ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_109-e / Inbox / drafts / 8 / 38.212 draft CRs

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icon R1-22xxxxx Correction on extension of current NR operation to 71 GHz in 38.212.docx 2022/05/24 23:02 71 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on enhanced IIoT and URLLC in 38.212.docx 2022/05/25 3:58 86,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on enhanced IIoT and URLLC in 38.212_v1.0.docx 2022/05/26 8:02 87,8 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on enhanced IIoT and URLLC in 38.212_v2.0.docx 2022/05/26 12:58 76,1 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on enhanced IIoT and URLLC in 38.212_v3.0.docx 2022/05/27 1:33 87,5 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on Further enhancements on MIMO for NR in TS 38.212.docx 2022/05/24 22:58 88,8 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on NR Multicast and Broadcast Services in 38.212.docx 2022/05/25 1:34 65,9 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Corrections on UE power saving enhancements in 38.212.docx 2022/05/24 23:13 74,2 KB

8 items.