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icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v200_FL.docx 2022/05/16 18:17 655,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v201_FL_InterDigital.docx 2022/05/16 21:30 660,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v202_InterDigital_Apple.docx 2022/05/16 21:52 661,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v203_Apple_Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/17 0:13 665,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v204_Qualcomm_OPPO.docx 2022/05/17 1:14 663,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v205_OPPO_LGE.docx 2022/05/17 1:35 660,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v206_LGE_CMCC.docx 2022/05/17 1:58 674,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v207_CMCC_CTC.docx 2022/05/17 2:46 676,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v208_CTC_Intel.docx 2022/05/17 6:20 678,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v209_Intel_Sharp.docx 2022/05/17 6:54 744,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v210_Sharp_Fujitsu.docx 2022/05/17 7:20 669,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v211_Fujitsu_Pana.docx 2022/05/17 7:41 753,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v212_Pana_SS.docx 2022/05/17 8:08 746,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v213_SS_vivo.docx 2022/05/17 8:17 752,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v214_vivo_ZTESane.docx 2022/05/17 8:53 788,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v215_ZTESane_Sony.docx 2022/05/17 8:56 736,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v216_Sony_xiaomi.docx 2022/05/17 9:53 741,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v217_xiaomi_WILUS.docx 2022/05/17 10:04 749,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v218_WILUS_SPRD.docx 2022/05/17 11:14 739,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v219_SPRD_NOK.docx 2022/05/17 11:30 742,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v220_NOK_Lenovo.docx 2022/05/17 12:01 759 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v221_Lenovo_NEC.docx 2022/05/17 12:17 743,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v222_NEC_MediaTek.docx 2022/05/17 12:26 747 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v223_MediaTek_DCM.docx 2022/05/17 13:09 749 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v224_DCM_Fraunhofer.docx 2022/05/17 13:35 749,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v225_Fraunhofer_CATT.docx 2022/05/17 13:44 750,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v226_CATT_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/17 13:52 755,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v227_Ericsson_CableLabs.docx 2022/05/17 14:04 760,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v228_CableLabs_HWHiSi.docx 2022/05/17 14:39 765,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v229_HWHiSi_Transsion.docx 2022/05/17 16:56 762,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v230_Transsion_BRCM.docx 2022/05/17 18:55 736 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v230_Transsion_Toyota.docx 2022/05/17 18:02 775,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v231_BRCM_Toyota.docx 2022/05/17 19:01 769,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v232_Toyota_Bosch.docx 2022/05/17 19:51 780,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v233_Bosch_Futurewei.docx 2022/05/17 23:48 773,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v300_FL.docx 2022/05/19 2:49 791,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v301_FL_Intel.docx 2022/05/19 5:38 811,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v302_Intel_LGE.docx 2022/05/19 6:03 794,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v303_LGE_CMCC.docx 2022/05/19 7:01 812,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v304_CMCC_Fujitsu.docx 2022/05/19 7:30 887,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v305_Fujitsu_ xiaomi.docx 2022/05/19 8:37 872,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v306_ xiaomi_vivo.docx 2022/05/19 9:21 873,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v307_vivo_CATT.docx 2022/05/19 9:26 873,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v308_CATT_FL.docx 2022/05/19 9:55 883,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v309_FL_SS.docx 2022/05/19 10:05 876,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v310_SS_ZTESane.docx 2022/05/19 10:14 920,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v311_ZTESane_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/19 10:22 862,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v312_Ericsson_Sharp.docx 2022/05/19 10:46 970,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v313_Sharp_HWHiSi.docx 2022/05/19 10:56 865,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v314_FL_CabeLabs.docx 2022/05/19 13:56 884 KB
icon draft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v314_HWHiSi_FL.docx 2022/05/19 12:23 879,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205183 summary for SL-U channel access v400_FL.docx 2022/05/20 4:07 950,4 KB
icon ~$aft R1-2205182 summary for SL-U channel access v227_Ericsson_CableLabs.docx 2022/05/17 14:01 0,1 KB

53 items.