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icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v000_Moderator.docx 2022/05/09 8:06 138,3 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v001_Moderator_Nokia.docx 2022/05/10 8:02 140,3 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v002_Nokia_ZTE.docx 2022/05/10 12:21 127,8 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v003_ZTE_Lenovo.docx 2022/05/10 13:24 133 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v004_Lenovo_Apple.docx 2022/05/10 19:01 131,9 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v005_Apple_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/10 20:57 132,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v006_Ericsson_Lockheed.docx 2022/05/11 1:27 136,4 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v007_Lockheed_Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/11 4:12 132,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v008_Qualcomm_SPRD.docx 2022/05/11 4:52 124,9 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v009_SPRD_Nordic.docx 2022/05/11 6:06 134,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v010_Nordic_SONY.docx 2022/05/11 6:44 129 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v011_SONY_Xiaomi.docx 2022/05/11 9:37 134,7 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v100_Moderator.docx 2022/05/11 13:46 136,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v101_Moderator.docx 2022/05/11 14:54 138,4 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v102_Moderator.docx 2022/05/13 6:47 139,2 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v102_Moderator_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/13 23:59 145,7 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v103_Ericsson_ZTE.docx 2022/05/16 6:38 142,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v104_ZTE_Xiaomi.docx 2022/05/16 8:29 132,4 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v105_Xiaomi_Nokia.docx 2022/05/16 18:50 143,8 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v106_Nokia_SONY.docx 2022/05/16 22:24 144 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v200_Moderator.docx 2022/05/17 18:18 142,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v201_Moderator_ZTE.docx 2022/05/18 3:19 149,6 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v202_ZTE_Moderator.docx 2022/05/18 9:58 140,8 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v203_Moderator_MediaTek.docx 2022/05/18 9:58 142,5 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v204_MediaTek_Nokia.docx 2022/05/18 15:05 147,9 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v205_Nokia_SONY.docx 2022/05/18 23:08 145,7 KB
icon R1-211XXXX-Summary-1 of 8.14 Maintenance for IoT NTN - time and frequency sync_v206_SONY_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/19 1:04 151,2 KB
icon R1-2202915-Summary-4 of 8.14.1 Enh to time and frequency sync_v300.docx 2022/05/13 6:45 974,2 KB
icon 2022/05/09 7:53 77,3 KB

29 items.