ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_102-e / Inbox / drafts / 7.2 / 38.212 draft CRs

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icon R1-200xxxx draft 38.212 CR on eMIMO_post RAN1#102-e v1.docx 2020/09/01 8:04 188,1 KB
icon R1-20xxxx draft 38.212 CR on NR V2X_post RAN1 102-e v1.docx 2020/09/01 9:33 54,5 KB
icon R1-20xxxx draft 38.212 CR on NR V2X_post RAN1 102-e v2.docx 2020/09/02 9:30 54,7 KB
icon R1-20xxxx draft 38.212 CR on NR V2X_post RAN1 102-e v3.docx 2020/09/03 8:02 54,9 KB
icon R1-20xxxxx draft 38.212 CR on eURLLC_post RAN1#102-e v1.docx 2020/09/01 8:04 53,6 KB
icon R1-20xxxxx draft 38.212 CR on NR-U_post RAN1#102-e v1.docx 2020/09/01 8:04 62,8 KB
icon R1-20xxxxx draft 38.212 CR on NR-U_post RAN1#102-e v2.docx 2020/09/02 7:46 69,3 KB

7 items.