while the relax
ation DTib is not. The relaxations should be handled in a consistent fashion. As
there is no limit on P-MPR, it is proposed that neither relaxation be added.
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DOCUMENT: Scenarios with different BWs in FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135503 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: On FeICIC requirements applicability in scenarios with different bandwidths
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DOCUMENT: Requirements clarification under different BWs in FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135504 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: FeICIC requirements applicability in scenarios with different bandwidths
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DOCUMENT: Comparison between conducted and radiated requirements
Doc.Name R4-135505 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: An extensive discussion on the requirement reference points took place during RA
N4#67 in Fukuoka and RAN4#68 in Barcelona but agreement could not be achieved. N
EC provided its view on the requirement reference point in [1]. In this contribu
tion, we provide further elaboration to complement our views by comparing conduc
ted and radiated requirements to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each
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DOCUMENT: CR Removing Addition of DTc to P-MPR
Doc.Name R4-135506 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR modifies the Pcmax equation in Sections 6.2.5 and 6.2.5A so that DTc is
not added to P-MPR.
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DOCUMENT: Requirements clarification under different BWs in FeICIC
Doc.Name R4-135507 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: FeICIC requirements applicability in scenarios with different bandwidths
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DOCUMENT: Output power and Receiver Sensitivity Requirements for AAS
Doc.Name R4-135508 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Output power and receive sensitivity requirements have been discussed extensivel
y during RAN4#67 in Fukuoka and RAN#68 in Barcelona without conclusion. Two way
forwards were submitted [1] and [2] but none were agreed. In this contribution w
e clarify NEC position on the output power and receiver sensitivity requirements
and make a proposal on the way forward for specifying these RF requirements.
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DOCUMENT: CR Removing Addition of DTc to P-MPR
Doc.Name R4-135509 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR modifies the Pcmax equation in Sections 6.2.5 and 6.2.5A so that DTc is
not added to P-MPR.
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DOCUMENT: CR Removing Addition of DTc to P-MPR
Doc.Name R4-135510 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: TEI12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR modifies the Pcmax equation in Sections 6.2.5 and 6.2.5A so that DTc is
not added to P-MPR
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DOCUMENT: Output Power Conformance testing for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135511 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: During RAN4#66bis in Chicago, RAN4 agreed on the WF in [1]. An extensive discuss
ion took place during RAN4#67 in Fukuoka on the BS transmission output power req
uirements but agreement could not be achieved. This contribution proposes confor
mance testing for the output power requirement in AAS BS. This is a resubmission
of contribution R4-133167 which was not addressed at last meeting RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: On IC receiver with autonomous gaps
Doc.Name R4-135512 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: The contribution addresses the issue of IC capable receiver which is also using
autonomous gaps.
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DOCUMENT: Text proposals for the Introduction, Scope and Definitions i
n the AAS TR
Doc.Name R4-135513 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution presents TP for the general introductory sections including th
e Scope, Objectives and Definitions of the AAS BS for the proposed TR skeleton [
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on IC receiver with autonomous gaps
Doc.Name R4-135514 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Requirements clarification with IC receiver and autonomous gaps
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DOCUMENT: Simulation results on in-band blocking for AAS co-existence
Doc.Name R4-135515 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we provide preliminary simulation results for AAS in-band
blocking evaluations based on proposed simulation cases and assumptions for AAS
coexistence study in [1].
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DOCUMENT: Clarification on IC receiver with autonomous gaps
Doc.Name R4-135516 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Requirements clarification with IC receiver and autonomous gaps
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DOCUMENT: Time Alignment Error Requirements for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135517 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Based on the agreed Way Forward during RAN4#66bis in Chicago [1], one of the goa
ls at this meeting is to reach consensus on the Time Alignment Error (TAE) requi
rement reference point. This contribution discusses the requirements for Time Al
ignment Error and makes a recommendation for its reference point for AAS BS.
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DOCUMENT: Transmitter Intermodulation Requirement for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135518 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The requirement for transmitter intermodulation was discussed during RAN4#67 mee
ting without conclusion. In this contribution, we propose to adopt the requireme
nt reference point for transmitter intermodulation to be at the transceiver arra
y boundary. This contribution is resubmission for contribution R4-133162 since i
t was not discussed at the last meeting RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: Correction in cell search FeICIC test cases
Doc.Name R4-135519 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Add a note to align with Phase II test cases
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DOCUMENT: Operating band unwanted emission Requirement for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135520 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The requirement for unwanted emission was discussed during RAN4#67 meeting witho
ut conclusion. In this contribution, we propose to adopt the reference point for
operating band unwanted emission to be at the transceiver array boundary. This
is resubmission for R4-133161 which was not addressed at the last meeting RAN4#6
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DOCUMENT: Correction in cell search FeICIC test cases
Doc.Name R4-135521 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.133
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: eICIC_enh_LTE-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: Add a note to align with Phase II test cases
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DOCUMENT: Transmitter spurious emission Requirement for AAS BS
Doc.Name R4-135522 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: NEC
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Approval
Abstract: The requirements for Transmitter spurious emission were discussed during RAN4#67
meeting in Fukuoka as planned and agreed in the WF in [1]. It has been conclude
d in [2] that spurious emission shall be specified at the transceiver array boun
dary pending final confirmation from one company. Transmitter spurious emission
requirement for AAS BS was not discussed during RAN4#68.
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DOCUMENT: On performance requirements for NBPS
Doc.Name R4-135523 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: On performance requirements for NBPS
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DOCUMENT: Link simulations for OTDOA RSTD with larger BW
Doc.Name R4-135524 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Link simulations for OTDOA RSTD with larger BW
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DOCUMENT: On the impact of Tx diversity on OTDOA RSTD
Doc.Name R4-135525 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LCSenh_LTE
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: On the impact of Tx diversity on OTDOA RSTD
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DOCUMENT: Text Proposal on TR 36.866 (Observations on Blind NAICS Rece
Doc.Name R4-135526 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: QUALCOMM Incorporated
Release: R-12
Document for: Approval
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DOCUMENT: MPR Reduction for CA with Non-Contiguous Resource Allocation
Doc.Name R4-135527 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A proposal is made for reducing the MPR allowed for some CA non-contiguous resou
rce allocation transmissions.
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DOCUMENT: CR Reducing MPR for CA with Non-Contiguous Resource Allocati
Doc.Name R4-135528 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: C
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR limits the MPR for some CA non-contiguous resource allocation transmissi
ons to 4.5 dB.
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DOCUMENT: CR Reducing MPR for CA with Non-Contiguous Resource Allocati
Doc.Name R4-135529 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility
Specification: TS 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This CR limits the MPR for some CA non-contiguous resource allocation transmissi
ons to 4.5 dB.
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DOCUMENT: Some initial views on RAN4 part of D2D studies
Doc.Name R4-135530 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE, Tejet
Release: Rel-12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution provides some intial views on D2D studies in RAN4, in particul
ar the RF related (e.g. inband emission) studies.
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DOCUMENT: Intra-band non-contiguous CA REFSENS with 1 UL
Doc.Name R4-135531 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: Rel-11
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: In the current specification for intra-band non-contiguous CA, it is not clear w
here the DL PCC and DL SCC be placed with regard to UL PCC. So we propose to add
a sentence “and the downlink SCC carrier center frequency shall be configured
closer to uplink operating band than the downlink PCC center frequency” to ex
policitly mention the placement of DL SCC.
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DOCUMENT: Intra-band non-contiguous CA REFSENS with 1 UL (Rel-12)
Doc.Name R4-135532 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_CA_enh-Core
Document for: CR
Abstract: In the current specification for intra-band non-contiguous CA, it is not clear w
here the DL PCC and DL SCC be placed with regard to UL PCC. So we propose to add
a sentence “and the downlink SCC carrier center frequency shall be configured
closer to uplink operating band than the downlink PCC center frequency” to ex
policitly mention the placement of DL SCC.
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DOCUMENT: Initial discussion on low cost MTC requirements
Doc.Name R4-135533 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LC_MTC_LTE-Core
Document for: Discssion
Abstract: In this contriubtion, we will triger the discussion on RAN4 requirements for low
cost MTC.
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DOCUMENT: On specification splitting
Doc.Name R4-135534 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Release: Rel-12
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: In this contribution, we share our view on the specification splitting.
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DOCUMENT: Pcmax Tolerance for UL MIMO
Doc.Name R4-135535 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
Release: 10
WI code: TEI10
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion of the Pcmax tolerance existing specification
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DOCUMENT: MPR Reduction Method for Multi-Cluster Waveforms
Doc.Name R4-135536 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Evaluation of required MPR for Multi-Cluster Waveforms
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DOCUMENT: CR MPR Reduction Method for Multi-Cluster Waveforms
Doc.Name R4-135537 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: F
Release: 11
WI code: TEI11
Document for: Approval
Abstract: MPR is reduced for Multi-Cluster CR for rel11
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on D2D Inband Emission Modeling for D2D System Leve
l Simulations
Doc.Name R4-135538 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Approval
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: Test Results for the two-stage method
Doc.Name R4-135539 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: HSPA_LTE_measRP_MIMO-Perf
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Two stage method results are presented
Withdrawn: Y
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DOCUMENT: Overview of D2D RAN1 and RAN2 status
Doc.Name R4-135540 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: TBA
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: MPR for CA Multi-Cluster Waveforms
Doc.Name R4-135541 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Simulation results are presented for CA multi-cluster waveform MPR
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DOCUMENT: In-band Emission Modeling for D2D in RAN1
Doc.Name R4-135542 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: TBA
Withdrawn: N
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DOCUMENT: CR MPR for CA Multi-Cluster Waveforms
Doc.Name R4-135543 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: C
Release: 10
WI code: LTE_CA_Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR to 36.101 rel 10 for CA Multi-Cluster waveforms
Withdrawn: Y
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DOCUMENT: UE RF aspects for LTE D2D proximity services
Doc.Name R4-135544 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: TBA
Withdrawn: N
The file is uploaded
DOCUMENT: CR MPR for CA Multi-Cluster Waveforms
Doc.Name R4-135545 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 36.101
CR category: A
Release: 11
WI code: LTE_CA_Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: CR to 36.101 rel 11 for CA Multi-Cluster waveforms
Withdrawn: Y
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DOCUMENT: UE RF aspects for LTE D2D proximity services
Doc.Name R4-135546 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Release: 12
WI code: FS_LTE_D2D_Prox
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: TBA
Withdrawn: Y
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Proximity Indication - correction of proximity test case [UM
Doc.Name R4-135547 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: 25.133
CR category: F
Release: Rel-9
WI code: EHNB-RAN2
Document for: CR
Abstract: It Clarifies the existing test case that Cell 1 Cell 3 handover at time T4 invol
ves neither SRNS relocation, nor SR-VCC.
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DOCUMENT: 2 GHz MSS band coexistence for Region 1
Doc.Name R4-135548 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Document for: Approval
Abstract: A proposal is provided to address the different coexistence and deployment scena
rios possible for the 2 GHz MSS band, particularly with regard to Band 34 is pro
vided. The definition of NS values for this band is proposed.
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DOCUMENT: On ergodicity of throughput with the anechoic chamber multi-
cluster test method
Doc.Name R4-135549 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Motorola Mobility LLC
Withdrawn: N
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