ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_104-e / Inbox / drafts / 8.15.1 / Draft TP for TR 36.763

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icon DRAFT-For RAN1-103e agreement--R1-2102231-TR 36.763 IoT NTN-v002.doc 2021/02/05 17:51 560,5 KB
icon DRAFT-For RAN1-104e-R1-210XXXX-TR 36.763 IoT NTN-v003.doc 2021/02/08 15:25 782,5 KB
icon DRAFT-R1-2102177-Rapporteur(MediaTek)-Text proposal for TR 36.736 for RAN1-104e agreements.docx 2021/02/05 1:40 213,1 KB
icon DRAFT-R1-2102177-Rapporteur(MediaTek)-Text proposal for TR 36.736 for RAN1-104e agreements_V2.docx 2021/02/05 16:01 219,9 KB

4 items.