ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_109bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-063][NR15] SRS capability for SRS-only SCell / latest CRs

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icon Draft R2-2004197 R15 38.331 SRS capability report for SRS only Scell v1.docx 2020/04/29 8:10 42 KB
icon Draft R2-2004197 R15 38.331 SRS capability report for SRS only Scell.docx 2020/04/29 2:49 42 KB
icon Draft R2-2004198 R16 38.331 SRS capability report for SRS only Scell v1.docx 2020/04/29 8:10 41,7 KB
icon Draft R2-2004198 R16 38.331 SRS capability report for SRS only Scell.docx 2020/04/29 2:49 41,7 KB
icon Draft R2-2004199 R15 38306 SRS Capability report for SRS only Scell v1.docx 2020/04/29 8:10 51,2 KB
icon Draft R2-2004199 R15 38306 SRS Capability report for SRS only Scell.docx 2020/04/29 2:49 51,2 KB
icon Draft R2-2004200 R16 38306 SRS Capability report for SRS only Scell v1.docx 2020/04/29 8:10 50,4 KB
icon Draft R2-2004200 R16 38306 SRS Capability report for SRS only Scell.docx 2020/04/29 2:49 45,3 KB

8 items.