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icon C3-203019_r1 V2XAPP 29.486 Storage of YAML files.docx 2020/06/05 1:14 33,4 KB
icon C3-203151_r1 V2XAPP 29.486 URI of the VAE APIs.docx 2020/06/09 15:06 191,1 KB
icon C3-203151_r2 V2XAPP 29.486 URI of the VAE APIs.docx 2020/06/10 7:36 190,4 KB
icon C3-203387_r1 V2XAPP CR 29.486 Supported headers, Resource Data type and yaml mapping.docx 2020/06/05 7:59 60,2 KB
icon C3-203387_r2 V2XAPP CR 29.486 Supported headers, Resource Data type and yaml mapping.docx 2020/06/08 6:34 61,1 KB
icon C3-203532_r1 was 2112 Apiversion of VAE_FileDistribution API.docx 2020/06/10 1:40 72,5 KB
icon C3-20xxxx was3241 V2XAPP, correct resource tree 29486 R16 v1.doc 2020/06/09 2:00 312 KB

7 items.