/ [106][108] NR_Baskets_Part_4
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2023/02/23 21:26
Draft Revision of R4-2302040.docx
2023/02/27 10:13
43,2 KB
Rev R4-2300537 TLS Draft CR 38.101-1 to add CA_n3B-n7B, CA_n1An3An3Bn7A-n26(2A), CA_n26An26(2A)-n78An78(2A) and CA_n26A-n28A.docx
2023/02/24 9:43
157,3 KB
Rev R4-2300539 TLS Draft CR 38.101-1 to add and CA_n1An3An7An7B-n26A26(2A)-n78(2A).docx
2023/02/24 11:22
417,2 KB
Rev R4-2300541 BT TP for 38.718-03-01 to include CA_n3-n7-n67 and DC_n3-n7-n67.docx
2023/02/24 9:44
68 KB
Rev R4-2300542 BT TP for 38.718-03-01 to include CA_n3-n67-n78 and DC_n3-n67-n78.docx
2023/02/24 9:44
66,7 KB
Rev R4-2300543 BT TP for 38.718-03-01 to include CA_n3A-n20A-n28A.docx
2023/02/24 11:20
68,9 KB
Rev1 of R4-2300722 TP to TR 38.718-02-01 for CA_n46-n78 and DC_n46-n78.docx
2023/02/25 11:25
45,4 KB
Rev1 of R4-2300723 TP to TR 38.718-02-01 for CA_n1-n46 and DC_n1-n46.docx
2023/02/25 11:25
63,1 KB
Rev1. of R4-2301268_TP for TR 37.718-11-11 DC_3A_n8A-n41A.docx
2023/02/26 13:44
95,4 KB
Rev2 R4-2300537 TLS Draft CR 38.101-1 to add CA_n3B-n7B, CA_n1An3An3Bn7A-n26(2A), CA_n26An26(2A)-n78An78(2A) and CA_n26A-n28A.docx
2023/02/24 11:21
157,7 KB
revision of R4-2300961 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n1A-n3A.docx
2023/02/24 9:43
120,8 KB
revision of R4-2300962 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n1A-n7A.docx
2023/02/24 9:44
120,9 KB
revision of R4-2300964 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n1A-n78A.docx
2023/02/24 9:44
121,1 KB
revision of R4-2300965 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n3A-n7A.docx
2023/02/24 9:45
121,6 KB
revision of R4-2300967 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n3A-n78A.docx
2023/02/24 9:45
121,6 KB
revision of R4-2300969 Draft CR for 38.101-1 for additons to CA_n7A-n78A.docx
2023/02/24 9:45
119,3 KB
[106][108] NR_Baskets_Part_4 - List for block approval.xlsx
2023/02/22 10:00
61,6 KB
18 items.