ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_110 / Inbox / drafts / 8.8(NR_cov_enh) / Msg3 repetition

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icon Draft CRs 2022/08/19 7:30
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v000_FL.docx 2022/08/19 7:30 195,7 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v001_FL_Nokia.docx 2022/08/19 16:45 187,4 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v002_Nokia_Intel.docx 2022/08/19 18:58 188,4 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v003_Intel-vivo.docx 2022/08/20 10:05 188,1 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v004_vivo_ZTE.docx 2022/08/21 17:13 187,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v005_ZTE_SPRD.docx 2022/08/22 1:56 188,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v006_SPRD_CMCC.docx 2022/08/22 2:04 198,6 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v007_CMCC_CATT.docx 2022/08/22 2:51 214,8 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v008_CATT_CTC.docx 2022/08/22 5:40 189 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v009_CTC_Ericsson.docx 2022/08/22 7:17 189,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v010_Ericsson_DCM.docx 2022/08/22 7:33 189,6 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v011_DCM_OPPO.docx 2022/08/22 9:49 189,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v012_OPPO_Sharp.docx 2022/08/22 10:13 190 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v013_Sharp_SS.docx 2022/08/23 5:29 190,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on Msg3 repetition_v014_SS_Xiaomi.docx 2022/08/24 8:04 189 KB

16 items.