ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_112-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-044][IIOT] PDCP Corrections (Ericsson) / CRs

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icon draft 36323_CR0291r1_(Rel-16)_R2-2011063 CR on LTE PDCP re-establishment for UM DRB when t-Reordering is used.docx 2020/11/10 5:06 97,7 KB
icon draft R2-2011056 Corrections for PDCP duplication introduced in IIoT.docx 2020/11/09 13:56 98,4 KB
icon draft R2-2011197 Corrections for PDCP duplication introduced in IIoT.docx 2020/11/12 10:08 98,9 KB

3 items.