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icon C1-250662v6.docx 2025/02/19 14:22 25,4 KB
icon CT1#153-schedule-at-end-of-Monday.docx 2025/02/17 18:52 45,1 KB
icon CT1#153-schedule-at-end-of-Thursday.docx 2025/02/20 16:50 47,5 KB
icon CT1#153-schedule-at-end-of-Tuesday.docx 2025/02/18 18:14 46,9 KB
icon CT1#153-schedule-at-end-of-Wednesday.docx 2025/02/19 21:05 47,4 KB
icon draft C1-250379_rev_New WID on CT aspects for application enablement aspects for MMTel.docx 2025/02/17 12:16 35,4 KB
icon Draft C1-25xxxx - was0113 - 24.501 Handling of regulatory prioritized services in non-allowed area.docx 2025/02/18 10:35 307,6 KB
icon DRAFT [MINT2] C1-250762 was C1-250434 Conclusionfor KI4 - bb.docx 2025/02/19 9:47 44,1 KB
icon draft1 C1-250805 - was0113 - 24.501 Handling of regulatory prioritized services in non-allowed area.docx 2025/02/20 11:28 308,3 KB
icon draft2 C1-250652_was_C1-250379_New WID on CT aspects for application enablement aspects for MMTel.docx 2025/02/19 12:03 34 KB

10 items.