/ Handling LS of R1-2207813 (missing RRC parameter in IUC scheme 2)
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R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v000_Moderator.docx
2022/08/22 12:03
58,8 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v001_Moderator_OPPO.docx
2022/08/23 5:57
58,3 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v002_OPPO_DCM.docx
2022/08/23 6:32
58,8 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v003_DCM_vivo.docx
2022/08/23 7:10
58,8 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v004_vivo_Ericsson.docx
2022/08/23 7:19
59,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v004_vivo_Intel.docx
2022/08/23 7:17
59,5 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v005_Intel_xiaomi.docx
2022/08/23 8:15
58,5 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v006_xiaomi_QC.docx
2022/08/23 8:50
60,5 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v007_QC_SPRD.docx
2022/08/23 9:55
59 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v007_QC_SS.docx
2022/08/23 9:55
59,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v008_SS_NOK.docx
2022/08/23 10:35
60,7 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v008_SS_ZTESane.docx
2022/08/23 10:56
61 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v009_NOK_ZTESane.docx
2022/08/23 10:59
61,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v010_ZTESane_NEC.docx
2022/08/23 11:56
56,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v011_NEC_CATT.docx
2022/08/23 12:01
57,3 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v012_CATT_HWHiSi.docx
2022/08/23 14:33
59,7 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v100_Moderator.docx
2022/08/24 6:52
66 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v101_Moderator_intel.docx
2022/08/24 8:12
77,3 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v102_intel_NOK.docx
2022/08/24 12:21
65,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v200_Moderator.docx
2022/08/24 13:57
66,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v201_Moderator_DCM.docx
2022/08/24 16:08
65,8 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v202_DCM_CATT.docx
2022/08/25 6:15
63,9 KB
R1-220xxxx Moderator summary of Email Discussion on reply LS in R1-2207813_v202_DCM_Moderator.docx
2022/08/25 6:52
65,7 KB
R1-220xxxx [Draft] Reply LS to RNA2 on Missing RRC Parameter in IUC Scheme 2.docx
2022/08/25 6:52
51,5 KB
24 items.