ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_116 / Inbox / drafts / 8.4(Netw_Energy_NR)

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icon Cell DTX DRX 2024/04/10 13:44
icon Spatial and power adaptation 2024/04/10 13:45
icon R1-24xxxx draft LS on NES v00.docx 2024/04/10 13:31 26,2 KB
icon R1-24xxxx draft LS on NES v01.docx 2024/04/10 13:31 26,4 KB
icon R1-24xxxx draft LS on NES v02.docx 2024/04/10 13:31 27,4 KB
icon R1-24xxxx draft LS on NES v03.docx 2024/04/10 13:31 27,6 KB
icon RAN1#116 RAN1 schedule for David sessions v02.docx 2024/04/10 13:31 35,6 KB

7 items.