ETSI logo / FTP / Meetings_3GPP_SYNC / CT3 / Inbox / Drafts / NBI19

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icon C3-250249r1.docx 2025/02/17 17:18 158,2 KB
icon C3-250249_r2.docx 2025/02/19 8:23 154,8 KB
icon C3-250349 r1 NBI19 Corrections on the API status 29.222 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/17 17:25 38,5 KB
icon C3-250349r2 NBI19 Corrections on the API status 29.222 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/18 16:46 52,2 KB
icon C3-250349r3 NBI19 Corrections on the API status 29.222 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/19 7:47 52,4 KB
icon C3-250471 was 0095_NBI19_29558_Corrections to TrafficFilterInfo data type.docx 2025/02/17 16:28 69 KB
icon C3-250472 was 0096_NBI19_29558_Corrections to EcsInfoDiscoveryReq data type.docx 2025/02/17 16:28 62,6 KB

7 items.