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icon Preperation phase 2022/04/28 7:52
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v001-FL.docx 2022/05/09 6:34 82,5 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v002-FL-Ericsson.docx 2022/05/09 7:38 84,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v003-Ericsson-Lenovo.docx 2022/05/09 10:29 86,1 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v004-Lenovo-qc.docx 2022/05/09 12:34 86,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v005-qc-Nokia.docx 2022/05/09 14:25 87,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v006-Nokia-ZTE.docx 2022/05/10 2:03 149,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v007-ZTE-Ericsson.docx 2022/05/10 7:33 148,9 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v008-Ericsson-Lenovo.docx 2022/05/10 9:58 149,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v009-Lenovo-FL.docx 2022/05/12 10:06 149,8 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v010-FL-Ericsson.docx 2022/05/12 11:20 151,9 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v011-Ericsson-Lenovo.docx 2022/05/12 12:54 152,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v012-Lenovo-Ericsson.docx 2022/05/12 14:30 152,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Feature lead summary on 109-e-LTE-Rel17-NB-IoT-eMTC-01-v013-Ericsson-ZTE.docx 2022/05/12 15:09 153,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx text proposals on NB-IoT 16QAM-v01.docx 2022/05/12 10:05 67 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx text proposals on NB-IoT 16QAM-v02.docx 2022/05/13 1:40 67,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx text proposals on NB-IoT 16QAM-v03.docx 2022/05/13 8:11 67,1 KB

17 items.