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icon C3-250101_r1 AIML_CN 29.520 Add service consumer for retrieving signalling storm analytics.docx 2025/02/18 9:33 243,8 KB
icon C3-250172r1_29523_Signalling-storm-information-exposure.docx 2025/02/18 8:18 204 KB
icon C3-250173r1_29517_Signalling-storm-information-exposure.docx 2025/02/18 8:18 169,1 KB
icon C3-250174r1_29591_Signalling-storm-information-exposure.docx 2025/02/18 8:18 125,4 KB
icon C3-250175r1_29574_Adding-PCF-as-data-source.docx 2025/02/18 16:23 159,8 KB
icon C3-250288r1_AIML_CN_29520_Updates to Signalling Storm Analytics.docx 2025/02/19 5:09 238,9 KB
icon C3-250290r1_AIML_CN_29552_Updates to Signalling Storm Analytics.docx 2025/02/19 4:11 313 KB
icon C3-250290r2_AIML_CN_29552_Updates to Signalling Storm Analytics.docx 2025/02/20 22:32 313,2 KB
icon C3-250291r1_AIML_CN_29520_QoS and Policy Assistance Analytics in Nnwdaf_EventsSubscription API.docx 2025/02/21 1:09 281,5 KB
icon C3-250315r1 AIML_CN 29.513 Signalling storm analytics for policy decision.docx 2025/02/20 9:43 41,6 KB
icon C3-250315r1 AIML_CN 29.513 Signalling storm analytics for policy decision_v2.docx 2025/02/20 12:54 43,2 KB
icon C3-250368r1 AIML_CN Enhancements on the signalling storm analytics 29.520 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/18 12:30 159,8 KB
icon C3-250369r1 AIML_CN Enhancements on the signalling storm analytics 29.522 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/18 12:34 90,9 KB
icon C3-250369r2 AIML_CN Enhancements on the signalling storm analytics 29.522 Rel-19.docx 2025/02/19 15:10 91,8 KB
icon C3-250430_R1_AIML_CN_VFL Registration and preparation procedures.docx 2025/02/19 7:07 68,5 KB
icon C3-250430_R2_AIML_CN_VFL Registration and preparation procedures.docx 2025/02/19 10:04 70,1 KB
icon C3-250430_R3_AIML_CN_VFL Registration and preparation procedures.docx 2025/02/19 11:59 70,2 KB

17 items.