ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][207] Maintenance_LTE_RRM / Round 2 / draftCRs

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icon Draft R4-2206834 DraftCR on correction to DAPS handover test cases in TS36.133 R16_final.docx 2022/03/02 9:11 163,1 KB
icon R4-xxx(originally 2203731) CR_LTE_SLSS_search_side_condition_102_v2.doc 2022/02/25 4:53 106 KB
icon Revised R4-2205324 DraftCR on correction to DAPS handover test cases in TS36.133 R16_v00.docx 2022/02/28 1:45 147,8 KB
icon revised R4-2205347 CR on eMTC reselection margin.docx 2022/02/28 8:19 64,8 KB
icon revised R4-2205347 CR on eMTC reselection margin_v01.docx 2022/03/02 10:37 65 KB

5 items.