ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_109-e / Inbox / drafts / 9.9.2 / [109-e-R18-DSS-02] - 3rd round

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icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_v31_SPRD_FL.docx 2022/05/16 15:03 368,2 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V32_FL_MTK.docx 2022/05/17 5:47 351,8 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V33_MTK_Xiaomi.docx 2022/05/17 8:07 346 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V34_Xiaomi_vivo.docx 2022/05/17 11:36 349,5 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V35_vivo_FL.docx 2022/05/17 15:02 376 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V36_FL_OPPO.docx 2022/05/17 17:09 370,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V37_OPPO_Apple.docx 2022/05/18 2:36 352,9 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V38_Apple_FL.docx 2022/05/18 16:19 375,5 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V39_FL_MTK.docx 2022/05/19 0:02 346,2 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V40_MTK_HW.docx 2022/05/19 2:21 359,7 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V41_HW_OPPO.docx 2022/05/19 3:01 399,3 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V42_OPPO_DCM.docx 2022/05/19 4:25 400,6 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #1 of [109-e-R18-DSS-02]_V43_DCM_ZTE.docx 2022/05/19 7:21 391,1 KB

13 items.