ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_102-e / Inbox / Drafts / [102-e][128] NR_TxD / Round 2 / CR on SRS IL

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icon RevisionOfR4-2205224 Draft CR on SRS IL for NR TxD_v00.docx 2022/02/28 10:19 42,8 KB
icon RevisionOfR4-2205224 Draft CR on SRS IL for NR TxD_v00_OPPO.docx 2022/02/28 13:09 42,4 KB
icon RevisionOfR4-2205224 Draft CR on SRS IL for NR TxD_v00_OPPO2.docx 2022/02/28 13:22 42,5 KB
icon RevisionOfR4-2205224 Draft CR on SRS IL for NR TxD_v01_OPPO2_Nokia.docx 2022/03/01 14:42 43,3 KB

4 items.