ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_106bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [106bis-e][303] NR_ATG_BSRF / 2nd round / Revised TPs

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icon Draft R4-2305897_rev R4-2304449_TP for TR 38.876, On ATG BS class and BS type.docx 2023/04/25 3:20 50,1 KB
icon Draft R4-2305898_rev R4-2304450_TP for TR 38.876, On transmitter spurious emissions.docx 2023/04/25 3:20 50,3 KB
icon rev R4-2304216 TP for TR 38.876 on BS RF requirements.docx 2023/04/23 3:22 48,7 KB
icon rev R4-2304449_TP for TR 38.876, On ATG BS class and BS type v1.docx 2023/04/24 3:01 52,3 KB
icon rev R4-2304449_TP for TR 38.876, On ATG BS class and BS type v1_ZTE.docx 2023/04/24 7:46 52,6 KB
icon rev R4-2304449_TP for TR 38.876, On ATG BS class and BS type.docx 2023/04/21 9:46 51,6 KB
icon rev R4-2304450_TP for TR 38.876, On transmitter spurious emissions.docx 2023/04/21 9:46 50,8 KB
icon rev R4-2304450_TP for TR 38.876, On transmitter spurious emissions_ZTE.docx 2023/04/24 7:41 48,1 KB
icon Revision of R4-2304209_TP for TR 38.876 to introduce ATG BS Rx requirements_v00.docx 2023/04/23 3:11 34,2 KB
icon Revision of R4-2304209_TP for TR 38.876 to introduce ATG BS Rx requirements_v00_ZTE.docx 2023/04/24 7:36 28,7 KB

10 items.