ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_110 / Inbox / drafts / 9.9(NR_DSS_enh) / Two overlapping CRS rate matching patterns / Draft LS

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icon R1-220xxxx [Draft] LS to RAN2 on two overlapping LTE-CRS patterns in Rel-18 DSS_v0.docx 2022/08/25 6:30 26,4 KB
icon R1-220xxxx [Draft] LS to RAN2 on two overlapping LTE-CRS patterns in Rel-18 DSS_v1_OPPO.docx 2022/08/25 7:53 28,2 KB
icon R1-220xxxx [Draft] LS to RAN2 on two overlapping LTE-CRS patterns in Rel-18 DSS_v2.docx 2022/08/25 17:27 28,7 KB

3 items.