ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_113 / Inbox / drafts / 9.17(Other) / 36.213 draft CR / IoT-NTN

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icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v0.docx 2023/06/05 0:56 92,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v0_ZTE.docx 2023/06/05 9:08 96,9 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v1.docx 2023/06/07 23:47 92,5 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v1_ZTE_QC.docx 2023/06/06 17:27 99,8 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v1_ZTE_QC_Nokia.docx 2023/06/07 1:08 100,7 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v2.docx 2023/06/09 0:58 92,3 KB
icon R1-230xxxx draft CR 36213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core v3.docx 2023/06/09 20:09 92,1 KB
icon R1-230xxxx Editor summary - draft CR 36.213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core - v01.docx 2023/06/07 23:48 169,1 KB
icon R1-230xxxx Editor summary - draft CR 36.213 IoT_NTN_enh-Core - v02.docx 2023/06/09 20:47 179 KB

9 items.