ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_107-e / Inbox / drafts / 8 / 38.212 draft CRs

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icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR 38.214 NR_FeMIMO-Core_CSI_v4.docx 2021/12/05 10:11 264,5 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR DL 1024QAM 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:13 45,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR DL 1024QAM 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/06 2:22 46,6 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR DSS 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:13 95,2 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR DSS 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 15:56 95,6 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR extend to 71 GHz 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:12 116,4 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR extend to 71 GHz 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 6:04 103,4 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR sidelink enhancement 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:14 64,1 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for NR sidelink enhancement 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 12:35 63,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 enhanced IIoT and URLLC 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:14 120,4 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 enhanced IIoT and URLLC 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v3.docx 2021/12/02 10:55 151,7 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 enhanced IIoT and URLLC 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v4.docx 2021/12/06 2:01 151,5 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 enhanced IIoT and URLLC 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v5.docx 2021/12/06 9:47 151,3 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 enhanced IIoT and URLLC_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/11/30 13:13 136,7 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 FeMIMO 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:14 599,3 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 FeMIMO 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 15:15 650,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 FeMIMO 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v3.docx 2021/12/03 13:26 650,7 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 NR NTN 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:14 121,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for R17 NR NTN 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 16:06 110,4 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 CovEnh 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:13 264,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 CovEnh 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 15:48 265,2 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 CovEnh 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v3.docx 2021/12/07 10:47 265,3 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 NR MBS 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:13 141,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 NR MBS 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 8:57 155,8 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 UE power saving 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v1.docx 2021/11/29 2:14 91,1 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 UE power saving 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v2.docx 2021/12/02 11:42 91,7 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx draft CR for Rel-17 UE power saving 38.212_post RAN1#107-e v3.docx 2021/12/06 6:39 79,5 KB

27 items.