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icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v000_FL.docx 2022/05/10 11:34 562,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v001_FL_InterDigital.docx 2022/05/10 20:19 563,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v002_InterDigital_Intel.docx 2022/05/11 0:17 571,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v004_Intel_LGE.docx 2022/05/11 1:39 573,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v004_Intel_LGE2.docx 2022/05/11 1:51 573,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v005_LGE2_Futurewei.docx 2022/05/11 3:17 577,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v005_LGE2_OPPO.docx 2022/05/11 3:17 581,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v006_OPPO_Futurewei.docx 2022/05/11 3:22 584,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v006_OPPO_Futurewei_CableLabs.docx 2022/05/11 4:38 587,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v007_Futurewei_Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/11 4:04 592,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v008_Qualcomm_Pana.docx 2022/05/11 4:20 592,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v009_Pana_CMCC.docx 2022/05/11 5:04 594,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v010_CMCC_vivo.docx 2022/05/11 5:46 598,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v011_vivo_ZTESane.docx 2022/05/11 6:55 649,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v012_ZTESane_Sharp.docx 2022/05/11 6:58 649 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v013_Sharp_CableLabs.docx 2022/05/11 8:09 596,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v014_CableLabs_xiaomi.docx 2022/05/11 8:50 597,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v015_xiaomi_Lenovo.docx 2022/05/11 8:59 606,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v016_Lenovo_DCM.docx 2022/05/11 9:04 605,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v017_DCM_DCM2.docx 2022/05/11 9:04 605,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v018_DCM2_SPRD.docx 2022/05/11 9:12 603,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v019_SPRD_vivo2.docx 2022/05/11 9:15 609 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v020_vivo2_Fujitsu.docx 2022/05/11 9:22 611,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v021_Fujitsu_CATT.docx 2022/05/11 9:25 609,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v022_CATT_Sony.docx 2022/05/11 9:31 617,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v023_Sony_SS.docx 2022/05/11 9:50 612,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v024_SS_NOK.docx 2022/05/11 9:56 615,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v025_NOK_Fraunhofer.docx 2022/05/11 10:18 615,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v026_Fraunhofer_Transsion.docx 2022/05/11 10:29 504,7 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v027_Transsion_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/11 10:53 524 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v028_Ericsson_NEC.docx 2022/05/11 11:05 516,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v029_NEC_MediaTek.docx 2022/05/11 12:17 521,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v030_MediaTek_HWHiSi.docx 2022/05/11 12:29 590,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v031_HWHiSi_BRCM.docx 2022/05/11 16:47 592,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v032_BRCM_Apple.docx 2022/05/11 19:55 596,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v033_Apple_WILUS.docx 2022/05/12 8:34 598,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205180 summary for SL-U channel access v034_WILUS_Bosch.docx 2022/05/15 20:27 598,8 KB

37 items.