ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][337] FR2_enhTestMethods_Part1 / Round 2 / TPs

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icon draft R4-2207203 rev of R4-2203704 TP 38.884 n263 RRM SNR v01.docx 2022/03/02 12:29 43,8 KB
icon draft R4-2207204 n263 demod SNR calc.xlsx 2022/03/01 13:58 44,5 KB
icon draft R4-2207204 rev of R4-2203705 TP 38.884 n263 demodulation SNR v02.docx 2022/03/02 12:11 91,3 KB
icon draft R4-2207204 rev of R4-2203705 TP 38.884 n263 demodulation SNR v03_Intel.docx 2022/03/02 13:30 95,5 KB
icon draft R4-2207204 rev of R4-2203705 TP 38.884 n263 demodulation SNR.docx 2022/03/01 13:58 88,6 KB
icon [DRAFT R4-2207202] Revision of R4-2206092.docx 2022/03/01 0:36 55,8 KB
icon [FINAL DRAFT R4-2207202] Revision of R4-2206092.docx 2022/03/01 18:38 56 KB

7 items.