ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_102-e / Inbox / drafts / 6.2.1 / 102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02

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icon Draft CR R1-200--- PUR USS.docx 2020/08/25 23:38 63,7 KB
icon Draft CR R1-200--- PUR Sub-PRB Allocation.docx 2020/08/25 23:38 57,5 KB
icon Draft CR R1-2007297 PUR USS.docx 2020/08/26 22:02 64,4 KB
icon Draft CR R1-2007299 PUR Sub-PRB Allocation.docx 2020/08/26 22:02 57,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v000_FL.docx 2020/08/18 16:35 112,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v001_FL-Ericsson.docx 2020/08/18 20:04 113,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v002-Ericsson-HWHiSi.docx 2020/08/19 15:39 105,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v003-HWHiSi-LG.docx 2020/08/19 17:06 114,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v004-LG-FL.docx 2020/08/19 19:52 115,6 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v005-FL-ZTE.docx 2020/08/19 20:49 116,2 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v006-ZTE-QC.docx 2020/08/19 22:30 206,3 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v007_QC-Ericsson.docx 2020/08/19 23:13 210,8 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v008_Ericsson_Nokia.docx 2020/08/20 9:53 210,8 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v009_Nokia-zte.docx 2020/08/20 15:26 227,6 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v010_zte - FL.docx 2020/08/21 0:11 236,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v011_FL-Ericsson.docx 2020/08/21 12:50 238,4 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FLS on [102-e-LTE-eMTC5-02]_v012-Ericsson-FL.docx 2020/08/21 16:10 238,5 KB

17 items.