ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG3_Iu / TSGR3_110-e / Inbox / Drafts / Company CR of Correction on value range of UAC reduction Indication

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icon draft_RP-202287 Correction on value range of UAC reduction Indication.docx 2020/11/26 9:20 28,2 KB
icon draft_RP-202287 Correction on value range of UAC reduction Indication_V1.docx 2020/11/26 11:34 29,1 KB
icon draft_RP-202288 Correction on value range of UAC reduction Indication.docx 2020/11/26 9:20 28,1 KB
icon draft_RP-202288 Correction on value range of UAC reduction Indication_V1.docx 2020/11/26 11:34 28,4 KB

4 items.