ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_114 / Inbox / drafts / 7.1(NR_R16_Maint) / Number of DMRS CDM groups without data

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icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V000_FL.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 91,3 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V001_FL_MTK.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 91,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V002_MTK_Apple.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 92 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V003_Apple_OPPO.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 91,4 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V004_OPPO_Ericsson.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 92,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V005_Ericsson_ZTE.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 88,4 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V006_ZTE_Samsung.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 87,4 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V007_Samsung_Nokia.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 89,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V008_Nokia_Huawei.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 81,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V009_Huawei_FL.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 95,2 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V010_FL_MTK2.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 95,6 KB
icon R1-230xxxx FL summary #1 of clarifying number of CDM groups without data for DMRS_V011_MTK2_FL.docx 2023/08/25 15:07 98 KB

12 items.