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icon draft_R1-220xxxx_Summary on UE features for enhanced IIoT and URLLC_v014_QC_moderator-WLH.docx 2022/05/11 2:37 578,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v01-FL.docx 2022/05/09 7:04 161 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v02-FL-Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/09 21:21 161,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v03-Qualcomm_Intel.docx 2022/05/09 21:46 161,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v04-Intel_DCM.docx 2022/05/10 0:17 161,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v05-DCM_SS.docx 2022/05/10 2:03 161,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v06_SS_CATT.docx 2022/05/10 4:26 214,5 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v07_CATT_vivo.docx 2022/05/10 4:34 162,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v08_vivo_DCM.docx 2022/05/10 6:18 162,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v09_DCM_vivo.docx 2022/05/10 6:43 163 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v10_vivo_DCM.docx 2022/05/10 7:07 163,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v11_DCM_Nokia.docx 2022/05/10 7:24 164,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v12_Nokia_Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/10 7:34 164,5 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v13_Qualcomm_ZTE.docx 2022/05/10 12:39 163,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v14_ZTE_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/10 14:10 165 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v15_Ericsson_Sharp.docx 2022/05/10 14:25 166,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v16_Sharp_Huawei.docx 2022/05/10 15:08 165,1 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v17_Huawei_FL.docx 2022/05/11 2:38 167,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v18_FL_Qualcomm.docx 2022/05/11 4:53 168,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v19_Qualcomm_DCM.docx 2022/05/11 6:04 169,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v20_DCM_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/11 7:07 170,9 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v21_Ericsson_Huawei.docx 2022/05/11 9:58 168,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v22_Huawei_ZTE.docx 2022/05/11 14:06 169,5 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v23_ZTE_Nokia.docx 2022/05/11 16:42 170,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v24_Nokia_vivo.docx 2022/05/12 3:22 171,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v25_vivo_Samsung.docx 2022/05/12 4:35 172,3 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v26_Samsung_Sharp.docx 2022/05/12 15:11 171,9 KB
icon [Draft]R1-2205297_[109-e-NR-CRs-05] Summary on timeline requirement for MSG1 and MSGA reTx-r1v27_Sharp_FL.docx 2022/05/13 0:02 173 KB

28 items.