ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_107-e / Inbox / drafts / 8.1.1 / LS to RAN4 on overlapped SSB

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icon Company input for the LS to RAN4 on overlapped SSB_v00_Mod.docx 2021/11/17 14:39 18,4 KB
icon Company input for the LS to RAN4 on overlapped SSB_v01_Mod_HWHiSi.docx 2021/11/17 14:59 17,7 KB
icon Company input for the LS to RAN4 on overlapped SSB_v02_HWHiSi_Mod.docx 2021/11/17 23:33 18,6 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx [Draft] LS on L1-RSRP measurement behaviour when SSBs associated with different PCIs overlap_v00.docx 2021/11/17 14:36 39,6 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx [Draft] LS on L1-RSRP measurement behaviour when SSBs associated with different PCIs overlap_v01.docx 2021/11/17 23:33 40,5 KB

5 items.