ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][229] NR_redcap_RRM_2 / LS

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icon draft R4-2206975 Reply LS on RSRP measurement before Msg1 or MsgA retransmission.doc 2022/02/28 17:11 107,5 KB
icon draft R4-2206976 LS on RRM relaxation for Redcap.doc 2022/02/28 17:11 114,5 KB
icon Final draft R4-2206976 LS on RRM relaxation for Redcap v1.doc 2022/03/02 4:25 114,5 KB
icon Final draft R4-2206976 LS on RRM relaxation for Redcap.doc 2022/03/01 18:12 114,5 KB
icon Final_R4-2206977_revised_v3.docx 2022/03/02 10:56 82,5 KB
icon R4-2206977_revised.docx 2022/02/28 12:40 82,6 KB
icon R4-2206977_revised_v2.docx 2022/03/01 11:03 82,8 KB
icon R4-2206977_revised_v3.docx 2022/03/01 21:43 84 KB
icon Revised R4-2204798 Draft CR for maximum interruption in paging reception for Redcap_Ericsson.docx 2022/03/01 15:04 96,9 KB

9 items.