ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][128] NR_TxD / Round 2 / CR on moving tables to D

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icon draft R4-2206517 (REV 5578) draft CR to move 2Tx MPR to Clause 6.2D (Rel-16) and add PC1.5 test rev1.docx 2022/03/03 0:21 92,5 KB
icon draft R4-2206517 (REV 5578) draft CR to move 2Tx MPR to Clause 6.2D (Rel-16) and add PC1.5 test.docx 2022/03/01 13:42 95,8 KB
icon draft R4-2206517 (REV 5578) draft CR to move 2Tx MPR to Clause 6.2D (Rel-16).docx 2022/02/28 11:26 71 KB

3 items.