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icon Round_2 2023/03/03 19:40
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v001_FL.docx 2023/02/26 12:49 419,1 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v002_FL_CMCC.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 420,1 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v003_CMCC_Intel.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 420,9 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v004_Intel_QC.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 428,5 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v005_QC_FW.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 429 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v006_FW_LGE.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 424,6 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v007_LGE_Lenovo.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 433,6 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v008_Lenovo_Apple.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 433,4 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v009_Apple_SPRD.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 430,1 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v010_SPRD_Transsion.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 336,4 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v011_Transsion_NEC.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 300,6 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v011_Transsion_Sony.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 310,3 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v012_Sony_vivo.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 334,8 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v013_vivo_Pana.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 332,4 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v014_Pana_xiaomi.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 329,2 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v015_Ericsson_CableLabs.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 345,1 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v015_xiaomi_Ericsson.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 333,5 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v016_Ericsson_WILUS.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 342,7 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v017_WILUS_Sharp.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 335,1 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v018_Sharp_NEC.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 0 KB
icon draft R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v019_NEC_SS.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 337,4 KB
icon R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v100.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 340,7 KB
icon R1-2301790 summary for SL-U channel access_RA_v101_HWHiSi.docx 2023/03/03 19:33 347 KB

24 items.