ETSI logo / FTP / Meetings_3GPP_SYNC / SA5 / Templates

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icon 2025/02/13 10:19 3 KB
icon 3GPP_TS-TR_Template-1h0.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 982 KB
icon LS-Template-130.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 24,8 KB
icon Presentation of Spec to TSG and WG Template.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 21,5 KB
icon Tdoc_template.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 25,7 KB
icon Template_3GPP_CR_v12-3.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 32,5 KB
icon WID_template.docx 2025/02/13 10:19 30,5 KB

7 items.