ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_110-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-705][V2X] Corrections on 38.300 and 36.300 (Ericsson) / 38.300

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icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CR0245_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v4.docx 2020/06/08 9:10 289,5 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication.docx 2020/06/03 12:08 273,2 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple.docx 2020/06/03 23:41 277 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS.docx 2020/06/04 2:00 273,9 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS_HW.docx 2020/06/04 2:35 273,8 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS_HW_CATT.docx 2020/06/04 8:09 302,2 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS_HW_CATT_Len.docx 2020/06/04 8:22 276,3 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS_HW_CATT_Len_ZTE.docx 2020/06/04 8:41 278,2 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_Apple_SS_HW_CATT_Len_ZTE_IDC.docx 2020/06/04 15:36 269,9 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v2.docx 2020/06/04 16:28 271,8 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v2_OPPO.docx 2020/06/05 3:54 270,9 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v2_OPPO_Len.docx 2020/06/05 5:52 272,7 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v2_OPPO_Lenovo_Nokia.docx 2020/06/05 8:42 278 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v2_OPPO_Lenovo_Nokia_MTK.docx 2020/06/05 15:24 276,7 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v3_vivo.docx 2020/06/08 2:34 276,4 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v3_vivo_QC.docx 2020/06/08 6:55 281 KB
icon draft_R2-2005957_38300_CRxxxx_Corrections for NR sidelink communication_v3_vivo_QC_ZTE.docx 2020/06/08 7:18 293,8 KB

17 items.