ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_110-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-301][NBIOT] R16 36.331 CR (Huawei)

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icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v0.docx 2020/06/01 17:38 540,7 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v0_BB.docx 2020/06/02 15:09 579,1 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v0_BB_Eric.docx 2020/06/05 9:49 557 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v0_BB_Eric_QC.docx 2020/06/06 2:58 558,1 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v1.docx 2020/06/10 7:31 521,8 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v2_QC.docx 2020/06/11 4:41 570,5 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v2_QC_Eri.docx 2020/06/11 10:53 590,2 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v2_QC_Eri_ZTE.docx 2020/06/11 17:12 582,3 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v3_QC.docx 2020/06/11 19:41 598,9 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v4.docx 2020/06/12 9:46 542,1 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v4_QC.docx 2020/06/12 21:51 613,7 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v5.docx 2020/06/16 2:29 541 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v5_QC.docx 2020/06/17 1:41 592,9 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v6.docx 2020/06/17 13:34 580,6 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v6_QC.docx 2020/06/17 17:21 597,5 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v6_QC_Eri.docx 2020/06/17 17:43 601,9 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v7.docx 2020/06/18 15:03 530,8 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v7_QC.docx 2020/06/18 18:02 582 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v8-clean.docx 2020/06/19 8:10 563,6 KB
icon Draft_R2-2005291 Corrections to 36.331 for R16 NB-IoT_v8-comment.docx 2020/06/19 8:10 528,8 KB

20 items.