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icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V000.docx 2020/08/21 21:52 146,5 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V001_ZTE.docx 2020/08/24 6:28 142,3 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V002_ZTE_OPPO.docx 2020/08/24 9:11 132,7 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V003_OPPO_CATT.docx 2020/08/24 11:30 187,5 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V004_CATT_Samsung.docx 2020/08/24 13:37 132,4 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V005_Samsung-Intel.docx 2020/08/24 19:08 133,2 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V006_Intel_Nokia.docx 2020/08/25 10:50 135,5 KB
icon FL summary of baseline coverage evaluation for FR2 - third round V007_Nokia_QC.docx 2020/08/25 15:41 133,8 KB

8 items.