ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_108 / Inbox / Drafts / [108][111] HPUE_Basket_Intra-CA_TDD

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icon Draft R4-2313222 Big CR on TS38.101-1 Addition of intra-band CA Combinations.docx 2023/08/22 14:55 113 KB
icon Draft R4-2314193 Topic summary for [108][111] HPUE_Basket_Intra-CA_TDD.docx 2023/08/16 1:03 41,7 KB
icon Draft R4-2314635 WID on HPUE_NR_FR1_TDD_intra_CA_R18.doc 2023/08/22 14:55 107,5 KB

3 items.