ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_114b / Inbox / drafts / 8(NR_R18) / 37.213 draft CRs

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icon R1-23xxxxx draft CR 37.213 NR_SL_enh2-Core - v000.docx 2023/10/18 1:23 68,5 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx draft CR 37.213 NR_SL_enh2-Core - v001.docx 2023/10/18 11:39 68,3 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx draft CR 37.213 NR_SL_enh2-Core - v002.docx 2023/10/18 14:45 68,6 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx draft CR 37.213 NR_SL_enh2-Core - v003.docx 2023/10/19 18:48 69,4 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx draft CR 37.213 NR_SL_enh2-Core - v004.docx 2023/10/20 7:24 69,4 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v000.docx 2023/10/18 1:24 164 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v001_OPPO.docx 2023/10/18 9:16 168,9 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v002_OPPO_Sharp.docx 2023/10/18 10:03 169,4 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v003_Sharp_Editor.docx 2023/10/18 11:39 165,8 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v004_Editor_OPPO.docx 2023/10/18 12:06 166,9 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v005_OPPO_Editor.docx 2023/10/18 14:45 167,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v006_Editor_OPPO.docx 2023/10/18 16:02 167,4 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v007_OPPO_Samsung.docx 2023/10/18 20:02 168,9 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v008_Samsung_QC.docx 2023/10/19 0:48 178,5 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v009_QC_CATT.docx 2023/10/19 3:31 179,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v010_CATT_HWHiSi.docx 2023/10/19 4:28 182,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v011_HWHiSi_LGE.docx 2023/10/19 5:21 183,2 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v012_LGE_OPPO.docx 2023/10/19 11:30 186,5 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v013_OPPO_Editor.docx 2023/10/19 18:48 189,5 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v014_Editor_CATT.docx 2023/10/20 2:36 192 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Editor Summary- draft CR 37.213 for SL-U - v015_CATT_Editor.docx 2023/10/20 7:24 192,7 KB

21 items.