ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_114b / Inbox / drafts / 8.7(NR_Mob_enh2)

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icon 8.7.1_L1enh 2023/10/24 23:18
icon 8.7.2_TA 2023/10/13 18:30
icon untitled folder 2023/10/13 18:30
icon higher_layer_parameters_Mobility_v000.xlsx 2023/10/13 18:28 25,5 KB
icon higher_layer_parameters_Mobility_v001.xlsx 2023/10/13 18:28 26,9 KB
icon higher_layer_parameters_Mobility_v002.xlsx 2023/10/13 18:28 26,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx-114bis-FLS-femob-L1enh-v008_Futurewei_ZTE.docx 2023/10/13 18:28 512,2 KB

7 items.