ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_114b / Inbox / drafts / 8(NR_R18) / 38.214 draft CRs

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icon [Post-114bis-38.214-MC_Enh] 2023/10/20 23:45
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-Netw_Energy_NR] 2023/10/19 20:13
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_cov_enh2] 2023/10/17 11:02
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_MIMO_evo_DL_UL 2023/10/20 6:23
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_Mob_enh2] 2023/10/20 5:49
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_NTN_Enh] 2023/10/19 19:41
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_pos_enh2] 2023/10/20 9:44
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_redcap_enh] 2023/10/20 10:03
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_SL_enh2] 2023/10/20 6:43
icon [Post-114bis-38.214-NR_XR_enh] 2023/10/17 10:47

10 items.