ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_104-e / Inbox / Post_Meeting / [Post 104-e][109]

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icon Big CR for TS 38.101-2 - FR2-2 UE requirements_v00.docx 2022/08/30 16:24 938,7 KB
icon Big CR for TS 38.101-3 - New NR_CADC 2BDL_xBUL combinations containing FR1 + FR2-2_v00.docx 2022/08/30 16:25 141,2 KB
icon draft R4-221xxxx Big CR of TS 38.104 on system parameter updates for FR2-2.docx 2022/08/30 13:10 1003,8 KB

3 items.