/ RAN2_MIMO_38300
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2023/11/17 12:46
197,3 KB
2023/11/17 12:46
24,5 KB
R1-2312359_Draft reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution_v00.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
26,3 KB
R1-2312359_Draft reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution_v01.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
27,2 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V00_Mod_v00.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
208,7 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V01_Mod_ericsson.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
223,6 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V02_ericsson_Samsung.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
222,4 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V03_Samsung_OPPO.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
223,6 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V04_OPPO_Docomo.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
210,1 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V05_Docomo_Nokia.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
225,5 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V06_Nokia_Mod.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
212,6 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V07_Mod_Mod2.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
212,1 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V08_Mod2_H3C.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
290,9 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V09_H3C_ZTE.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
293,3 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V10_ZTE_HW.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
217,5 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V11_HW_Mod.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
208,6 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V12_Mod_ASUS.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
223,7 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V13_ASUS_HW.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
223,7 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V14_HW_Mod.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
209,5 KB
R1-231xxxx_Summary on reply LS on Stage-2 CR for MIMO evolution - V15_Mod_Mod.docx
2023/11/17 12:46
210,1 KB
20 items.