[102-e][333] NB-IOT_MTC_Demod
/ Round 2
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draft R4-2207037 REV_R4-2205090 NB-IoT dCR channel quality report.docx
2022/02/28 8:09
68,7 KB
draft R4-2207037 REV_R4-2205090 NB-IoT dCR channel quality report_v01.docx
2022/03/01 7:51
73,8 KB
draft R4-2207037 REV_R4-2205090 NB-IoT dCR channel quality report_v02_Huawei.docx
2022/03/01 8:20
73,3 KB
draft R4-2207037 REV_R4-2205090 NB-IoT dCR channel quality report_v03_final.docx
2022/03/01 17:15
71,9 KB
draft R4-2207037 REV_R4-2205090 NB-IoT dCR channel quality report_v03_final_01.docx
2022/03/02 3:32
72,1 KB
draft R4-2207200 WF for perf requirements for Rel-17 NB-IOT and eMTC_final.doc
2022/03/01 17:45
123 KB
draft R4-2207453 summary_333_after 2nd round_v00.docx
2022/03/02 4:00
210,8 KB
draft R4-220xxxx WF for perf requirements for Rel-17 NB-IOT and eMTC_v00.doc
2022/02/25 4:05
123 KB
draft R4-220xxxx WF for perf requirements for Rel-17 NB-IOT and eMTC_v01.doc
2022/03/01 9:54
128 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v00.docx
2022/02/25 4:05
110,5 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v01_moderator.docx
2022/02/25 5:56
112,7 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v02_moderator_Ericsson.docx
2022/02/28 9:01
116,9 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v03_Ericsson_Huawei.docx
2022/02/28 11:21
123,3 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v04_Huawei_Samsung.docx
2022/02/28 14:42
125,5 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v05_Samsung_QC.docx
2022/03/01 0:11
130,2 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v06_QC_Ericsson2.docx
2022/03/01 0:38
159,7 KB
draft summary_333_2nd round_v07_Ericsson2_Nokia.docx
2022/03/01 16:54
180,9 KB
17 items.