ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_114 / Inbox / drafts / 9.5(NR_pos_enh2) / 9.5.2 (CPP) / Draft LS

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icon Chair's notes RAN1#114 9.5 R18 NR POS 2023/08/25 15:13 326 KB
icon Draft LS R1-230xxxx Reply LS on PRU Procedures_v000.docx 2023/08/25 15:13 79,9 KB
icon Draft LS R1-230xxxx Reply LS on PRU Procedures_v001_FL.docx 2023/08/25 15:13 80 KB
icon Draft LS R1-230xxxx Reply LS on PRU Procedures_v002_FL.docx 2023/08/25 15:13 80,2 KB

4 items.