ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_112 / Inbox / drafts / 6(E-UTRA_Maint)

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icon R1-2xxxxxx Moderator Summary [112-R8_R16-LTE]_v002_QC_HWHiSi.docx 2023/03/03 19:26 61,3 KB
icon R1-2xxxxxx Moderator Summary [112-R8~R16-LTE]_v000_Moderator.docx 2023/02/24 16:46 68 KB
icon R1-2xxxxxx Moderator Summary [112-R8~R16-LTE]_v001_Moderator_QC.docx 2023/03/03 19:26 68,7 KB

3 items.